
Whoever moves will die

The disinterest in the woman's eyes was clear. Why was she even there? She didn't know... or rather, she was masking her true feelings to understand if it was really what she wanted.

Seeing those insignificant little beings, Sapphire Agares was just... a goddess in front of idiotic mortals.

A memory flashed before her eyes...

"Did you become the strongest? Or were you born the strongest?" A woman with blue eyes and white hair questioned her...

"Who knows... I was born rejected by the world, so I rejected humanity."

"Your strength shows how lonely you are. Is this the punishment imposed on the strongest to continue wandering in search of an endless display of power?" She said, holding a staff as the demon realm began to yield and crumble.

"How extravagant," Sapphire smiled as her worn lance fell, "You're interesting, I see... you feel lonely for being stronger, don't you? Come, I'll teach you."