
My Unexpected Journey

Luna is mysteriously being thrown from realm to realm in the cosmos. The only way for her to return to her own time line is to complete a bizarre adventure.

MonaRich · Cómic
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15 Chs

10: Z mode

I opened my eyes and found myself in the middle of an arena, at some kind of a tournament. At least I can rule out any possibilities of this being home. "Well okay then, let the battle begin," an announcer blared annoyingly into an open mike. The audience went bezerk. Battle? Tournament? The guy at the opposing side rushed forward. Dishevelled black hair; well build figure. He seems to be around the same age I've been when I've started out this bizarre adventure. Through how many realms am I to travel before I reach home? I dodged a direct hit, only barely. I'm completely out of practise. He's fast; a tad to fast in my opinion. No human being is supposed to be able to move at that kind of speed. It's impossible! I keep moving backwards, dodging as best I could. Natsu would be so disappointed in me if he sees me now. My brother and I had always fought at equal power. What had become of that? This adventure had turned me into somebody that I don't recognise anymore. One more step and I'll be ring-out. One more dodge and victory goes to my opponent. What am I to do? Is it safe to show my true colours? Am I capable of using my fire magic, I haven't used it in such a long time? I don't belong at the edge of this arena, can't they tell? I closed my eyes and wait for impact. I might just as well stand my ground as to give him the satisfaction of a ring-out or forfeit. "Time out!" I heard a comforting voice towering over me. I opened my eyes slowly and noticed the back of a giant of a man. He reminds me a lot of the guy who's currently challenging me. Father and son, I presume. The announcer came forward and the two men fall deep into conversation. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm extremely sorry for these unexpected events. Let's restart this match by getting Trunks into the arena, please!" The man said over the mike on a calmer note, but even so it annoys me senseless. "Follow me," the man who saved me from this chaotic mess, said. He leads me to a place where the rest of his friends and family grouped. "You should be more careful, the arena isn't a place for weaklings," a guy said stoically. I let my head low in defeat. Knowing that he's correct, I'm nothing what I used to be. "Don't mind my rude husband," a blue haired maiden said as she poked her elbow into his ribs. "I fear you're wrong, Vegeta! She's no weakling, just confused." The man with the dishevelled hair (like his son battling it out in the arena below), said. "What do you mean, dad?" Another black head ask. This one wearing thick rimmed glasses. "I don't know how to explain it, let's wait 'till after the tournament," he said in an answering tone. I saw how the rest of the event unfolded. Listened how the presenter announced this year's winner and rewarded him with the prize money. Yet I don't seem to understand how that old coop could win this entire tournament, because I can surely beat him with little effort. Mr. Satan seems like a laughing stock. "I don't understand, clearly Mr. Satan had a disadvantage against most of his opponents. So how did he win?" I asked bluntly. The rude man snickered at my command, "See even the newbie finds it ironic!" What is that suppose to mean? "My father has somewhat of an egotistic personality," a young lady with shortly cropped hair stated. "You wouldn't say," the blue haired woman said sarcastically. "So in order to stroke his giant ego, the guys let him win on purpose," another continued on her behalf. This one however has sleek black hair up in a tight bun. "Master Roshi, what's wrong?" A tiny bold headed guy asked. I really need to get on terms with their names. He just stared at me, observing me from head to toes. Is this old coop a pervert? I feel so uncomfortable underneath his persistent stare.

The event blew over and everybody (including me) went to West City where we're to enjoy a hefty meal. They introduced themselves, each in turn. "Now, seeing how introductions are in order, could you kindly explain how you've mysteriously appeared in the middle of an arena?" Goku asked interested. "Of course, you see I'm a fire dragon slayer from Fiore. I've been thrown through a mysterious curtain time and time again, trying to find my way back home for ten years now. The name's Luna Rose Dragneel," I ended by introducing myself. "Fairytail," Master Roshi said barely audible. "Master?" Tien asked. "It had been so long since I've last heard that name," Roshi said louder this time around. "Master?" Goku asked. "Years ago, I've too found myself in her position. I can still recall it like it happened only yesterday. I was on my way towards the guildhall, when a mysterious black curtain appeared out of nowhere and swallowed me in. After dying a second time around and being wished back by the dragon balls, I was edited into the main script, never to return again," Master Roshi confessed. I could have never foretold this. This explains a lot, he had been analysing me after all. "Maybe the Eternal Dragon can help you to return to your world," Videl suggested. "I'll get the Dragon radar ready," Bulma said as she stood up and left. Where am I to stay while I'm here? I don't know them good enough to ask and I won't be able to use the radar even if my life depended on it. Goku laid a hand upon my shoulder; as if he could hear my inner dialogue. "What about letting her stay with us for the time being, Chi-Chi?" He asked his wife. "Oh no, I couldn't possibly intrude," I swipe the idea away with the back of my hand. "No, please we insist. You can use Gohan's old room," Chi-Chi offered full of whims. As Bulma reappeared with the odd looking device at hand, I left alongside Goku, Chi-Chi and Goten. As soon as we reached their destination, Goku kissed his wife on the cheek and said: "I'm off, Chi-Chi." Where could he possibly be going to at this time of day? He doesn't seem like the dishonest type. "That's Goku for you, always on the run. He'll search for all seven dragon balls and return as soon as he'd found them all," Chi-Chi said lovingly. She pinpointed me in Gohan's old room. After a long relaxing shower (or at least as long as it could take knowing that I share with two others), I crawled in for the night.

The following day, Goten took me along with him. He introduced me to his girlfriend, Valese, which his mother doesn't seem to find to her liking. I don't see the problem, apart from the fact that she's extremely clingy and to be frank not the brightest crayon in the box. At least Goten looks happy when he's around her, in my book that's all that matters. Bulma gave me a small capsule, that's apparently used as their travel method around these parts. According to Gohan he can't teach me the flying technic because he doesn't know if he'd have enough time. Instead of being cooped up in at their residence, I took a trip to Roshi's small island; he was delighted to have me as a guest. The days were consistent of introductions, as Goten and Trunks took me up to the lookout, on piggyback, where I got acquainted with Korin a white cat and Yaserobi, a small young man who loves eat a lot. Even higher up I was familiarized with some green folk named Dendé and Piccolo. Last but definitely not the least, I were introduced to a kind man who goes by the name of Mr. Popo; who keeps the lookout well maintained. After a week or so, Goku returned. As a whole we came together at the lookout. He put all seven balls together and they reacted to one another by glowing up. Goku summoned the Eternal Dragon that goes by the name of Shenron and all seven balls rose into the air which had grown surprisingly dark. "Good day old friend," Goku said kindly. "Goku, long time not seen; with what can I help you. Speak your wish?" The Dragon spoke up. I inched closer and looked up at this fascinating form. "What a privileged to meet the daughter of Igneel," he said honoured. "You knew my father?" I questioned in surprise. "Yes, indeed I do. We happened to be cousins your father and I," he informed me proudly. "It's an honour to meet you Shenron" "Now with what can I help you my dear?" I inhaled deeply, this is it? "I would much like to return to my own realm, but I fear if I do so, I might not be as happy as I'd be in Gaara's arms. On that note I'm not quite sure how I'm to proceed. Can you help me, Shenron?" I ended with a question. He nodded his enormous green head in an understanding manner and said: "I can be of some assistance to you daughter of Igneel. I'll use both wishes to make yours come true. I'll send you back to your realm in the cosmos. When you're ready to leave that life behind, just say my name and I will grand your second wish by sending you back towards his realm. Say your goodbyes, little one, so that I could return to my slumber," I thanked him wholeheartedly and greet the people who are surrounding me. "Send my regards to Makarov? Tell him that I'm doing great," Master Roshi asked of me. I looked up towards Shenron and nodded my head. I'm ready for whatever awaits me beyond this ten year quest. "You're wishes had been granted," he bellowed. I vanished into thin air. Glad that I wouldn't forget a single moment of my bizarre adventure. Pleased that I would remember every friend that had crossed my path and helped me along the way. Relieved that most of those memories are worth recollecting.