
Chapter hundred and forty-two: Daejong gets what he wants

Her newfound stardom is still surreal yet as she sits in royal gowns and make-up, she realized she's beginning to feel like a real royal. The glam squad had worked their magic so beautifully she was ready to make her royal debut.

Spring had arrived, bud of the first flower had bloomed. The other seasons were at constant odd __ a hectic transition of power when summer thwarted spring, fall interrupted summer and winter extinguished autumn. Spring and winter, however, had a special relationship: one that was more like an embrace than a struggle for authority. They pass the baton freely, a reminder that fresh starts can be positive for everyone involved.

She was glamorous in her trail as she appeared like a genie out of a lamp. The heads of soon to be servants, which were turned towards the ground pivoted to face her, with a wave of the hand all the followers knelt before her.