
My World Traveling System

After my world is flipped upside down, I find myself with a system with the sole ability to allow one to travel the Omniverse...

itachi1010 · Cómic
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53 Chs

The Past 1

"Shalltear? I might need you to..." On the first floor, I arrived searching for Shalltear. But as I arrived in Shalltear's room, I froze at the sight that met me. There I saw Shalltear who had the vampire Clementine head in between her legs, Shalltear was moaning in pleasure, while another vampire lay at the side next to her, sharing kisses with Shalltear from time to time. while Shalltear's hands played with her body.

"M-my lord!" Shalltear was shocked seeing my arrival, she quickly jumped up, but as she was naked at the moment, the sight before me was... well, a flat.

"Did you come to finally join me in bed?" Shalltear asked seeing something in between my legs growing. She ran over, and wrapped her arms around my neck, her eyes glowing with lust.

"I came to ask for your vampire bride's help in building fake Nazarick. Since they have wisdom, they should take part in its formation in the Naruto verse." I said calmly, to which Shalltear nodded lightly.

The vampire brides were pretty much Shalltear lovers. they were all beautiful females that were turned into vampires, all of which were extremely beautiful. Since Clementine was turned into a vampire, she became a Vampire Bride with whom Shalltear slept with.

"Of course... but did you come all this way for something so simple my lord?" She asked while her arm touched my chest and slowly ran down towards the bottom. But I grabbed her arm to stop her,

"If you want to do such things, go ask Bukubukuchagama," I said calmly, before turning around to leave. I went on to head towards the portal which was on the first floor of Nazarick. Because it was located on the first floor, I went on to stop by and ask Shalltear.

I went to meet up with Evergreen and Bukubukuchagama. Bukubukuchagama who didn't need sleep had tired eyes, as if she had not slept for days. meanwhile, Evergreen had tears seeing me arrive.

"My lord..." Evergreen didn't know what to say,

"Stop blaming yourself, I don't blame you for anything that happened," I said with a sigh, but she shook her head with some tears

"Tanis went against her creator for the sake of Nazarick, I sinned, I betrayed Nazarick, how could I walk freely without facing any punishment? How can I live on? Please, kill me." She said with tears in her eyes. seeing this, I just hugged her.

"Death is the easy path, the coward's path. It's okay to make mistakes, everyone makes them. but don't let the mistakes you made control you. Mistakes are made to be learned from, a life without mistakes is a life without growth. to not make a mistake means you're perfect, but who can say they are perfect when perfection is an illusion." I said softly,

"So, you will follow me. If punishment is what you truly need, then starting now, the Evergreen of old is dead. I want you to start seeing the value of both plants and those of flesh." I said while looking deeply into Evergreen eyes, stunning her. But she nodded slightly,

"Let's go back in time... I feel like having more time to explore this world's history would do us some good." I said with a smile, stunning Bukubukuchagama,

"Why?" She asked in confusion. I looked at her unstable footsteps before secretly shaking my head. since she was a slime, she had complete control over her body. So, when she had sex, she made her inside to a level that brought maximum pleasure, which led to her having trouble walking. it's like having sex with a virgin each time.

"I am too lazy to find Isshiki, who knows what dimension he is in? So when Kaguya attacks him, let's just take Isshiki's body and study it. following which, we have like 1,000 years to do whatever we want, or just return. I also want to see how the Sage Of Six Paths created his Six Paths sage mode. Sage Mode can't normally be kept, the fact he can stay in it at all times is something I wanted to study." I said to which Bukubukuchagama nodded in understanding before my Stringnites gathered at my finger, forming a gun which I used to fire at the space in front of me.

This gun created a portal in the far past, we stepped through the portal, arriving about 1,000 years ago. We looked around the village we found ourselves in. We had caught many weird looks, but with a snap of my finger, time began to start moving back, before stopping a few seconds before the portal appeared.

After we disappeared, leaving the villagers there without the knowledge of what happened.

"Do you think we should have brought Nazarick 1,000 years into the past, so we could conquer the world, before fighting Kaguya for the lordship of this world?" I asked Bukubukuchagama, 

"But wouldn't that get in the way of many things, the Sharingan would never be born and such things. On that note, let's avoid changing the future too much so as not to end up messing things up... I want to see you with some people." Bukubukuchagama said with a smile, making me sigh at the pervert I had fallen in love with.

'how about you impregnant Kaguya?' Bukubukuchagama used her spiritual sense, which a cultivator gains upon reaching the Nascent Soul realm. with this, she was able to send her voice into someone's mind so long as they were in the range of her spiritual sense.

'Why would I do that?' I asked as I had no interest in being a father any time soon.

'If you sleep with Kaguya, do you want someone else to come around and pump seeds into her? plus, we will need Kaguya on our side. I rather she joins us as someone who is deeply in love with you than everything else. Just think about it, Kaguya was a Princess. But a princess of what? The Bourto Anime said she was a low-ranking member of her clan, so could she still be a low-ranking member of her clan and still be a princess or was she a princess of Earth? but didn't she rule the earth at one point? so shouldn't she be called queen?' Bukubukuchagama made her argument, making me look at her with a blank look... did she forget I was going to get Isshiki?

'What about Isshiki?' I asked calmly, causing Bukubukuchagama to freeze as she forgot about him. Her mind raced for a second before she spoke.

'Alex... let me ask you something. is it better to have allies than enemies? Isshiki is a wild card, someone who is hard to control. Isshiki would not betray his family, and Kaguya would betray her family from the moment she backstabbed him. so let's make an ally out of Kaguya, and not make pointless enemies.' She said like a wise sage. I looked at her with a blank look, speechless at her words.

'You're a shameless pervert...' I said to which she blushed slightly, unable to keep a straight face with such words.

'But I guess we are both perverts...' I thought with a helpless sigh, ashamed of the person I was becoming.

"Wow..." Evergreen words brought us back to reality, we looked toward her, before following her gaze. To her left, up ahead, a huge tree could be seen. Evergreen who was a plant... not just any plant, but a World Tree spirit had a deep connection with other plants. To create her, we used a seed of the world tree, pretty much creating a whole new race. We called it the World Tree Spirit race, but that name didn't really do her justice.

She can speak with plants, ask for their help, and empower the plants to give them unmatched power, and effects. it was not limited to plants as even the earth was hers to talk with, although her connections with it weren't as deep as with the earth.

She could hear the tree which was slowly killing the earth we stood on, she could feel it as it drank the blood of those who died near it. She was moved to see such a beautiful tree, she wanted nothing more than to go to it and help it swallow the whole planet and slaughter all living beings.

"Another punishment, you're not to go towards the god tree," I said calmly, disappointing Evergreen who nodded lightly.

"By the way, what is it that you hate about those with flesh?" I asked to which Evergreen looked at the humans on the land below.

"They fight amongst each other, slaughter their kind, and make living harder for each other. they are not just cruel to their kind but they slaughter my kind and turn them into a building and tools. they are slowly killing the planet we stand on. they eat small kids, going as far as giving them a cruel and painful death. be it the child to the grown, my kind all suffers." She said with a hateful look.

"I do understand your saying, but there is more to everything. What do you think would happen if all lifeforms of flesh disappeared?" I asked calmly, 

"everything would be better, Plants are nothing like them," Evergreen said to which I shook my head.

"There is a cycle. Many plants depend on animals primarily insects for pollination and sexual reproduction. If the animals went extinct most plants would be unable to reproduce and would go extinct. Many more plants would die following the drop of Carbon Dioxide. but then again there would be those that managed to live and adapt... but things wouldn't stop there." I said while Evergreen eyes widened as she never really thought of this.

"Now plants rule the world, do you think they would just grow happily with each other? that's foolish as plants grow on instinct, they would suppress other plants, take over land, and before long you might have one plant trying to wrap around the whole planet, leaving only it." I said leaving Evergreen opening and closing her mouth, unable to say anything. She turned towards a few plants, just to find that they would indeed do this if given the chance.

"Humans, animals, and plants. they are different, but in the end, they keep each other in check. Humans need animals and plants to live. animals need plants to live while at times humans and other animals keep animals from growing too much. plants are kept in check by humans and animals. it's a perfect balance, yes the plants look like the victim in your eyes... but this is the rule of survival." I said while Evergreen looked around, not knowing what to say or do.

"I can keep the plants in check, I can make them not overrun the world like that," Evergreen said to which I smiled.

"what you are saying is that you want to take over the world, and force them to submit to you. Is that not the goal of these humans? wanting to take over the world, and force them to bend their knees? the hunger for power? then again, others feel like they are best fit to rule the world... isn't that you?" I asked making Evergreen shake her head, but she couldn't say anything to defend herself.

"Go live the life of a human, see the human's struggles, their joys, and their pain. Humans can't hear plants, you can. you have the power to hear the humans and the plants, as the higher being, turning a death ear to your so-called enemy and not understanding them is... foolish." I said to which Evergreen bit her lips while nodding.

We went on to land on a spot not too far from the God Tree, Evergreen went on to transform, taking on her true form of a large beautiful tree. normally, she would be the size of mountains, but she made herself small, to be the size of a normal tree.

I had her connect with a plant somewhere, and follow the life of someone. a kid she would watch and see grow up, before dying of old age. to make sure she picked the best person to get an impact on her, I used the Stringnites to find someone who would struggle his way up to greatness...

"Let's see how long we can stay in the past without getting tired of the long life," Bukubukuchagama said while jumping into the air, transforming into her true form. She was an orange adorable slime.

"Give me some sweets Mai..." She said to which Mai appeared on my shoulder while glaring at the woman who stole the guy she had a crush on. but she snorted while the Stringnites gathered, creating a cookie that Bukubukuchagama took and happily ate.

"Sure," I said softly while she jumped into my arms, and I just carried her in my chest, while I looked into the sky. It took some time, but soon I saw a portal opening appear near the god tree. I watched as two pale white-skinned aliens that looked a lot like a human, although they had horns, stepped out of the portal while looking around.

There was one female and one male, these were Kaguya and Isshiki. Kaguya was a low-ranking member of the clan, so she came to earth to be a sacrifice for the god tree.

A God Tree is a type of gigantic tree that grows by absorbing blood soaked into the ground from countless battles over millennia. For it to blossom from its seedling state into the tree, it must be fed the life of an Ōtsutsuki. The healthier and stronger the sacrifice is, the more powerful the Chakra Fruit it produces.

For countless eons, the Ōtsutsuki Clan has been traveling throughout dimensions seeking out worlds to plant the god tree. Once planted, they grow into a God Tree with their roots spreading across the planet to siphon chakra and genetic material from all its surroundings and inhabitants, resulting in everything dying and bearing a large fruit for the Ōtsutsuki to consume for them to evolve, gaining power and longevity. Once harvested, as they no longer need the planet, they move to another to repeat the process.

However, the Ōtsutsuki to be sacrificed utilize a Kāma to prepare a vessel beforehand to resurrect themselves. As for what kama is? Kāma is a seal that serves as a compressed backup of a Ōtsutsuki clan member's biological data that they can embed in the body of a compatible recipient known as a vessel.

Over time, the Kāma will gradually overwrite the vessel's genetic profile until they transform into a perfect Ōtsutsuki. Should the Ōtsutsuki be slain, their soul will migrate to one of their vessels and become anchored to the world of the living, and when the Kāma completes will reincarnate through their body, completely replacing them.

"It looks like she got a beating," I said while looking at Kaguya who was covered in some injuries. She had her head lowered, hiding her rage and anger from being seen by Isshiki. I didn't act and just watched as Isshiki ordered Kaguya to go get a vessel.

Kaguya gritted her teeth, but Isshiki ignored her while looking at the large tree before him.... but that was a bad move as he had turned his back to Kaguya, giving Kaguya the chance to launch an attack. a bone cut right through Isshiki's back, normally this attack held the power to turn whoever it pierced to ashes, but Isshiki was too powerful, allowing him to not be turned into ashes, although his upper body and lower body were no longer connected.

Shocked and caught off guard by Kaguya's actions, Isshiki gave her a death glare before shrinking himself, turning so small that it was impossible to see him. viens appeared around Kaguya's eyes as she searched for where Isshiki ran off to, but her eyes were not powerful enough to find him.

She panicked that if Isshiki ran away, then he could tell the clan what happened, which would lead to her being punished. and her actions were punishable by death. She might be a princess, but she didn't have the right to kill another clansman, much less when they were out on a mission.

She looked around but she heard nothing, as Isshiki was nowhere to be found. in the end, she ended up feeding Isshiki lower half to the god tree, before landing before the god tree where she was met by the humans who took her in.

"You're not going to do anything, she is going to fall for the other guy... or do you want a milf?" Bukubukuchagama asked with a confused look.

"I have no interest in being a father any time soon. if anything is going to happen, If it's meant to be, then it's meant to be." I said calmly while looking at Isshiki who was in my palm, knocked out. Bukubukuchagama nodded, realizing she was telling me to be a father, she sighed while shaking her head. the fact she could be a mother whenever she wanted made her not realize how big of a deal having a child is. 

"... well, I will go see if I can learn the sage arts," Bukubukuchagama said to which I nodded while she jumped off, turning into her human form which disappeared...