
My Wife, My Life

"When Alex meets Maddie, he knows he's found his soulmate. They fall deeply in love and embark on a whirlwind romance, getting married soon after. But as the years go by, the pressures of everyday life, career ambitions, and personal struggles begin to take a toll on their relationship. As they navigate the ups and downs of married life, Alex and Maddie must confront their own flaws, insecurities, and fears. They face challenges that test their love, trust, and commitment to each other. Will they find a way to rekindle the spark that brought them together, or will the weight of their struggles tear them apart? "My Wife, My Life" is a heartwarming and relatable exploration of love, relationships, and the journey of self-discovery that comes with building a life together.

T_abitha · Ciudad
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6 Chs


Chapter 2: The Mask of Perfection

Maddie couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. She tried to focus on the charity event, but her mind kept wandering back to Alex's strange behavior. She knew him too well; he was hiding something.

As they mingled with the guests, Maddie played the perfect wife, smiling and laughing on cue. But inside, she was growing increasingly anxious. She excused herself to the bathroom, needing a moment alone.

As she checked her reflection in the mirror, she noticed a text on her phone from an unknown number. Her heart skipped a beat as she read the message: "Look closer at your husband's secrets."

Maddie felt a chill run down her spine. Who was sending these messages? And what secrets was Alex hiding?

She returned to the event, her eyes scanning the room for any clues. Alex was charming and charismatic, but Maddie saw the mask he wore. She knew the real Alex, and this wasn't it.

As the night wore on, Maddie's tension grew. She couldn't keep up the charade any longer. She needed answers.

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