

This story is about the Alexander's siblings. Dwayne Alexander's POV Can you just give us another chance please " I pleaded no!' you don't love me enough " she sobs kerry , I do love you " I said in a trembling voice ,how can she thinks I don't. no!' you don't as everytime something comes up you always give up on us " kerry sobs it's true, I hate to admit, I did give up everytime but I wanna make it work now. and I do anything to make her forgive me ... ______ As the night falls and the rain begins to fall Just like the first time they met, in Kim's heart it was romantic. But in her mind it was tragic as whatever falls gets broken. A young man who is in his early twenties and a young lady who is in her teens , stood face to face in the rain looking at each other silently–suddenly, someone broke the silence Yang, i have nothing to say to you .. goodnight and goodbye, " said the young lady in a tired and hurt voice as she called the guy by the nickname she gave him before she even knew his real name, Then she walked away ,but the young man held her hands and pulled her back and said while looking at her eyes . No, we are not done talking, and you're not allowed to walk away without answering me !! , " He said, then add . And I'll ask you again ?”..Why did you go when I asked you to stay ?” .Why do you always run away from me ?” What is wrong, Kim ?”, " the young man asks, annoyed She young lady look look at him with a pain expression on her face even tho her lips had a smile on it and even tho the rain was falling on could still see her eyes were looking as if it would soon begin to flow like the rain She then said with a smirked Do you really not know?” ,Did you ever not know ?? the young man nodded his head The young lady finally had enough as it had been 8 months and decided to confess. Yang , I love you, ever since i first saw you and i can't–do this anymore I have been doing it long before..hoping you would be mine one day, but it never works out Pretending to be your friend it's not easy but I try and I try to forget my feelings and live with you but I guess maybe I should have learned to live without you.” She said then sighed inwardly knowing that it was a bad idea to tell him I did live without you for those few months but then there you go again .. you made things a lot harder when you came back and we became friends and now you're going again Yang, I had enough. You can't keep going and coming out of my life like that. The young man was shocked by the sudden confessions and said nothing like he was in another world . Kimanda looked at him for a while , and when he didn't say anything, she asked , " Can i atless kiss you ?? , without waiting for his reply, she walk up to him with all the courage she had and their lips met It was so sudden that even before Yang could come out of his shock ,then comes another one Kimanda suck and nibbled his lower lips as she had always wanted too as she knew this might be the first and the last time she ever got the chance to , so she took her time even though she wanted more she let go of his lips and looked into his shocked eyes. ----- VOl1 = That stranger that became my everything from nothing, Kim Alexander is a young girl who lost her sister , her best friend,her comfort zone , her idol , her advisor, her protector. Lost in grief, she lost hope , she had lost her world., dream and hopes when lovie lost her life , her friends betrayed her. In two years nothing but fear grows in her heart , she gets distant to her family and everyone she once loved. She don't wanna have that pain of losing someone else and she realizes that everyone who comes will leave eventually. At the age of 13 she falls in love with a stranger who is much older than her , fear crumpled in her heart but still it beats for him. Despite the fear , she went ahead and loved him wholeheartedly . She did secretly for months until she told him but he left anyways

LEXi592 · Adolescente
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88 Chs


Author pov

Seated in a chair, while eating , kim glance at her phone which is on the table.

She sighed heavily when she notice she didn't receive any messages from yang.

Did he forget about me ?"

Should I call him first ?"

But he said he will call!"

Then why is he not calling?"

Despite it had been only a day , kim felt the urge to call him, but don't wanna be seen desperate, which she is ..

She scratches her head in frustration, after dinner, she headed to her room.

just then her phone buzze. Her heart skip a beat but take a second before looking.

She frown she saw the message is from Deepak and not yang.

She pult the phone across the room onto her bed.

She looks back at the door but then, she run to her bed for her phone as she wonder ,why Deepak have text her.

Darling, congrats, we are making it public, " Deepak texted her and kim smile happy as she replies.

When ?"

In twenty four ,hours,....my mind can change in twenty three hours ,so don't get your hopes up"

Can I call you ?"

Sure thing..


Kim pov

I groaned in discomfort by the sound of my phone buzzing

Who is calling so early? With my eyes still close I reach for my phone as it's in the bedhead ,

My heart skips a beat and heat rushes up to my face as a smile creeps on my lips . As I stared onto his name which played across my phone screen .

I open my phone to read the messages which said.

Hi , good morning, I'm free today, are you free ?"

Aww, eww ,he should have asked if I'm even awake yet but this is fine ... Yes !!!

Good morning and Yes. I'm free today.

Great , when can we met?"

Um, I'm not sure about that yet but I will text you the time later on today .. okay ?"

Yeah .

Where can we met ?" I question.

Long yung ...

Yes .. yes !!" I jump on my bed round and round , dancing happily .

Oh man , kim your noise, " Amanda scolded me as she cover her head.

Oh sorry .. " I mumbled.


I manged to get dad to let me come with him , Zoey was going home too , so I say I would keep her company and nick support my decision.

" Oh man , now how am I supposed to get rid of her."


In twenty minutes.

We reach the boat house, we park the boat then got out .

I try to hide my excitement but I kept smiling.

Zoey said she need to buy something before leaving for her parents house .

Zoey , I'm not going with you, okay ?"

Where are you going ?"

Umm , lessons?"I said looking into her eyes


I'm taking painting lessons.please don't tell anyone , i will come later , please " I begge her and she agress but she wants me to keep her updated, after all she is responsible for me now..

I agree of course..


Seated in a cafa I stare at yang while he work

He is working then closing early at 12 , we are also gonna do our lessons here.

He said he works here and he asked his boss who is some family friends to rented it to him for a few hours today.

Ya ya.."

He looks ...so.. I don't have the words but i could keep staring all day, his presence is breath-taking .. so breath taking , i'm finding it hard to breath..."

Keep calm kim, keep calm ," I repeat but of course i can't keep calm , it's been a long time since i have last made friends, the first friend i made was Elwyn, the second was selena then their friends start to talking to me , I don't really have a name for any of my relationships i had with them , however talking to them was much easier then with Yang, with him I felt like i'm suffocating but without I felt like I need him desperately, like the air i breath and it's a bit scary..

I managed to look away, being friends with Elwyn was so much easier even when i realized i like him more then a friend..seated there I wish I could tell lovie how i felt .. I never felt like this before and i got alot of questions and i know she had the answers to every one of them but --she can't--she can't answer them .. not even one ..

Are you okay ?" I heard a unfamiliar voice but it makes my heart skip a beat.


Are you okay ?" He repeated his question in a firm tone , in one of the most nices voices.i ever heard. Sounds like a melody to my ears.


Okay... are you ready ?" He questioned again and I nod. Looking around I noticed the place was already empty.

Wait for a sec.." He said walking away.


He brought two canvas, it's 24x36" , not too big but perfect size..

He then brings the paints and link. He set them down on a table before leaveing again.. can't he just asked for help..oh my god, i have to pay him for this lessons right ..yeah kim , who's gets painting or Art lessons for free.

He comes back with some other thing .looks like the canvas stand.

Just as he was about to set it up i stop him with a low voice.

You know you can asked for help ," I mumbled but he heard .

But you would you know what to do ?" He questioned and I stay silent , honestly embarrassed that i want to help him but don't know how to and makes it even worst that he had to reminds me i know nothing about ccanvas.

You don't have to be embarrassed about it , honestly everyone have their first time." He said as he set up the tripod easels

I know but it kinda sounds bad concerning I loves painting but even the actual painting i never done even when the chance was given thousands of time .." I said regretful as i remember when Mis joy told us to paint but when the time was up , not a thing was painted, it was white and clear , the way I use to love every, clear and white back then white was my favorite color.

Sounds so regretfull but lucky for you , now you have me to teach you ," he said .

After setting everything up , I seat in a chair with him beside me ..

What are we painting first ?"I question.

What is it you always wanted to paint?" He questioned.

A girl ," I said as it was the first thing that came to mind,

She must be special " he mumbled and I nod.

Yeah she is.

What she looks like ?" He questioned

I stare into the white paper , feeling his gaze on me but she was all that was on my mind as i slowly begun to say , "she aboslutely beautiful, she has a small round face , big round browns eyes , thin eyelashes as she pull them out too much , I gigle remembering it .

she has brown hair , brown skin , she was a bit petite and looks abit younger for her age ..

There are others things but I can't really describe her ..

Must be very beautiful but have you ever draw her?"

Yeah , a thousand times before .

Mm, but we probably should start from something much easier to paint .

Yeah, like a tree .

Mm.. now start with a little tree.

But what if I mess it up ," I said looking at the clear white paper.

Even if you mess it up , we'll get another one and sometimes you got to mess it up to learn how to do it right.

I start to paint as he instructed me what to do and what paint to use .

Argh ... " He stood up

Do you mind? ," he questioned as he stood behind me , my hair is on one side and i would feel his warmth of his body on my back as he leaned over to hold my hands which held the brush.

Like this "he said as he continued to control my hands .

My breath got struck , my heart pouches in my chest as if i'm in a race or i'm scare.

I then take the chance to breath in and smell what kind of perfume he is useing right now .

I pull in a slow low , breath. Trying not get his attention.

I close my eyes , as i smell his perfume.

I wish I could sniff him right now , that should be allowed right , I don't think it's a crime to sniff your friend. However he is not my friend but my teacher.

What if he reports to the police about this sniffing crime.

Kim focuse," I heard he wispher in a low voice to my ears , i open my eyes only to realize and feel relief that he was gone ...

I look at the canvas and frown.

It's messy,".I told him then turn to see him looking at me

It's only your first try kim ," he said in a convincing tone .

After all practice makes perfect, " he said looking into my eyes which felt like it could caught a fire and burn my face and eyes and he would sit there won't a clue of what his beautiful black eyes have done.


Author pov

Two hours later the couple was so lost in their painting and each others company that the didn't realize time pass by .

The seat side by side and continue painting, sometimes yang would help kim as he held her hands to help her , the closeness was breath taking , kim didn't had the voice to stop him and yang wanted to help her improve but there is something more to that ..

The spent one year looking at each other from a distance but today there wasn't a inched of space that was between them.

Wow," kim said as he looks at yang painting, it was a sea with blue skys with brids.

It looks so lively that kim couldn't believe it .

It's beautiful, " she said in aww.

Thanks. Yours are good to ...he pause as their eyes met .

They are good t.." He was once again interrupted by her plead.

Stop, it sounds like you are trying to convince yourself that they are good ," kim said as she was now alittle more comfortable in his presence.

He chuckled as he shook his head and kim smile ,anything yang did looks good to her eyes .

Soon his smile fades. Once he saw that look on her face , as they held gaze .

Both felt lost in each other eyes .one of a dark night and the other of a bright sunny day.

Just then her phone buzze but she didn't move her gaze but he did as he clear his throat, kim looks at her phone . And reads it.

Kim, where are you , hurry i'm gonna be at the boat in an hour and Dad already came back from work .. he is waiting at the boat.

Okay ..." She replied.

I got to go ," kim said looking at him and he nod .

How much?" Kim question suddenly catching An tang off guard.


How much for the lessons, " kim asked and he shook his head.

It was for free .,".he said wondering why would she wants to pay him when he was the one insisted on this in the first place.

Free ?" Kim said in surprised.


Kim look into his eyes , searching for anything but everything is so mysterious to her.

But i would like to repay you ," kim said still holding eyes contact.

Maybe you could pay for your next lessons, " he said .

Huh , we have other lessons?"

What ?", was I such a bad teacher you nolonger wants me to teach you?"he asked with fake seriousness.

No, i'm just surprised, I thought this was a one time thing." She said and yang shook his head , his eyes turn darker

It is never gonna be a one time thing, kim" he said ...