
My vampire boyfriend(BL)

Not everyone gets a second chance in life but he got a second chance to make make it up for the love of his life,Nate was an orphan, he was lucky to be admitted at one of the best school in the country.There he meets a strange young man nicknamed as savage who made him feel inexplainable emotions,he felt longing and love for him,but they had just met so why did he feel that way?,he kept on approaching him but he seemed to hate him more than anything else for some reasons he felt hurt when he pushed him away but that wasn't all he kept on having weird dreams,he saw himself holding a man in his arms,the man was badly injured and kept on vomiting blood,he couldn't clearly see the man in his dream but everytime he woke up there were tears in his eyes and he felt inexplainable heartache and sadness.Who was that man in his dreams?,why did he keep on dreaming about him?. In school he made alot of friends,the School was perfect but the rules were strict,but there was more than what met the eyes.There were alot of dark secrets about the School,there was existence of supernatural beings which were not known to human,they only heard about them in folktales.Nate's find himself strongly attracted to savage,he is very famous and have alot of fangirls,he is smart and also very handsome,he was cold and ruthless, everyone was scared of him but for some reasons Nate wasn't scared of him.He never cared about anyone but he couldn't stop caring for him,he gets worried when he is hurt at the same time he hates him,he gets jealous when he sees him with another person,he is very possessive about Nate but doesn't admit it,only he made him feel that way,he was able to make him feel all those strange emotions.Why did he feel that way?they had just met,why was he longing for him?. Talking about secret there was big secret about Nate's background, strange things began happening around him,he got curious and decided to find out,he didn't know who truly he was,he only knew he grew up in an orphanage and with the help of savage he uncovers his true identity and also learns the truth about their tragic past,he was a being that wasn't supposed to exist,he was a danger to everyone,he was a curse that would hurt those close to him,but he wasn't going to give up no matter how people were against him,Nate promises not to make the same mistake he did in his previous life,he will never hurt his beloved.He had gotten a second chance to mend his wrong doings he won't waste it,but there there were alot of obstacles in their way and they had to overcome them or they will have a tragic end.

phaynique · Ciudad
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42 Chs

In pain (chapter 34)

Savage tighted his hold on Nate,the men were completely covered with only their eyes showing completely hiding their identity,Savage felt anxious and for the first time in his life he felt scared,he was so immersed in their moment that he wasn't alert,if he was careful he would have noticed their presence,with his vision and hearing ability he would have spotted them from far,but something else was bothering him how the men knew where he was and how they got in,that's because the place was isolated and no one knew he would be there and the way they were all armed it was clear they knew he would be there,the men were more than ten but he alone was capable of taking them down but the problem was that he was with Nate,to hell with his identity being exposed what he feared the most now was that Nate might get hurt "who are these people?" Nate asked scared "pttthahaha what is he doing with a human? vampire were you trying to suck his blood dry?did we ruin your plans?" asked a man arrogantly but Nate wasn't bothered by his words he looked at Savage but he was staring at the man who had spoken,with gritted teeth he said "leave or you will regret" he didn't dare look at Nate,he was panicked because of what the man had said,his identity was already exposed but he couldn't explain himself to Nate.The man stared at Savage as if he had heard the joke of the year,he snorted "you think I'm afraid of you? you're surrounded soon you will be begging for mercy" the man said excited,out of nowhere two people appeared,they were covered as well but Savage could tell they were women,Savage frowned he knew these men were hunters but he had never seen or heard a female hunter "why did you come so soon we didn't even get to have some fun" complained the man who had been speaking since they sorrouded them.

"You're wasting time,let's get this over and done with" one of the two women said,Nate was beyond scared he wanted to ask questions but the situation they were in he knew it was unwise to ask,he gulped nervously his hearth thumbing hard aganist his ribacage,he knew Savage was a vampire but he didn't know these people and with the way they talked it was clear their intentions weren't good,it was dark and he couldn't see clearly "put me down" he said,if these people were after Savage he had to do something the problem was he didn't know what to do,Savage looked at him but said nothing "put me down,you won't be able to fight them when you're holding me" Nate said,Savage knew Nate was right he gently put him down,he was suprised that Nate didn't seem scared or surprised after what the man had said but he couldn't worry about that he had something more important to do "stay close to me, don't you dare move" he ordered,Nate nodded his head, Savage's eyes turned cold, his eyes red,his aura suffocating and intimidating even Nate couldn't help but tremble, he had never seen this side of Savage.Savage was ready to take them down but the two women hurriedly chatted incarnations which none of them understood,Savage couldn't move an inch,he felt like his head was about to explode,his body was in so much pain like he was being bitten by thousands ants he tried to overcome the pain but it was impossible now he understood who these women were but it was already too late,he held his head in pain not making even the tiniest noise, if not because of how he held his head in pain one wouldn't know he was in pain "Savage" Nate called panicked his heart on his throat,he tried to hold him but Savage was trembling,seeing Savage in so much pain Nate felt like his heart was being pierced by a thousand needles "let him go please" Nate begged tears in his eyes,he was ready and willing to do anything as long as they could let go of Savage "human do you know who he is?" asked a woman "I know...I know he is a vampire....he wasn't drinking my blood....please let him go he did nothing wrong.... please spare him" Nate kept on begging but it was all in vain,these people were here to kill Savage and nothing was going to stop them "quickly finish him off" the woman ordered the men nodded their heads and held their guns ready to shoot,Nate quickly stood infront of Savage "I won't let you hurt him" he said determined shielding him like a mama bear protecting his cub,if they wanted to kill Savage they may as well kill him too,Savage tried to stretch his hand to hold Nate but he had no strength,his complexion was paler than usual almost white as a sheet of paper,a cold sweat dripping on his forehead,he opened his mouth to call Nate but he was unable to.He was a vampire,the second most strongest vampire but infront of this cruel and powerful magic he was helpless,it seemed after he had killed the hunters he had met they had changed their attacking strategy and included witches to help them eliminate vampires,he despised himself for being helpless and hated himself because he couldn't protect Nate, but the question now was how and when did hunters start working together with the witches? and how are they gonna get away from them.

"Kill both of them,if we let this human stay alive he might bring us unnecessary trouble" come a order from the woman just as they were about to shoot,the sky suddenly turned dark with heavy clouds covering the sky accompanied by loud thunder that could wake the dead,the thunder was loud and terrfying and everytime the lightning would strike it would turn bright,brighter than daylight ,these was so sudden that their attention drifted to the unusual phenomenon,even Savage could feel the sudden change.Nate felt his body become light,he felt like he was being possessed by something powerful,his hair completely turned grey and his pupils white,his aura murderous and intimidating,the people who had tried to ambush them stood fronzen in place, mouth wide open and eyes wide opened in shock, but they weren't the only ones shocked,Savage was beyond shocked despite being in pain he couldn't help but questioned his vision ability,he thought he was seeing an illusion,what they were seeing was unheard of and never seen,the atmosphere turned chilly and tense,they unconsciously trembled breath caught in their chest,Nate was completely a different person,he looked like a demon ready to suck their souls out of their bodies,he stared at the people his eyes cold " mere black witches..... stupid humans ....you dare hurt my man?" he asked his voice cold and authoritative sending shivers running down their spine "t...the...des...dest.. destroyer....he..." the woman couldn't finish her words,she gulped hard cold sweat dripping from her forehead,they were done for.