
Just a Bet

"I didn't ask you to do this," Sapphire said, her killing intent flaring across Viviane's skin.

"And I didn't ask you to bring someone like him, yet here you are, aren't you?" Viviane retorted, just as irritated as Sapphire.

"You have no right to this." Sapphire's gaze was as if it would consume her. For a brief moment, the Lady of the Lake was startled, but her aura quickly overshadowed Sapphire's for a second.

"You're strong, I get that, but we both know very well who has control of the situation here," Viviane said, looking at Sapphire with a gaze just as possessive as hers.

"Tsk, cursed woman." Sapphire sneered. "He'd better succeed." She remarked, her tone just as irritated. "We know you wouldn't bring someone who couldn't." She responded, her frustration mirroring Viviane's.


"Why?" Viviane questioned, abruptly breaking the tension.