
Don't overthink, just feel.

"Failed." Sapphire said as she watched him shift positions, trying to create things that didn't make sense.

"Again," she repeated incessantly as he continued to try and learn.

"Failed, try harder." Even as he gave it his all, the demon woman never stopped pushing him.

"The direction of your target is wrong, stop being logical," she kept explaining, but nothing was working, nothing was getting through to him.

"Boy, stop using your head!!" She yelled, watching him try and try, over and over again.

"Screw this, I'm done." Sapphire stood up angrily, stomping the ground and creating a crater in the training area.

"What the hell! I'm doing exactly what you asked!" Vergil shouted back, showing all his indignation to Sapphire, who raised her voice once again.

"BE AN IDIOT AGAIN! FIGHT WITH INSTINCT, NOT YOUR BRAIN!" she screamed, her feet slightly scraping the ground from the force of dragging him.