
Oliver and Kira

"Of course. I don't support bad guys like Azrael." August tried to get closer, taking a quick peek at Azrael.

"But my brother said I am a bad child." Kira crouched down, hiding her face behind her knees.

August dithered to say anything. It seems like the word brother was a time bomb. She got more violent when Azrael mentioned it previously. But if he just ignored it, it would also backfire.

"You know, I also have a little brother. One day when I was in school, he sneaked out of the house while the housekeeper was away. He ran out of the house. After our housekeeper didn't find him anywhere, everyone in the house frantically searched for him everywhere. At the end of the day, we found him at a police station in the town nearby." August smiled retelling the story.

Kira looked up, hooked on the story, and having no problem letting him come and sit next to her.

"What happened next?" Kira asked, peeking curiously.