
my undying love for Mr president

falling in love in my teen was something I never expected but after all rejection just because I was a little teenage girl who wasn't in his standard he broke me over and over again.

Elsa stared hard at the morning sun from her hotel room wind, having left her city to start a new a life where there wasn't Mr president but still she can't stop thinking about him, maybe mom was right he wasn't the right guy for her he broke.

her thoughts were cut short by the sound of a phone ringing, she picked it up, "morning mom" " oh my Darling baby how you doing "

"I am good, what about dad" " he fine , hmm sweetheart I think it better we visit you instead " Elsa raised a brow her parents wanted her to come back for the holidays but they want to come over " why the sudden change of plans mom" " oh it's nothing just thought it will be better coming to the city you live in" "OK if that what you want"

Back in Elsa's city LA a man sitted in an expensive office listening to his assistant "boss I found out miss Elsa moved to another city" " hmm what makes her think she can run away " " find a way to bring her back" the assistant bowed and left to do as he said no want this man angry he is the most powerful man in LA none other Mr Alexander Smith himself