
My unfortunate love

Maya a simple, idealistic girl who wants to live life to the fullest but cannot. Life changes for her when she met Jason. The son of a wealthy family. Join her on her journey with Jason and challenges

Arinze_Daniel_6452 · Ciudad
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7 Chs


The howling wind blew through the environment, different hooting car making loud noises, different people moving around the city..

A broken plate fell from the kitchen cabinet getting the attention of other cooks. The door was opened loudly which was a fat man with mustache.

What happened here, he shouted. There was complete silence until a one of the cook spoke:

Sir, it was Maya, she said and the man looked at her with a stern face. Sorry sir, Maya said walking forward to stand in front of him.

Come with me, he said and they both walked out. He took her to his office which was a small office.

He looked at her with annoyance and all she could do was look down at the floor with both hands forwarded and joint together.

You know this is a part time job and if you mess up, i will kick you out, he said and took a pen and file. He signed the file and looked at her.

Sorry sir, she said still looking downwards. It's okay, you can go, he said. she looked at him with a frightened face but still nodded and walked out. She closed the door behind her.

she walked to the kitchen and everyone looked at her but she avoided they gaze and continued washing the dishes.

The time went by fast and her watch alarm went off. she looked at it and took off her glove and apron, she kept the apron and gloves. She went to her boss office and saw him counting cash. her eyes open wide because that money can feed she and her mom for a month.

Sir, am done, she said looking at the money. ok, take, this is your payment, he took some from the money and handed it to her. she counted it to find out it wasn't complete. She looked at him annoyed but kept her cool. sir, it isn't complete, she said showing the money.

you broke a plate and the amount of the plate, i deducted from your money, he said and kept his money.

She kept quiet and just sighed to calm herself, she walked out of the restaurant.

The hot blazing sun reflected through her face, she try looked at the sun but couldn't. she blinked many times because of the sun reflecting and hurting her face. time for my next job, she said and walked away.


Mam, take, said a woman, giving an orange juice to a woman who sat at the dinning room .

Thank you, she said. yes ma, the maid said. My son is coming back tomorrow,so tell one of the maid to tidy his room, the madam said as she opened a file and pen as she read the file and signed it. I will be glad to see young master, she said.

yes, for seven years i haven't seen him, pile she looked at her maid and streched her hand on the dinning table. How is your daughter Maya, she asked. She's fine, said pile.

ok,her madam said and continued eating.

It was late evening. Maya opened her door and saw her mother. she walked to her and knelt down. mother, Maya said. you came late, she said. sorry,here take this, Maya said giving her mom the cash. As she stood up,a paper fell down from her bagpack. she looked at it distressed and wanted to pick it but her mom quickly picked it and unfold it. As she read her eyes opened wide, what's the meaning of this, you got a D in maths, her mother said and stood up.

sorry, I just but she was interrupted, what was so important that you don't value your education,i pay your fee but you misbehave, am disappointed in you, said pile

I had to work, she said and that made pile angry and slapped her. did you utter the word work, you just have to focus on your education,i will handle everything, what don't you understand

Maya hand was on her cheek due to the pain she felt from the slap. she got very angry. What should I do, we are very poor, we hardly feed and i want to help you but you don't understand me, it isn't my fault we are poor and we are on vacation so I can cope next term she shouted and walked to her room.

Pile couldn't believe what happened. She doesn't even understand, Maya said and hissed. The door was opened and it was her mom. pile went and sat near her daughter. Am sorry for shouting, said pile. Maya looked at her mom and knew she couldn't be angry at her . she smiled at her mom.

Mam Nicky son's coming back tomorrow,so I might be late, she told her daughter. He would be like his mom, Maya said. am not sure,if he has change,he would be nice and I can't wait to see him, forget that and get some sleep, pile said.

The next day. The airport was full of people. Nicky look around and so did pile. They saw a boy walking towards them. Jason, said Nicky running towards her son with the heels she wore. Pile followed her as she hugged him. i miss you, she said and Jason just smiled. Come, she held his hand, pile take his luggage, Nicky said pointing at his luggage. pile nod and took the luggage. I will ask the cook make you something nice, Nicky said as they walked out of the airport.

They arrived at the mansion. Jason looked around because it has been long seven years. Mabel, shouted Nicky.

Mabel came running,make him something to eat and have you tidy his room, she asked. No ma,it was Amber job, she said looking down because she knew they were in trouble. Nicky looked at her angrily and slapped her. You mean to say,you haven't tidy the room, Amber, she shouted. Amber came running, when she saw the anger on her boss face, she quickly looked scared and avoided gaze with her.

Why haven't you tidy the room, where will my precious son sleep, she touched his shoulder and looked at him with a smile and looked back at the maids with anger. go now, what are you waiting for, she shouted and they wanted to go but she stopped them. after tidying up the room,pack your things, your fired, she said. please, ma, they pleaded but she stopped them by stretching her palm forward.

They kept quiet and just walked away. Jason looked at his mom,you shouldn't have fired them,he said knowing it was his fault. why shouldn't I, besides you shouldn't stress yourself, she said holding his shoulder and smiled widely.

Hours later, Stella and Jason was at the dinning room. Pile turned on her phone and looked at the time. mam,i have to go, she said. ok, said Nicky raising her hand to inform her she can go. Thank you, she said and went to kitchen to take off the apron. She soon came out with her bag, thank you, she said holding her long skirt and bending a little to show her gratitude. she continued bending until she walked out.

Jason continued eating until he stopped and gazed at his mom who continued to read a file. she saw him gaze at her and knew he wanted something. Still reading the file, what do you want, she asked. I thought you didn't notice me, well I thought maybe i can go out tomorrow,he said. His mom looked at him surprised, why, his mom asked. nothing, said Jason. She looked at him and smiled,ok, said his mom.

Pile got to her home, she took her slippers from her legs and held it and dusted her leg on the door mat. She walked into her apartment and saw Maya resting on the wall with the lantern on and kept looking at it. She looked at her daughter knowing she was thinking and walked to her and tap her which was quite painful to Maya. ahh, she groaned in pain. Have told you stop thinking,you will get old if you continue, she said and sat down close to her. Maya stood up quickly, i wasn't thinking,i just wanted to find a way for us to pay our house rent and school will soon resume and you have to pay my school fee, all this is too much, i don't want to leave a life where we can't eat, pay our bills, Life is unfair, she said and a tear drop fell from her eyes rolling down to her chin.

Pile stood up and looked at her daughter who looked down with folded hands in her armpit. She touched her daughter shoulder and said, you understand, everything is tough, she said. tough?, life isn't tough for the rich people just us, she said nodding her head. Pile looked at her daughter and knew the pain she felt and walked away but was stopped by the question she asked, where's dad

Pile looked at her daughter and said,his out of the country, trying to feed us. If he was trying to feed us, then why hasn't he even sent anything, she said. he is busy, she said and walked quickly to avoid her questions. Maya sat again and rested her back on the wall and raised one of her leg and made a triangle shape and rested her head on it.

Maya decided to accompany her mom. it's good you came to accompany me, pile said smiling and that made Maya smile. Yeah and.... but just then her phone beemed. She took it from her pocket and turned it on. it was a job. Mom,i have to go,i have a full time job, she said excited. ok, she said and Maya hugged her. They waved at each other until they were out of gaze.

Pile entered the mansion through the gate and saw Jason entering a car. young master, she called and he looked at her. yes,he responded and put one of his leg down from the car. Where are you going, she asked. I just want to move around,he said and pile nodded. He got into the car and drove past her, the gate keeper opened the gate widely for the car to move past it.

Maya ran to her job recommendation was surprised. It was a wealthy restaurant. She could see people with class eating different foods. This food can feed i and mom well, from the looks of things,i will be paid well, she mummered to herself. A young girl who wore a black plain skirt and white shirt and a red tie, she saw other waiters wearing that, she was looking at them until the girl stood in front of her.

Are you the girl that recived the job application for full time, she said nicely. yes,i am, she said. i know you would be, go to the store room and take one this outfit and wear it, she said showing her the store room. She walked to the store room and soon she came dressed in the outfit.

She looked and saw the kitchen, she entered the kitchen and saw many chefs unlike where she work. A chef handed her a dish. Take give this to table seventeen, she wanted to leave but she saw a letter. hey there's a letter, she said. yes, the guy who sit there is so hot, the chef said. What is in it, Maya asked. nothing much just told him I like him and also tell him who wrote the letter, she said and Maya just looked confuse and nod.

She took the dish to the so called handsome boy. She saw him, it was Jason. take, she said and handed it. She wanted to tell him about the letter until she was called and went away. He wanted to eat but saw the letter. He opened it and read it.

hey handsome,

You probably don't know me but I like you, i love you.

After reading the letter, he looked confused and looked around for Maya. he saw her and called her attention. She came and stood in front of him. what is this,he said handing her the letter, she took it and read it with widen eyes. i wanted to tell you, it was a cook she said and looked at him but his expression looked like he didn't believe her.

A cook, please stop lying, you obliviously like me,he said smiling. Maya looked at him and nodded. no,i told you, but was interrupted when he spoke. Who could resist my handsome face, that made Maya annoyed and walked away. He found it rude. He saw her and called her, she didn't go to him but thought she could lose her job and walked to him. Give me a grape juice,he said. she walked and brought him a grape juice. She wanted to leave but he called her, bring another kind of this dish. She walked away and brought him the dish. He stopped her which made her angry and shouted, what!!. she gained the attention of other people but breath in and talked slowly as they looked away. what, she said calmly. Why did you shout,you told me you like me and you're treating me badly.

I told you,it wasn't me, she said. he raised his eyebrows. stop lying, he said. i will show you i don't like you, she took the grape fruit and poured it on his clothes. He kept looking at the juice poured on him. After she was done, she smiled satisfied by what she did and he looked at her. he stood up angrily which made some people look at them.

you have done enough, time to pay,he walked past her. where are you going, she asked. to sack you,he said and continued walking. she didn't know what to do but look down like she had an idea. she ran and jumped on his back.

Get off me,he said. no, she said. they moved in circles hitting tables and chairs. The boss came out and saw the commotion. he was surprised and Maya saw him and looked at him and quickly got down from Jason. what happened,he asked. your worker is intolerant,he said and looked at her and then Jason. sorry sir but please don't take any drastic measure, he said. i won't,he said. Jason looked at Maya with an angry face and went out of the restaurant angrily.

I would have fired you but because nothing happened to my restaurant,tidy this up,he shouted and she looked at how he walked away.

Jason was driving and realized his phone rang. he looked and saw the contact. Eric,he picked it and they talked. yeah... sorry....sure I will come over,he said and hung up.

As he reached the destination his friend told him. he found out it was at a mass communication company. He got down from his car and saw his friend coming out of the residence. They shoke hand. you didn't tell me, you came back,he said. sorry, said Jason. suddenly medias began to surround them, Jason David Scott, when did you come back, asked one of them. they asked him different questions which made him uncomfortable. stop,shouted Eric and they all left. it's great your mom owns the media communications so you can help me when they make me uncomfortable, Jason said and they smiled. Eric looked at his shirt and saw the stain. what happened, Eric asked. i will fill you in,he said and they both entered his car.

Maya was done with her Job and got her payment. she counted it and was happy,he didn't deduct from her payment unlike her other part time job. she thanked him and went to change her outfit. she took her backpack and put the money into it.

It was late, she wanted to go home quickly and saw her mom serving they dishes. she could smell the dishes and held her tommy. she went to sit with her on the floor. you came late, pile said opening the dishes. yes, she opened her backpack and gave her mom the money. pile counted it and was delighted. this can feed us for a month,i will add some of it to your credit card

ok,let me go take a bath, Maya said and went to take a bath. She came out and they both ate but Maya ate her's fast. she took her dish to the sink and washed it. She walked to the room she and her mom slept. she saw her mother lugguge. she walked to it but turned away. she closed her eyes and opened it, she saw clothes and a letter. she picked it and read it. she was angry and went to her mother who was still eating.

mom, you didn't tell me, dad has another family, Maya said sobbing. where did you see that, asked pile. that's isn't compulsory,why did you lie, she asked her mom. i didn't want to stress you, pile said. why... but kept shut because they door was opened by they neighbor. pile,a mail came, she said.

now, said pile as she collected it. she unwrapped it and read it. what, she said. Maya collected the paper and read it. what is it, asked the neighbour gossiping. thanks, pile said with the attempt to stop her from middling in they matters. The neighbors bit her lips annoyed and went away.

where will we go, asked Maya. i don't know, said pile. this is a problem,she said. don't think about it,go to sleep,i will handle it, she said with a positive tune but knew it was faultless. Maya looked at her mom and walked into the room.


Pile served food to Nicky and looked worried. Nicky noticed her and asked.what happened

nothing but when she thought, she could help her. our house wants to be vacated,mam said. that's sad, Nicky said. do you want a juice with that, she asked. yes, she said and pile wanted to leave but she stopped her.

pile,you have been working here for the late 12years, you can stay here, Nicky asked. would you mind, asked Pile. don't worry,you can stay at the other guest house, she said. thank you, Maya would be so happy,Pile said.

The day ended quickly and Maya told her daughter. Maya,mam Nicky gave us an opportunity to stay at the guest house, she said. what,i won't,i can't stay there, she said. what do you mean,we have a roof over our head and you should be grateful, Pile shouted. Maya kept her cool, i won't live where my mom works as a maid, said Maya. you have to go if you like it or not, she noticed her daughter kept quiet. good,get parking,you are not working tomorrow, she said and Maya just looked at her mom.

The next day, they parked they clothes and moved to the mansion. They moved to the guest house. it was small but ok, Maya looked around because it was bigger than they former house. After parking, pile left, i have to work, come later, she said. Maya sat down on the bed and smiled. it's good i moved here, she said and stood up to explore the place more.

She entered the main house and was surprised, she saw everything and loved it, she looked around not seeing Jason who had a cellphone on his head. She hit him which made her lose her grip but was caught by Jason who held her hand. instead of arguing,they kept gazing at each other.

Hi guys, this my first novel on webnovel, feel free to tell me how you think.

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