
You are mine.

Before Vergil could leave... Ada held his arm, "Don't go..." she said, lightly hiding her face.

"Make love to me..." Ada whispered, hiding from him, not even able to meet his eyes directly.

'Fragile... I'm not that lustful to try anything with her in this state...' Vergil thought, seeing how her face, despite being hidden, revealed so much.

'What am I doing...' Vergil thought before holding the girl's hand. "Are you really asking for this?" He questioned the girl, who was so embarrassed that she couldn't truly make a decision, but she was strong.

She turned her face and looked directly at Vergil, her purple eyes meeting his blue ones... "I-I want you to take my virginity... Please..."

Vergil stared at her without saying anything.


He didn't know how to handle this situation, especially because... He had already seen what Ada wanted. In fact... She was anticipating it. She wasn't confident enough, so...