
My vampire boyfriend(BL)

Not everyone gets a second chance in life but he got a second chance to make make it up for the love of his life,Nate was an orphan, he was lucky to be admitted at one of the best school in the country.There he meets a strange young man nicknamed as savage who made him feel inexplainable emotions,he felt longing and love for him,but they had just met so why did he feel that way?,he kept on approaching him but he seemed to hate him more than anything else for some reasons he felt hurt when he pushed him away but that wasn't all he kept on having weird dreams,he saw himself holding a man in his arms,the man was badly injured and kept on vomiting blood,he couldn't clearly see the man in his dream but everytime he woke up there were tears in his eyes and he felt inexplainable heartache and sadness.Who was that man in his dreams?,why did he keep on dreaming about him?. In school he made alot of friends,the School was perfect but the rules were strict,but there was more than what met the eyes.There were alot of dark secrets about the School,there was existence of supernatural beings which were not known to human,they only heard about them in folktales.Nate's find himself strongly attracted to savage,he is very famous and have alot of fangirls,he is smart and also very handsome,he was cold and ruthless, everyone was scared of him but for some reasons Nate wasn't scared of him.He never cared about anyone but he couldn't stop caring for him,he gets worried when he is hurt at the same time he hates him,he gets jealous when he sees him with another person,he is very possessive about Nate but doesn't admit it,only he made him feel that way,he was able to make him feel all those strange emotions.Why did he feel that way?they had just met,why was he longing for him?. Talking about secret there was big secret about Nate's background, strange things began happening around him,he got curious and decided to find out,he didn't know who truly he was,he only knew he grew up in an orphanage and with the help of savage he uncovers his true identity and also learns the truth about their tragic past,he was a being that wasn't supposed to exist,he was a danger to everyone,he was a curse that would hurt those close to him,but he wasn't going to give up no matter how people were against him,Nate promises not to make the same mistake he did in his previous life,he will never hurt his beloved.He had gotten a second chance to mend his wrong doings he won't waste it,but there there were alot of obstacles in their way and they had to overcome them or they will have a tragic end.

phaynique · Ciudad
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42 Chs

Strange room(chapter 31)

Nate stood frozen in the same position looking at Savage without even blinking,his heart was beating loudly that he could almost hear it in his ears due to the running and because of how anxious he was,he didn't know whether to run or pretend he knew nothing,now facing Savage he couldn't believe what he had learnt,he couldn't believe that his boyfriend was not a human but a vampire who only existed in tales,he had watched a couple of movies about vampire but he wouldn't have guessed they existed and lived among human, looking how normal he appeared he would have thought he was dreaming and all he had seen was an illusion but his wildly beating heart confirmed he wasn't dreaming what he was seeing was true.Savage was watching every expression on his face and he could tell something was bothering Nate but he couldn't guess what,he had heard Nate running and even his failed attempt to open his door,he would have ignored it and assumed he was in hurry but the way his heart was beating he could tell he was nervous and scared,he knew how his heart quickly raced when he saw him but today it was different it was like how it beats when a vampire shows his true self to a human,he had never tried drinking blood directly from a human but he had seen his friends drink human blood,is he scared?did he find out or is something bothering him Savage wondered,he had accidentally showed his true self to Nate but that time he behaved normally like he didn't notice anything but now that he was behaving strangely he was suspicious whether Nate had actually noticed something or he pretended not to know,Savage stood up and took a few steps towards Nate he wanted to test if Nate had truly discovered his sectret if he took a step back it would mean he knew who Savage was if he acts normal it would mean he was overthinking.Seeing Savage approach him Nate gulped nervously,his heart in his throat,I need to calm down or else he will suspect me he thought,swallowing hard Nate forced a smile "Savage" he called trying to sound as normal as possible,Savage halted his steps looking intently at Nate,Nate gathered all the courage in him and took a few steps towards him,he stood infront of Savage,he stood on his toes and pecked his lips "I missed you" he said sweetly,if one looked closely he would see that his hands were trembling slightly, being pecked by Nate all the doubts he had dispated,he smiled and held Nate by the waist "are you okay?" he asked looking in his eyes "mmn" he gave a quick reply,his mind was trying so hard to think of an idea to send Savage out of his room without making him suspicious "why were you running was someone after you?" Savage asked, Nate's heart skipped a bit,he bit his lower lip nervously and shook his head.

Savage didn't believe him he could clearly tell Nate was nervous,Nate was behaving abnormally unlike him,seeing that his cover was going to be blown he wrapped his hands around his waist "what are you thinking about?" he asked "nothing" Savage said absent minded,after a moment of silence Nate let go of him and pouted his lips his dimples visible,seeing such a cute expression on him Savage chuckled his eyes turning gentle "what's wrong?" he asked but instead of responding Nate kept on pouting he looked like a fluffy kitten throwing a tantrum "baby" Savage called in a teasing manner, Nate's heart skipped a bit and a flush appeared on his cheeks making him look even more cute "baby tell me what's wrong?" seeing he had successfully cleared his suspicion he asked in not so angry tone "what were you talking about with that girl?" a smile appeared on Savage's face,he couldn't believe that Nate was still jealous because of what had happened he had thought he had explained himself and he had understood "nothing important" he said "let's go on a date" he suggested,he didn't want to push his luck further lest Savage discovered he was hiding something, Savage was momentarily suprised "sure.....tomorrow is weekend I'll take you on a date any specific place you want to go?" he asked his eyes unable to contain his excitement "any place you choose is fine by me" he said "okay I'll choose the best place for you" he said leaning his head for a kiss, Nate's panicked and unconsciously took a step back,confused Savage looked at him his eyebrow raised,realising his mistake Nate cleared his throat "we can't do that,we will have time for that...let me rest I'm quite tired,tomorrow you can do anything you want to me" he said hoping he sounded believable, Savage smirked "you better keep your words" he said,he leaned closer to him and gave him a peck on his lips "rest well.....good night" he said and left.

After Savage left,Nate let out a sigh of relief,he was scared that Savage might have discovered he was hidding something but luckily his acting was convincing,he sat on the bed deep in thoughts he was no longer feeling hungry.He regretted what he had said a few minutes ago,he had suggested they go on a date on a whim and also to get him out of his room but now thinking clearly he realised it wasn't a good idea there was no way he could keep up with the act for long infront of Savage,he closed his eyes feeling defeated and depressed.Nate slowly opened his eyes adjusting to the light,he looked around and was suprised to see he was in an empty room lying on the bed,there was only a small bed and a table,he tried getting up but he felt his movements restricted that's when he checked his wrist and realised that both his legs and hands were tied to the bed,he panicked his heart beat increasing,looking around there was no one in sight he tried pulling his hands but only ended up feeling pain "is any one here?" he asked his voice hoarse,like he had been screaming for a long time,not receiving a response he panicked further, tears welled up in his eyes,he didn't remember how and when he got to such a strange room "you're awake?" asked a man his voice majestic, Nate's felt chills run down his spine after recognising the voice,he turned his head and was shocked to see Savage standing close to the door holding a tray with different type of foods,his eyes were red and his lips were red with a red liquid at the corner of his mouth,without being told he knew what that was he gulped hard "you aren't going to speak?" he asked,there was something different about Savage his eyes looked soulless "where am I?" he asked,Savage scoffed "is that the first thing you say to me,well we're somewhere far where no one can find us" he replied nonchalantly, Nate's eyed widened in shock"why?why are you doing this to me?" he asked tears falling from his eyes "why?you dare ask why? you're the one who said you no longer love me and wants to break up with me because I'm not a human, Nathaniel you have a lot of guts,do you think just because you call it quit I'll agree?what about me did you ask me if I was okay with our break up?did you ever love me? I'm a monster, I'm not a human being, I survive by drinking blood does any of that matter to you?as long as you love me is it impossible to be with me?" he asked feeling his chest tighten,Nate looked at Savage and felt like his heart was being pierced by needles he didn't know what to say he just silently listened to him,Savage expected him to say something but when he didn't he laughed coldly "well you can reject me all you want but I'll never leave you" he said taking steps towards him,seeing the darkness in his eyes Nate trembled in fright he wanted to scream but he didn't have the strength to,Savage placed the tray on the table and sat next to him,he lifted his chin and looked him deep in his eyes "I love you, I'll never allow you to leave me" he said,he opened his mouth and his fangs grew a few inches longer,Nate looked at him in horror his heart threatening to jump out of his ribcage he leaned closer to him "you're mine" he said his lips pressed on his neck "I love you" he said,Nate closed his eyes expecting the worst to happen.