
shadow time 2

shadow time?, if what he is saying is true then I need this game, I can create a world where I want to be, make friends win battles and even get money to help Mom so we don't have to move any more.

"ahem", I look up to see a wondering Conner. I give a small smile. "I'll look into it later". he nods.

we ended up chatting and telling each other all most everything about ourselves.

the bell finally rings for school over which means end of the terrible detention. "hey, why don't we check out the game together", Conner asks. he seemed calm but I can see in his eyes that he really wanted me to say yes.

okay...let's think this through. Nora said he was a cold brutal senior and girls grool upon seeing his back so.....if I said yes and I'm seen walking with him...hmmm....I'll definitely die out of glares tomorrow.

"I'm sorry but I've got to head home first you see". I press my lips together. "it's okay I'll just drop you off at your place and wait".

what the..... I just gave the best excuse I could come up with and only to be pushed into this tighter conner.

I swallow hard. what to do, what to do. maybe it wouldn't be that bad I mean Nora could be wrong and I may not attract any attention....what to do.

I look at his now pleading expression, what. do. I. do.

someone barges in. "hey hazel", Nora says and freezes immediately seeing Conner. he looks back and she looks at me.

I blink and wink a few times tryna tell her I need help, she squints her eyes and then widens them.

"uh...um...hazel Don't we have some studying to do...um... you know?", I abruptly stand, interrupting her.

"yes we've got some book to see". I nervously bite my lip b4 running off with Nora awkwardly.

we got outside pretty quickly, I use this chance and a long look at Nora..... "hey, that, u did for me thanks" I say panting. "that's okay. it's what real friends do right?, help each other" she gives me a small cute smile but hearing what she said I pause. "you know we only met today"—" I know"...

That's right, we only just met this morning.....