
White Rose structure

Entering the Centrefield building, Frank and Sadie made their way directly to their office, where their squad was located. As they entered, they exchanged brief waves with their fellow teammates before settling down at their desks, eager to get an update on the current situation within the base.

"Whoa!" Frank exclaime, his eyes glued to the screen. "Take a look at this, Sadie. Viper got promoted to Captain. Can you believe it?"

Sadie felt a vein on the side of her head begin to throb. She and Viper had started out in the same year, and up until now they had been holding the same rank. After being hired as official members, the rivalry between the two had continued.

Unfortunately, despite having Viper beat in every test and assessment, ever since she had entered her squad, Sadie had been unable to show any significant achievement. It wasn't just her, either, but the whole squad felt that somehow they only ever received the cookie-cutter cases with not much to do.