
My Vampire Neighbour

It didn't take Arvela long to realise he was no ordinary boy next door. She wants to avoid him, he won’t leave her alone. ... ‘I couldn’t help but feel a superficial yet intense attraction towards him’....

MarenPluto · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Chapter 2: Blood

It's rather amusing how I came to figure out he was a vampire. Of course at first, I suspected it was one of my neighbours either drunk or being deranged so I simply ignored it. But then it happened again, and again and again. The same figure reappearing outside every other midnight. In a good way, having insomnia made it easy for me to always be alert of his reappearance.

Eventually I decided I should probably tell my mother before I forward a complaint to the police about his strange behaviour. Though one night when I had brought her to my window, even-though I could see him my mother couldn't. I then instead opted on telling my friends about my problematic neighbour that stands still outside my window, waiting for me to talk to him. But they brushed it off and jokingly suggested he could be a vampire, even-though I laughed, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I realised.. that they could be right.

My first suspicion rose when his figure suddenly shot up in the sky, as if he could evaporate.. into thin air. Then my second suspicion grew after I realised he was cold blooded, he simply wasn't affected by how unpleasant the weather was. The month I noticed him pacing outside in was completely covered in thick snow. Though, the only thing he wore was a thin layered black t-shirt, matched with black cargo trousers and grey boots. No coat, no hat, no gloves and most bizarrely a misty cloud was never apparent from where he was supposed to exhale. He didn't breathe or simply just didn't need to.

It was clear to me weather didn't impact on his temperature the slightest. My last and most promising suspicions was when I'd woken up this morning and whilst on my way to my University I registered traces of blood, exactly where he stood the night before. I could determine that he tried to cover it up by using his boots to scatter some dirt around the contaminated area, but he did a terrible job in doing so.

It was for the first time, ever since he appeared, that I started to fear what he could be and what exactly he wanted from me.