
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantasía
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411 Chs


It came as a surprise to all of them when Ron stepped out to fight, though this was for a different reason to them. V and his people were confused since Ron was already a superhuman, there was no reason why he should participate in the fight. However, on Nate's side, they were having a different reason to be shocked and that was because of the opponent Ron was choosing.

Out of all his horde members, Peter was the last person he want anyone to challenge since he might be too rough on them, however, now Nate knows that he made a mistake by allowing Peter to stay around.

"It's of no use, you already have your power, what else do you want?" V questioned Ron.

"I want to know who is faster, I saw how he used those sabre before, they were incredibly fast," Ron replied taking a stance.

"Mind you, if this starts, I won't be calling it off all else you are knocked out," Nate warned Ron, he was trying to tell Ron that what he is about to do was dangerous.

"Wait, are you going to allow such a thing?" Lyon asked confused by Nate's statement.

"What are you expecting? I should deny him the opportunity to fight?" Nate asked back.

"But his opponent," Lyon tried to reason with Nate.

"Enough, let this fight be," Nate said as Peter leapt over to the circle.

His left arm started to change, and he slowly but steadily walked towards Ron. Meanwhile, the other was already swinging his sabre. Since it was just a normal match, Ron was allowed to use his weapon.

The sabre's speed suddenly boosted as Ron was already using his power on it, when Peter came to a close range, Ron thrust his hand forward, but he hit nothing but thin air, Peter was no longer in front of him, he has sped up and to behind Ron, Peter swung his claws down and Ron's hand was chopped off.

Before he could understand what was happening, Peter kicked his leg, knocking him off balance. He jumped up and then spun his body and while doing this, he stretched out his hand and slashed Ron's chest, leaving a deep cut behind.

Meanwhile, Ron couldn't do anything, with one of his hands out, he was left with only one, but Peter won't give him any chance to make use of it and soon, his body was full of gash from Peter's claw.

'How is that possible, I was not able to lean even a single scratch on him, how is that even possible,' Ron was lost in his thoughts that he didn't even notice his hand was growing back.

However, by the time he could notice, Peter was already at him, not like he could do anything to change his fate, Peter was just too fast and agile that one second he was here, the other seconds he would be in another place.

It was as if he was teleporting himself, but it was all his speed that has reached a level that the others couldn't keep up.

Ron was sent off the circle with one blow from Peter judging from his condition, he was knocked out and soon was rushed out by two men that carried him away.

"Why do I have this feeling that Peter was not going all out which that's is unlikely of him," Twain who has firsthand witnessed Peter's crazy side commented.

It was practically obvious that Peter was holding back and was not that brutal to Ron, unlike him who will attempt to chop his head off. The reason for this is that Peter's intelligence has reached a level where he can understand things himself without the help of Nate who will translate them into a command form.

It was a piece of good news to Nate since this means that in no sooner time, Peter will be able to talk like them.

Meanwhile, someone else suddenly appeared before Nate. "I will also want to take a challenge," V said.

"With who?" asked Nate while his eyebrow was raised.

"With you," V replied and Twain couldn't help but smack his face. "Another stupid idea," he muttered.

Of course, Nate didn't decline the challenge, he quickly came over to the circle and then before waiting for V.

"I want you to use all you got," V said and took a stance. He took off his up clothes revealing his abs and muscular chest.

"Are you planning to intimidate me with that?" Nate asked mockingly.

"Ahhhh...!" V didn't reply and started running towards Nate, however, Nate didn't stand there doing nothing, he moved forward with a great speed, though not as fast as Lyon and Peter, he was not lacking either and his body slammed into V.

V was pushed back almost flying out from the circle, but was caught by Nate and was pulled back. V tried kicking Nate's face, but the former was a little bit ahead of him, he could see Vs's movement and so was V though since he now has incredible eyesight, but Nate's reaction was too fast for him.

Tossed V aside, but he made sure he was still inside the circle before then jumping up towards him. Nate arched his fist and thrust it forward.

V managed to raise his hand to block the attack but when he was hit by the fist, he felt his bone cracking and he was sent flying once more time.

Nate appeared behind him and kicked from his back, V was pushed forward but once again, Nate appeared in front of him, he kicked V again in the chest.

Kicked from all angles, V was confused as he takes all the pain without knowing where they were coming from since some of the strikes were coming at once and it was as if he was being ganged up on.

Nate eventually, stepped back then before spinning his body around and hitting V on his chest eventually sending him off from the circle.

Miraculously, V was not knocked out but his body was just too weak at this moment that he was not able to move.

Lynn was quick to act on V by sending more green light into his body and soon all his broken bones were healing up and soon, he was back to his peak health.

"To speed things up, we will have you all attack us at once," Nate addressed the others and soon, it was time for both Twain and Levi to show what they have. The two were next to each other as the cloud that was over five hundred men and women combined started running towards them.

"Lynn, get your power ready because we will be needing them right now," Nate said to Lynn, while Twain and Levi has taken action. People could be seen being sent flying into the sky as they fall through, but still gets up to fight.

Surely, among the cloud, some were already having some strange changes in their body and potency. Seeing all this happening, Nate was smiling, not just only him V was also doing the same.

Soon, their base would be filled with superhumans and they will have less fear in their world.


Meanwhile, Nate was not the only one making preparation, in a dark room, two men has been sitting down, but suddenly, a noise from outside made them stand up and greeted the person that just arrived.

"We got your reports, it is a pity though, but now I will be the one saying what will happen," The man said and the two replied with a nod though it was clear they weren't happy to see the man before them.

"Fuck those hunter bases for sending such a person," the two muttered.


Meanwhile, two battalion group has just met with each other and was heading towards a particular direction.

"However long do you think it will take," Mia asked green.

"From my calculation, if we use the cars it will take us two days or less to reach the location, but by foot, a week or more," Green replied.

"We can't afford to make any noise so, it's better we use foot," Mia as he looked at the other matrix members that were now ready.

"Let's go home guys," he muttered.

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