
my truth

Equality, love, humility, honesty, purity, these are the qualities of humanity; He went on the policy of deceit, deceit, price, penalty, differenceAdopting, sowed the seeds of hatred between mankind and human beings and then humans started fighting among themselves and due to this humanity became weak and taking advantage of this weakness, demons and demons attacked mankind. And by the time the human race could understand something, even before that the demons destroyed the entire human raceHukum became Shah, once the power came in hand, those demons committed unrelenting atrocities on mankind, they made the entire human race their slave due to their hatred of mankind. And due to the fire of this stomach, mankind also stopped attacking each otherThe demons would pick up the women and teenage women of any house that did not back down and force them to either leave them or kill them and then eat them raw, due to the atrocities of the demons, the whole world After all, the human race is the god of gods, MahadevHe decided to go to the refuge of Mahadev. Humanity worshiped Mahadev for 2000 years. Finally, because of his devotees of humanity, he became happy and he appeared on the earth. Seeing such plight of her devotees, she turned red with anger from her eyesThe blazing flame started rising, finally he opened his third eye and he started dancing the tandav, as he went on dancing, different human and animal figures came out from his body and those figures became all the grandfathers present in the world and She started annihilating the demons just like the orgyAlthough all the demons and demons present in this world died while dancing, all humanity stood in front of them to see their orgy dance. He started running here and there to save his life, but how much was heEven if he didn't do anything, he could not escape the wrath of all Mahadev, he killed all the kings of the demons, the kings of the demons, there was a 4-month-old boy whose parents were killed by those figures in front of his eyes. Seeing his parents dying like this helpless, in the mind of that childThe blazing flame of anger towards humanity and Mahadev lit up in front of the dead body of his parents, the demon boy crawled on seeing those dead bodies, and he looked at the helpless child in his eyes. Seeing this, Mahadev also felt pity on him and he decided to forgive that childHe decided that he had also seen the feeling of hatred towards himself in that child's eyes. The demon was saved, after the end of all the demons, Mahadev was again from this worldBut in this world a janu child was still alive and that too with the fire of his vengeance towards humanity, he took shelter in the dense forests and by cutting off his body parts, he started increasing the demon race again. Taking inspiration from Mahadev Tandav dance, he renamed his clan as Tandav clanFrom then he started to infiltrate the human race, he regained many supernatural powers and now he came to know that a prince in the world has the blessings of Mahadev and was born again to eliminate the demons from the world. If this happened, then he made his body soulless in his sleepThe demons believed that their enemy was over, but after 900 years, the prince again assumed the body of an orphan weak boy from a distant country. Can an orphan boy with a weak body really face the demons? Or will he again become a victim of the deceit of the demons or will this againThe kingdom of demons will be established in the world, keep reading to know the story my truth(This story is a fantasy in a parallel world)

Raging_dragons · Militar
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64 Chs


That light was coming out of the sword, this is what Kedar says loudly, seeing him, pride also gets into thinking, this is the same two swords that Kalicharan had, but the chief of a Tandava clan himself wanted to kill him. Why would he follow her into the forest to kill a minor boy from an orphanageSo can not go, he will send the rest of the killers present here for this, suddenly those swords start shining with bright light and from the light of that sword, the face of that man on the back of that bird also becomes clearly visible. Half of a man's face is completely black and proud to see his faceRealized that this is Kalicharan, as soon as Kalicharan's eyes fall from the sky towards pride, a smile comes on his face as if he has found his victim, suddenly all the dark clouds present there start to disperse and there are hundreds of people. The number of hawks used to start hovering, all these hawk birds full feetThey are black from feet to feet, only their eyes are completely white and thousands of killers stand on the ground below, as well as their pets along with them, some animals are bigger than 15 feet. It seemed that this time the killers of those Tandav clans put their full strength tonightAll those killers wanted to erase the name and existence of Bharatpur state from the world, after this the bird on which Kalicharan is sitting comes down to the ground and he takes his bird towards the protective shield of blue energy. At the same time, the entire land of the prison starts shaking vigorously and thatSeeing that cracks were being created on the ground, the soldiers on the security wall above the prison quickly start coming down and running towards the outside of the prison, only then the pride is seen on the device inside the prison building. The blue energy is controlled by which the pride is immediately thereAll the iron tells Manav to run outside the prison and he also tells them that whatever happens tonight and they all will not follow me, they have to fight with those killers till their last breath till the last drop of their blood. After this all those irons run out of the human prison, making them proudHe was sure that he would come out of the prison at last after all the people left, so he runs fast and reaches outside the prison, he looks back and sees that Garv was still present in the prison and he is inside the prison building. At this time the bird of Kalicharan is running towards the blue energy from its eyesPiercing on the protective shield, he is sending all the blue energy into his body through his eyes so that the entire black color of his body was turning blue, that blue energy protective shield was behind the prison building And this time, pride was running fast towards the inside of the prison buildingAt that time those iron humans were not caring about anything and were shouting loudly, proud come back pride come back, there is danger in front, there is danger in front, seeing those iron humans saying that pride come back there The eyes of the soldiers had grown, they were wondering whether that pride had made iron human beingsThe troop has not infiltrated, only then there is a loud sound of drums, the king is flying there with his pet bird, at this time the king is wearing an alloy armor and that armor is in the dark of night. It was also shining with bright light, seeing them, it seemed that some god from heavenMan has come down to fight on earth, the bird on which the king is sitting is also an eagle bird, but the color of this eagle bird is completely white and the body of that bird is also made of alloy like the king. There is a armor that was shining with bright light even in the dark of night, even the king's birdIt is more than 30 meters, behind the king, many soldiers were walking over the birds, along with swords, arrows, bows in their hands, many soldiers were walking on the ground below. There, more than a thousand human beings were going there, due to which the whole land would be shakingThousands of Bharatpur state soldiers were also walking towards the prison, as soon as they saw that some iron human beings were constantly calling out the name of pride, they got angry, along with the king also got angry. And the iron was moving towards humans with anger, but only then the king came down from the sky and killed those soldiersStops and indicates no, because at this time there is the biggest danger of killers of the Tandav clan on the state, these people can be dealt with by the king later, but at this time it was necessary to focus his attention on the big danger, those people as if any Not caring about the thing, they came to know that here King KSimultaneously, the rest of the soldiers were also staring at him, yet he was constantly asking pride to come back. At this time Kalicharan was sitting on the back of his eagle bird, his bird was constantly the energy of the protective shield of that blue energy. was going to absorb the energy inside him with his eyes as he was absorbing the energyBy the way, there was a change in the body of that bird, his body was getting stronger than before, new hairs were coming on his body which were completely blue and he was also going to shine, Kalicharan sitting on it at this time. He was watching with great interest all the developments happening inside the security cover, in fact he was the one who controlled the whole stateHad created a feeling of hatred towards pride in the people, if pride had met the soldiers of this state, then the power of this state would have increased manifold, so he had already, with the help of his spies, suppressed the feeling of hatred in the public towards pride. Born Kalicharan Raja along with the rest of the soldiers and pride running inside the prisonHe was being seen with a smile on his face, he was thinking that the people of this piece by piece community would die fighting among themselves, so to kill them, he does not even need the killers of his Tandav clan, 30 meters away from the prison premises. It had a protective cover and it was from it that the whole view of Kalicharan insideIt was being seen but the farthest pride was constantly running inside the prison building, he had also reached inside the main building of the prison, outside the prison premises, those ten twelve iron men kept on screaming and screaming. Were proud of come out come out even he stood beside the king and the restDo not worry about the soldiers at all and were constantly calling pride, suddenly on the ground of that prison the cracks got bigger and the whole prison land got submerged together and that iron man kept on screaming he saw that the prison The entire inside land had already become hollow. The entire prison landAs big as a kilometer, the whole of it got completely submerged under the ground and there was a 2 kilometer long pit in the ground, out of that pit, the prison building was falling under the ground and all the soldiers standing there and Raja Veer Pratap Singh was left on seeing this sight, he was far and wide about this matterIt was not known till now that the killers of this orgy clan can make such a big pit under such a huge ground, as soon as they get down on the ground, they all see that many wolf humans from there try to come out of the ground by jumping. Their number is more than thousands, they were going to this jailHad done such a big pit inside the ground and all those wolf humans are trying to get out of this pit, wolf humans were visible everywhere on the wall of that pit, they climb upwards on the wall of the pit. No one had any idea of ​​how deep this pit wasCould have thought that if so many wolf humans came to the city, then their number could go into lakhs, seeing them, along with the king present there, the mouths of all the soldiers were left open, looking at their mouth, Kalicharan could not stop his laughter and The king laughed out loud after seeing Kalicharan's laughterReached the seventh sky, first to take the proud name of those iron men, later the wolf humans came out of this pit, because of this, Raja Veer Pratap Singh was very angry because of this, if his bus would run, then he would give these iron humans to the present day. Right now, he would have killed the king at this place, seeing Kalicharan laughing at the kingCould not control his anger and he ordered open the door of a part of the security cover, as soon as the order was received, a 40 meter long door opens where Kalicharan and his bird are standing, this door is 40 meters on the security cover. Kalicharan winds up with his bird as soon as the door opensI fly inside the city and the king also flies in the air with his eagle bird, both of them also move towards each other in the air. Both of these birds were spreading in all four directions, one from the top of that 2 km pitBlack eagle birds were flying towards the other side and white eagle birds from the other side, they fly towards each other, creating vibrations in the air at a faster rate than the wind and 2 kilometers deep in the sky itself. They collide with each other 200 meters above the pit, as soon as they collide in the sky, the eight of the skyA strong wave of sound is produced in all directions and it spreads in all the eight directions in the sky