

"Your first husband is your only husband,no other man can treat you better than him , you either return to your first husband or remain single all your life" Itoya was short of words because she had visited her pastor to advise her on if to get married again after the last episode of her marriage clashed that almost took her life

Ebire · Fantasía
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27 Chs

Chapter 26: I have no relationship with her

Ason was so angry but she was calm, she acted as if she was not concern so as not to sell her real intention out. She did not know that Itoya was not her real competitor when she was plotting but realizing that there is another competitor she needs to figure out how to send both women away. Although Itoya was not a threat to her but the relationship between both women is something she does not need to over look, she had seen how they communicated when she arrived and she heard both of them talking and laughing in the kitchen that morning. Looking at Ason who had appeared from nowhere the previous night, she felt it's not safe to agree to mama Ifada because Ifada had not spoken about the pregnancy yet so it's too early to agree to her mother in law

"Mama don't say that, you still have Itoya and who knows this lady here" she had gone outside Ewosa; she had interacted with different people so she knows that people can hide their real intention well. Whatever is this woman intention of carrying her husband baby on her womb she must be ready to fight with them for Ifada not sharing him with them?

She winkled her eyes at her mother in law, mama Ifada understood immediately what she meant and kept quiet on the matter "I need to see Ifada he must give me an explanation on this, call me Ifada" she said to Itohan Itohan left immediately to call Ifada, when she entered the room she saw Ifada standing by the window looking outside the window, he had been hiding in his room since dawn, he was too ashamed of himself to face Itoya and Itohan. Ifada did not know that there was a second person in the room. "Good morning sir" she greeted him and told him that his mother was calling him. She was about to leave the room but Ifada said " please stop don't go" this was the first sentence Ifada had said since the previous night, his voice was deep and firm, Itohan stopped at her track and turn to Ifada without emotion in her eyes she said "what do you want to say, speak".Ifada had not heard from his wives since the previous night, he does not know what their mind was. "Am sorry for ...."

"Sorry for what".

"I know you feel bad, but I will give you my word, am not going to marry her, I will take the baby away from her when the baby is weaned".

"Noted" she said and left the room. Meanwhile mama Ifada and Ason were introducing themselves in the sitting room. Itoya entered the sitting room at the same time Itohan arrived.Itohan walked towards her mother in law and said "I delivered your message mama".

"Mama the room is ready for her to put her things"

looking towards Ason she said "come let me show you to your room" Ason was so happy that her process of staying is so simple, she also thank god that mama Ifada came around if not she does not know how she will ever be able to request for a room in the house from the women of the house especially Itoya the first wife, she was arranging her things to follow Itoya when mama Ifada voice rang in the room "Not yet" mama Ifada said to Ason "you can only take your things in when Ifada agrees to you staying". Ason was sad but behaved as if she does not care; she sat back on the chair she had been sitting on. Itoya was about to leave the sitting room but her mother in law stopped her saying

"your attention is also needed here as the first wife" although Itoya was not her choice she still had to give her respect so as not to offend her son. Ifada entered the sitting room with his spirit down, knowing the reason he was been called to the sitting room because ever since Itohan was confirmed pregnant his mother has been coming to his home regularly to deliver food to her but never for once had she ever ask of him to talk of calling him for discussion. "Be great mama"

"Ifada my son, I hope you slept well" she answered the way elderly reply to greeting in Esan land

"Yes mama" he said, mama Ifada gestured for him to sit on one of his chairs in the sitting room. Pointing at Ason she asked "do you know this woman"

"Yes mama, she used to be Itoya friend when they were in school"

"Ok, what is your relationship with her" she asked calmly, while Ifada looked at his mother sadly and said

"mama I have no relationship with her" Mama Ifada was so angry that she almost spat out blood "what do you mean that you have no relationship with her when she is carrying your child". She started panting after making the statement with anger. She found it difficult to believe that her son she carried for ten months on her womb will have the gut to deny his own child Ifada smiled bitterly looking at the women in the room, no one know the struggle he had to go through internally, if he had controlled himself, he will not drink out his right reasoning and fall into the trap of this cunning Ason, the deal had been done what should he do but to accept the blame so he said

"mama am at wrong" and Itohan Itoya looked at the arguing mother and son silently.

Seeing Ifada accepting that he was wrong gave mama Ifada the impression that Ason must be a terrible person to sleep with her friend husband and coming to this home with her pregnancy shows that she was a home wrecker.

But the irony of it was that the home was already wrecked before Ason came into the picture just that it was yet to manifest.