
My Unexpected Journey

Luna is mysteriously being thrown from realm to realm in the cosmos. The only way for her to return to her own time line is to complete a bizarre adventure.

MonaRich · Cómic
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15 Chs


Hello, I'm a 17 year old fire mage from Magnolia. My name is Luna Rose Dragneel. After what feels likes ages, I've won the affection of one of my brother's closest friends. It had been a struggle competing for his love in return. I know that Juvia won't give up so easily. Even though I know, deep down in my heart, that I've won the battle, I'm still going to confess. Today is that day! Tonight, after sunset, we're to meet up at the Big Sakura Tree and make this official. It's scenery will make for the perfect atmosphere. The best setting for a confession to take place.

I stood up and out of bed. Followed my usual morning routine. Natsu and Happy's nowhere to be seen. I looked up at the clock against the kitchen's wall. It's not even eight yet. How odd? Where can they be? It bypasses my understanding completely.

After a quick bite, I left the cottage. My night ware neatly folded and placed at the edge of my bed. Morning dished washed and stacked away.

On my way over towards the guildhall, I stumbled upon an odd looking curtain. It's completely out of this world. As black as the night and beyond peculiar. I wouldn't call its aura evil, per say, but there's indeed something magical about it. Without any, whatsoever, warning its folds unfolded and out came a strong twister. It pulled me in. No matter how hard I try to pull away, I just couldn't escape the force of its power.