
Update from the outside

Gary knew that he should focus on getting a good night’s rest, but such a simple task felt impossible to him. Now that he finally had gotten his phone back, he was dying to find out what had happened during his stay in the facility.

For all he knew, something serious could have occurred without his knowledge. The Howlers might be in serious trouble and require his help… or they could be just fine on their own. Fortunately, his phone didn’t let him wait for long. The sounds of several dings let him know that he hadn’t been forgotten.

Noticing that his phone about to die with merely 3% battery, the green haired teenager hurried to plug it in. The AFA had planned everything perfectly, allowing him to lie on his bed while scrolling through his contacts and their chat log.

Marie: [Gary, I hope you're kicking some serious butt at the academy. It feels really weird without you here. I can’t wait to see you on TV!]