
Vergil is getting crazier and crazier.

"He did WHAT??" Sapphire asked incredulously, her eyes wide, before bursting into the most honest laugh Katharina had ever heard in her life.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA..." The laughter started loud, echoing through the room. "AHAHAHA... MY STOMACH!"

Sapphire couldn't contain herself.

The sound of her laughter echoed with such intensity that the house began to feel the effects.

First, the windows started vibrating, as if the structure of the house was absorbing her uncontrolled joy.

Then, the impossible happened: the window glass shattered with a shrill sound, the shards falling to the floor.

Glasses on the table shattered into thousands of pieces.

The screen of the phone, which had been resting on a couch, cracked from end to end, while the televisions flickered before exploding into a spectacle of shards.