
The Final Boss (2)

"Is it time?"

I sat atop the Valter Throne, a seat of my own making, while addressing the two servants by my side. The two androgynous young humanoids had their faces perpetually facing the floor, and only when I spoke to them did they dare to raise their heads.

Two black wings spread out wide from their backs as they spoke with a revered tone:

"We have received word that the four High Ladies will arrive soon, my Lord."


I lazily waved them off, and the two reset to their default bowing form. Feeling bored from all the waiting, I carefully examined the two 'Angels' I'd created.

Both of them looked like young teen girls with porcelain skin and beautiful features, yet at the same time, they had a certain masculine look to their eyes and rough chin. It seemed impossible to determine whether they were males or females just by looking at them, and it was done deliberately.