

Alexander pulled the chair. He waited for her to walk to him and take a seat.

Yan Xiaoran stared at Alexander and said her thanks to him before sitting on the chair. Alexander walked around and sat across her while a trolley with food on top of it was placed beside their table.

Instead of going to the private booth, Yan Xiaoran asked Alexander to change his reservation and chose to sit in one of the tables in the public area.

When Alexander heard her the first time, he only raised his eyebrows before taking his phone out to call someone to make her wishes happen.

He didn't even ask her why she suddenly wanted to sit in the public area when they could use the private booth that he reserved in the first place.

"Don't you want to know the reason why I chose to sit here?" She suddenly asked him after he sat on his seat.

He titled his head and smiled, "If your sweet lips will give me an answer then, I will gladly listen with both ears."