
Don't come near me !

She gives up on the idea of going after him, also she doesn't even know where his room is. The lights on the corridor are turning on and she strides to her room. She opens her room and closes it.

The eyes absently look at the library on the right wall. She takes a book from there and goes to her bed to read it, the sleep washing away from her eyelashes.

"History of vampires by Faris Athanase. "Her voice reads out load the title of the book and its author. She opens the book and starts to read. A few pages were talking about how vampires appeared …then the wars between vampires and humans….in the end, the contemporary era where vampires hid themselves from humans.

"I never knew he was a historian .." Her voice is surprised as she never thought Faris was having that profession. She knew that he was working in a library, but nothing more. It lasted two hours. The girl devours the book at the light of the lamp put near her bed. Her legs that were under her began to numb.

After a stretch, she rises from her bed and puts the book on the shelf, another book catching her attention. The name of the book was "Spells "the author was Stefan Athanase. Her jaw drops when she sees her grandfather's name on the book.

Her curiosity piqued, she takes the book and tosses herself on the bed…on her belly. Hours pass … Soon she starts to mumble the words in the book and a circle of blood appears in front of her.

With fear, she gets back falling on her back near the bed, again in one day.

"Master, what can I do for you?" The blood seems to have a voice on its own.

She remembers hearing this voice when Angelo used the teleportation spell.

"What are you?" She is on the ground, behind the edge of the bed, only her eyes are seen. She looks at the mirror-like red blood circle that moves in a circular motion.

"I am your blood, master." The blood speaks as it gets closer to the edge of the bed where the girl is hiding.

"Don't come closer !" She raises her voice and crawls back fewer steps.

The blood seems to get closer and closer. Soon she is running in the room as the blood moves after her //Master, why are you running? //

She runs and jumps in the bed fetching the book in a hurry as she continues to avoid the blood. "Why are you coming after me ?!" She frowns as her breath quickens from all the running.

//I am moving because you are moving, master! //

Dina opens the book and reads a spell. After casting the spell is read underneath that it was meant for teleportation. She stumbles as her eyes look in the book as she jumps in the room from one corner to another one. The blood enveloped her right before she could fall to the ground.

"Ahhhh…" Her voice is captured in the dark blood.

The room is empty.

//Where to master? // The same voice is heard in the darkness and Dina says," To my room. I revoke the spell!" Her voice is raspy and her breath is cut from all the running.

//Yes, master. //

She is tossed on her bed as the blood spits her out. Her eyebrow twitches and she raises her voice at the nasty blood." Why did you throw me?"

//Master, you never told me how you want to arrive. //

The girl's exasperation is ended when she gives up arguing with the dumb blood as she calls it in her mind. She was scared to swear at it …what if the blood killed her or whatever?

"How do I escape you …" Her mumble is heard by the blood as it is above her shoulder. Dina is with her eyes on the book searching for the answer. She is startled when the blood speaks.

//I don't know master. //

"My heart …..You …can you move a little farther away?" She puts her hand on her heart and looks at the blood that didn't give any signs of listening to what she said.

"Anyway …just don't talk so suddenly!" She mumbles as she looks again in the book.

//Yes, master. //

The silence sets as the girl turns the pages of the book as the blood circle is near her. She feels weird but decides to ignore the new presence that seems to enter her personal space way too much.

She finds a paragraph finally …but it isn't about how to make the blood circle disappear. It was about how to change its shape.

After looking at the blood and shifting her eyes to the paragraph …she scratches her head and casts the spell.

Soon the blood transforms into a ring. She takes the ring from the bed and inspects it.

"This shape is better …but why can't I make it disappear?"

Frowning she turns the red ring on the other side.

//I am glad you like me now. // The voice startles the girl again.

"Didn't I tell you to not scare me? You shall not talk till I tell you to! "She spits the words, then puts the ring on bad near her.

She looks at the book again. The blood would never listen to her anyway. Why was she even saying?

Immersed in the book she doesn't seem to notice that the blood didn't say anything. After few hours, her eyes come across a paragraph talking about how to train your blood. She lets out her voice, "AHHHH! I got it." She finally understands how this works.

A new vampire needed to train its blood so that it would respond to how the possessor wanted. There were commands that the blood had to be trained to do, it didn't come off naturally.

Dina realizes that her blood was simply not trained, and that's why it was so hard to deal with it. Spells were working well only if the training was done well, the blood knowing how to be commanded.

She looks at the training methods. Every blood had two ways of getting the command. One was learning just as you talk to it, and the other was as you use specific commanding words like "Shall ", "Must" …and so on.

The higher the blood was trained the easier was for the vampire to use it when it came to spells. Also, she finds out that the spells could be created by the vampire personalized to the blood. Some types of blood could be more powerful than others, depending on genetics, influencing how responsive the blood was to the training.

She takes the ring in her palm.

"Hey! Talk." Dina blinks and the blood seems to be unresponsive. She gives thought; what did she say that made the blood not talk?

"Ahhhh…. You shall talk now." She smiles realizing that she found the method to train her blood.

//Talk what, master? // The voice makes the girl laugh.

After reading almost the whole book she concludes that this blood is the one that will protect her in the future. She will consider it as her own from now on. Training it till the wedding might help her escape…this blood will be her path to freedom.

"Nothing ..hahaha" Her giggle is short. She continues, "How about I name you?" Her eyes glow with excitement.

//Do as you wish, master. //

"I shall call you Crimson. Sounds cute .." She smiles remembering the late dog she had, he was called the same.

//My name will be Crimson, as you wish, master. // The blood seems to have its name set in its system. Her first command, the name, was the first training. The blood seems to work well, catching her commands well.

Dina smiles and gives another command." From now on you shall vanish if I don't call you by your name. "Her eyes look at the ring.

//Yes, master. // The voice is heard as the ring disappears. She makes a fist out of the open palm that kept the ring.

"Guess this will not be so hard to deal with. I might have some fun doing it …" She leans on the bed as the sun rises lighting the room with its orange-yellow light. Her hair wrapped around her shoulders, giving her a sense of warmth.

She feels tired …Her eyes close. The new day is catching her not prepared to start in full force. Though she doesn't seem to mind sleeping in the daytime. She was glad that she found a method to make herself stronger.

The book is left open on the bed and she is curling near it as she is fast asleep.

The room looks messy but as long as no one enters it before Dina wakes up, to clean the mess, everything will be ok.

The sun rises and she doesn't hear the knock on her door.

The person leaves after a while …leaving her be. His steps stroll the corridor going up the stairs to the 3rd floor, where August's room was situated.

Sebastian opens the room of his son. August sleeps and a puff of cigarette smoke is let into the room. The man goes to the window and looks absently at the valley.

He smokes quietly as August gets a sniff of the smoke and lifts himself from the bed as if it burned.

"Father …"

"I am going to New York. Take care of the Queen. "Without further info ado he snaps his finger and vanishes.

August scowls," Couldn't he tell me how many days he stays there …. why is he making my room full of his smoke? …. Damn him .." He stops his talk when he realizes what he just said ….

'Am I hating him that much ?' The question rolls in his mind as he opens the window to let the air wash off the smoke.

Hope you guy like where is the story headed .Tell me in the comments !

redladycreators' thoughts