
My Upgrade Quirk

Heroes are no more, this is now a world ruled by the strong, a single wrong step means death.

zephdarkhero · Cómic
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1 Chs

Prologue: The End


They were the existences that everyone looked up to.





There were so many qualities to such an existence that could put fear into the hearts of those individuals who only brought pain and suffering to everyone.

Their era, however, is no more.

Deku: KIA 21:56 30/06/2075

Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight KIA...

Turbo Hero: Ingenium KIA...

The latest and strongest generation of heroes... The ones who inherited All Might's light, the torch of the 'symbol of peace'. Dead. All of them.

"Target found, locking his position."

A pair of launchers swiftly rose from the ground, it turned a few degrees to the right and adjusted the angle.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

In a few seconds, thirty missiles cut through the sky leaving trails behind them.

Pheeeew! Boom!

The sound barrier was broken, the sonic boom spread across the broken city, but there was no reaction, all mirrors had been broken before, no soul wandered those streets that used to be full of life.

Someone turned, the eyes locked onto something so far that it couldn't be seen yet.

"Oh..." A smile appeared on the face covered by the jacket's hood.

He lifted his hand and something unbelievable happened when the missiles approached. Even though they were fast, so fast a naked eye could barely follow them, they all stopped midair, the space surrounding them distorting, engulfing everything around it, then, they vanished without leaving a single proof of their existence.

"Thank you for your gift!" The boy flashed a sweet smile towards another direction, his words spreading in unnatural ways as they reached a small camera pointed towards him that was hidden on the branches of a tree.

Behind a giant monitor, a group of men wearing green camo vests, with so many medals in their chest that the vest was weighting forward, frowned.

"It's Black Hole Jack, the US must have crossed Thailand borders, but what are they doing here?" One of the Generals spoke

"You heard his words, he said 'gift' didn't he? What other reason would there be to invade us, they want our weapons since they used all of theirs!"

"Oh my... then what should we do? They have Calamity class quirks on their side, like that boy from before, and we have already lost our best players, One for all and All for one for the Quirk Devourer." Suddenly, space was ripped apart and a person crossed the void right into the War room. It was a beautiful woman, with a curvaceous body that could make any man uncomfortable due to primal instincts.

"This..." One of the generals stood up in awe as he looked towards the women. "Miss Tsukuyomi has decided to join the Armed Forces?"

Tsukuyomi smiled, her eyes swept the four men inside the room. "Of course I didn't, why should I risk my life for a country that backstabbed me? Even more so, why should any individual with a quirk help the current power system?"

She laughed lightly at the idea.

"You! What's the meaning of this then!" One of them couldn't withstand the humiliation and spoke with rage in his voice.

"It's a warning, General Eguchi Chiasa." Her eyes locked on him. Chiasa was the one who had the biggest number of medals in his chest. "You all forced this, didn't you? Experimenting with human lab rats, trying to change the very nature of Quirks for your benefit... You turned your back to the Superhuman community with your actions and still hope for us to fight for you?

"Fufufu, how naive, but don't worry, the five great have decided."

"What are you talking about?" Chiasa spoke with shaking legs, how could she be with the Five Great?

"They decided that the time has come for humans to disappear, your actions have corrupted our world and almost brought it to an end, nothing more just than paying blood with blood. Now that my words were delivered, I wish you a peaceful passing to the other world."

As she said those words, the space beneath her opened and she disappeared amidst the void that closed soon after.

Before they could even react to that, the alarm went off and a scene appeared on the monitor.

They all opened their eyes wide. Kaput, it ended here then. Humanity is doomed.


"Is it done?" A man wearing casual clothes, with a ponytail hairstyle and an unkempt beard asked the women that crossed the void.


The man nodded and pointed towards the sky. "Then, let the superhuman era finally begin."

As soon as those words were said, his eyes were covered in a flame-like light. The wavering light of his eyes fluttered upwards and there, right above the last human city in japan, an energy beam appeared, at first, it was so small no one could notice it, but soon it started growing, at some point, it looked like a small scorching sun that started to fall.

When it hit the ground, the explosion was unlike any other, it destroyed everything in a way that made it beautiful.

So much light, all the residual energy pushing upwards instead of spreading and causing damage in the area around the city.

It took a minute and then, when the dust cloud finally disappeared, all that remained there were ruins.

The men smiled. "Hehe, it seems that my Red Sun has increased its power by a notch. Oh well, let's go, it's time for the unification of Japan."

The woman smiled as she bowed. "As you wish, Emperor Morikawa Shuichi! May your dynasty last as long as this land beneath our feet!"