
The Elven Forest (4)

Entering the Elven Forest turned out to be a far simpler task than I'd imagined. There weren't any barriers or armed men ready to take us into custody. Neither were there any security checks on any of us. And from what I could sense, there wasn't anyone spying on our every movement.

The moment we passed through the Warp Gate, our group was greeted by a vast open forest. The verdant bushes and heavy-blooming trees were our first hosts. Walking away from the magical portal, I was once again brought to awe by the pure, organic sights that blessed my eyes.

The air here was the freshest I've ever smelt. The temperature was at the perfect mix of heat and coolness, and its humidity was neither too overbearing nor too stale.

It was quite likely… The most utopian climate on the planet.

And to top it all off… A party of fifteen beautiful girls were already waiting for our arrival.