
My Unexpected Journey

Luna is mysteriously being thrown from realm to realm in the cosmos. The only way for her to return to her own time line is to complete a bizarre adventure.

MonaRich · Cómic
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15 Chs

9: Death mode

I'm standing in a dark alley; only a single flickering light is burning overhead. Through the corner of my eyes I noticed how somebody inched closer and closer. I can slightly identify the outlining of a sinister grin painted upon a complexion and in the person's left hand a weapon's shimmering underneath the moons silver touch. My body feels numb and frozen on the spot, like I've been standing for hours in wet concrete; now solid and obsolete. Something about this very alleyway, this night, this sinister stranger; seems oddly familiar. Like I've been pumped full of adrenaline, I sprinted forward in a quick run. The stranger quickly followed behind. I ran and ran, not once looking back. When I finally came to a halt, I looked behind me seeing that nobodies there. I stood on the corner waiting, like I'm looking for trouble being out at this time of night, but he didn't show. This can't be, could it? I questioned myself in secrecy as the familiarity of the scene crossed my mind again. I backtracked a few spaces and stopped at a corner which I've passed before. Far in the distance lays the motionless silhouette of a body. I must be completely off my meds for even considering the remote possibility. Foolishly I inched closer. It's without mistake the same person from before, a knife lay on the ground beside him. Shimmering in the moonlight without a care in the world. It seems that I'm still early in the story, I thought as I swallowed loudly. The people don't fear him yet, not knowing what consequences putting a foot out of place could have to their everyday lives. I can't fathom the fact that I've been spat out in Death Note of all places. How many times haven't I laid stretched out on my bed, so deep in thought wishing that I could be teleported directly into L's waiting arms? How many times had Happy made fun of me for it, telling me by using stupid little rhymes that I want to kiss him? How many times had my brother actually spelt out the word kissing, letter by letter, and then some more; just to annoy me senseless? L and Luna's sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G… everybody knows how well that one ends. I have to get aboard this case. I need to help L in this investigation. I would much like to safe him, but wouldn't that be associated with rewriting the script? I've shed so many tears, watching him die over and over again, like a very bad dream on replay. Like I would die in Levi's arms over and over, this seems to be L's fate. A fate that I can't change, but I see no problem in trying to help him.

I made my way towards the police station, and walked over to the reception desk. "Good evening, Miss. How can I be of any help?" A young lady with long black hair asked with a polite smile. "I have some information on the Kira case," I informed her in a hushed tone. Just in case somebody entered who shouldn't hear our conversation. She nodded in understanding. "Please take a seat for a moment while I let the authorities know," she said. After a while sitting and resting my tired limps, she acknowledged me and told me how somebody would be with me shortly. As promised someone appeared. The person is dressed in a long dark cloak and glasses as black as the night. Watari, without a doubt. "Would you please follow me, Miss?" He asked with complete confidence. I nodded and follow him. We rode the elevator to the ground floor where the building's parkinglod greeted me. He opened a door; I thanked him before climbing in. As we drove I stared out of my window at the passing scenery. I would've never thought that such a tragic place could be so beautiful, what evils had been birthed by mankind. After long last Watari and I, exiled from the vehicle and rode an elevator to the top floor of the building. Down a long corridor we walked and stopped outside a close door on which Watari knocked twice. "Come in," a monotone voice spoke up. The older man opened the door and motioned for me to enter. "So Miss, I believe you've got some valid information on the Kira case," L said. Currently he's not looking our way, he seems to be finding the halve dozen of monitors more interesting. "Firstly, and foremost, I need to rule out any possibilities that you're not Kira," he said stoically. I should have seen that one coming seeing how he's extremely feral. He stood up and turned around to face me. His eyes grew in size when he took in my appearance. "Luna? Luna Rose Dragneel?" He questioned. What the hell? He knows me! How's this even possible? "You know her, Sir?" Watari asked. He nodded as he laid a thumb upon his lips. "Then I'll leave you to it," the older man said as he left and closed the door behind him. "All of Fiore had been chaotic without you! How are you standing before me right now?" L asked in a confused tone, but I can tell that his silently trying to calculate the possibilities. I explain my odd situation to him. How many soul mates do I have? Is there one for every realm that I've visited? There was Captain Levi Ackerman; and in a world full of Titans, he was my hero. Gaara my newest soul mate, who happens to be the Hokage in the land of Wind, surrounded by bizarre tasks and ninjas. Now here I'm standing in front of L Lawliet, the greatest detective known to mankind. He gave another step closer. My wild stallion heart galloped out of control. Another few steps and we'll be standing abreast. My irregular breathing is thrown off by a notch, messy and uneven. He smiled crookedly at my reaction. I instantly noticed when the door opened up behind us; in reaction I pulled him in (like I've done years prior with the one and only Ichigo Kurosaki) and pushed my lips against his. He kissed me back. I snaked my arms around his neck, our kiss deepen, as L fold his arms around my waist. Could it be that I'm his favourite character, like he's mine? He's not pulling away or stopping me at any means possible. How ironic that would surely be?

The clearing of a throat behind me pulled us away from our heated moment. "Ryuzaki, I didn't know that you have a girlfriend. Hello, I'm Light Yagami," he introduced himself politely. A shiver crossed my spine. Being in the same room as him leaves my soul cold. "I'm Misa, Light's Fiancé!" She spat unattractively. Fiancé? They're already engaged! The storyline is much more advanced then I originally thought. They're currently at the part where they're pleating innocent. The part in the manga where they can't recall anything because of a well established plan. Even so it doesn't make me feel any better. "It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Lucy Scarlett," I introduced. I can't let him know my real name. I'm not that stupid or immature. "See you later babe," I told him as I stretched out on my tippy toes and brushed my lips against his for a final time. "Watari, could you please show Lucy to our room. I guess she'd like to freshen up after her long flight and make sure that she gets something to eat," L said. "It was nice meeting you, Lucy," Light said coyly. I followed Watari out of the room. "A foolish mistake on your part Ryuzaki, giving her name so carelessly away," I heard Light's statement before Watari closed the door in between us and them. I followed Watari down the long corridor, passed the elevators and towards the last door on the left. He inserted the key card in the door and the door unlocked. "The room from which we just emerged and this one is the only rooms in this entire building which haven't been wired. So be careful not to let your cover fall, Miss Luna? I haven't eavesdropped on your conversation but I'm sure that L would keep you updated. I hope that you enjoy your stay. A meal will arrive as soon as it's prepared," he said fatherly and left me alone to my surroundings. White furniture parades across the room. A sofa, coffee table and television set. I moved through the only other door that turns away from the living area to the rest of the apartment. A big spacious room with an adjoined bathroom. A wardrobe, bed and side tables (a lamp stands on one of the tables) are the only furniture in this room. It's neat and tidy, not a speck of dust anywhere. At the foot the lamp lays a bible. I opened up the wardrobe to be greeted by stacks of neatly folded clothing: Grey pants and white long sleeved shirts. I could just as well have my own clothing washed and dress in one of his over sized shirts. It would fit me like a very short nightgown. I can't go without any undergarments, I hope that he don't mind me using some of his. At least until I get mine clean and dry. Going free spirit with something as short as this is a big no-no.

After an hour long bubble bath, (I'm a woman what have you been expecting?) I combed out my freshly washed hair, dried off and dressed myself into the white shirt and boy-shorts. I look at my reflection in the full length mirror. My shoulder length hair had grown a lot since this journey began, years ago. The pink locks lies just below my rear-end. I'm not as young as I've been when I started out either, obviously, I had clearly aged. I should ask L how many years had passed since I've started this awkward journey of mine. I'm curious to know how old the refection is that's staring back at me. The boisterousness that Heike informed me about way back when must have calmed down by now. Perhaps Sakura was indeed correct, maybe they had continued with their lives. Gray had most likely started a live with Miss Love Rival aka. Juvia Lockster. For all I know Erza married Jellal and Lucy married that brother of mine. Perhaps even Elfman and Ever Green had their first child together. So much time had passed; one's reflection could never lie. I must have missed out on so many important dates and happenings. I'm glad that the curtain chose me and took me on this weird and wonderful journey. I've made so many friends along the way, met so many different people. I look down at the over size shirt that's wrapped around my body, rubbing my fingers over the material. I would have never thought at the start of this adventure that a lifelong dream had a possibility of coming true, not this one at least. As happy as I am being here in L's room, I can't help but wish myself to be in Gaara's embrace. I miss him, even more than I've ever missed Gray Fullbuster. However this journey plays out to be, I would have to confess my sins. Old romantic flames would have to be at the top of my to-do list.

I went back into the living area and noticed a meal spread waiting on my arrival. A bowl of chicken ramen and some deep fried chicken strips. I ate my dinner and drank a cup of green tea. Afterwards I lay down on the sofa and watched something on TV. Trying my upmost best to stay awake and wait on his arrival. Somewhere along the line, I must have dozed off. I stirred awake by a gentle touch. I opened my eyes and stared up at him. Quickly recalling in which realm I've been thrown. He's sitting in his signature pose in front of me on the coffee table. "The probability of analysing this situation to its full capacity is peculiar indeed. This shouldn't be remotely possible. An error in my line of work," L said as he tries to figure it all out. I explained to him how I've vanished from my time and been jumping around from realm to realm, trying to find my way back home. He nodded in understanding. "Earlier you informed the police that you have some information on the Kira investigation," he reminds me. "You're the main character in my favourite Manga, back home. I've read it about a hundred times over. Happy used to make fun of me for that. You must be reading a Manga where I'm one of your preferences, seeing how you haven't pulled away when I've kissed you," I told him. He licked his lips which is an odd trade coming from him. He seems to be a little frustrated, but not in a bad way. He stood up and retakes his place beside me on the sofa. I turn my gaze towards him. This time around he inched closer and pushed his lips against mine. I'm sorry Gaara, please forgive me, were my last thought before I lost myself completely in the moment. I snaked my arms around his neck for the second time, since I've appeared in this realm, and deepen our kiss in the process. With one quick movement he pulled me into his lap. He's much stronger than he appears to be. Our little make-out session grew more intense. One thing leads to another and then I lost myself with him completely, like I've lost myself with Levi years before. At the end of his tale, however, I died within his arms, where at the end of this tale L dies in Kira's arms. Fate doesn't want me to be with either of them. I always believed that my future lies with Gray Fullbuster, the ice demon slayer, but what if I was wrong? What if meeting all those different people were in fact my destiny? My way of meeting the one that I'm bound to be with_ not Levi, or Hisagi, or even L; but, that it had been Gaara from the very beginning. The Hokage of the land of Wind! What's wrong with me? What am I turning into? This isn't like me at all, laying in L's warm embrace, but thinking about another.

In the weeks that followed I informed L about Kira. How both Misa and Light has notebooks that they use to kill people and how these notebooks work? I told him about the shinigami's that follow behind them and that Light Yagami aka. Kira himself is going to kill him. I informed him how Kira would put an end to the world's greatest detective. L told me that I wouldn't want to know what happened in my own realm, seeing how ten years had passed since the day I've vanished, and just for the record he knew that I've entered through a mysterious black curtain, but nothing afterwards. The rest remained a mystery. That makes me twenty-seven. Ironic to say the least, suddenly I'm older then L. If I were to stay in this hellhole that's Kira's territory, I'm going to get much older then this and eventually parish by the psychopath's hand. I can't stay with a pure mind, knowing that I will always think about Gaara and what we could have had. I couldn't stay with the red head because I wanted to see how this journey ends, so neither am I following that route now. For all I know this could be the last stop on the map.

It's a rainy day today, and unfortunately I know precisely what that means. This is L's doomsday; I'm not allowed to rewrite this tragic event. He's been lost in thought for a while, standing outside in the pouring rain. From here on out the last remaining sands to his hourglass will hit hard bottom. It breaks my heart to know that my hands are tied. I walked into the downfall and placed a hand affectionately upon his shoulder. "I can hear the bells ringing," he said. My own tears mingle with the droplets which the angels are crying. It's consistency cold against my skin. "I'm sorry, but I'm not allowed to rewrite your story," I said sadly. He turned and looked down at me. "You have nothing to apologize for. Thank you for loving me, even if it was only for a little while. Now continue on your journey my love and be happy in whichever path you choose. Live a long and prosperous live," he said as he brushed my cheek with his thumb, leaned in closer and kissed me one last time. When we pulled away, the almost forgotten black curtain hung just out of reach. I greeted him with a sad smile, before disappearing into the mysterious unknown.