
Forty-three: MTOABB


“Were you serious about us two sharing a room?” I turn to stare at him as Chloe and Cass unload the various luggage from the trunk of the car.

“It’s up to you, I won’t push it if you say no,” he claims.

And I hated his answer, all I wanted was a yes or a no, but more so a yes than anything.

I nod, not knowing what else to say.

“Are you coming inside or what?” Chloe asks, already holding the door ajar with her one hand. I glance back, finding no one else outside but me and the Cass’s car.

I move my feet towards her and she disappears into the little cottage.

“Why don’t everyone go freshen up in their rooms and we will meet back here?” He turns to look at everyone and Cassandra makes the first move, dragging her suitcase up the stairs and Chloe soon follows.

“What have you decided?” He asks, waiting for me to answer him.