
Chapter 937 Doctor Tang is in a Bad Mood


She didn't care who Old Master Wang was, or what status he held. In the hospital, she was the authority, and even the highest of ranks outside were merely patients here.

In the hospital, her word was law.

He could only leave when she said he could leave, only be discharged when she said he could be discharged. If she said nothing, then he should just stay put. No amount of pleading from others would work, and certainly not from him.

"Yuxin, look, I'm all better now."

Old Master Wang, who had just been scolding and fighting with his grandson, didn't dare to behave that way in front of Tang Yuxin. He was looking forward to the hundreds of jars of fine wine buried in Tang Garden, the wine that had been fermented year after year. The wine he drank was from two years prior, and the very first batch buried should be about four years old by now. Yet Tang Yuxin was so stingy, not giving him even a single jar.