
My Tower of Creation

Arthur was once an ordinary student. But his world wasn't ordinary. The wizards and humans were constantly fighting against each other. And he powerlessly died. After his death, he reincarnated in a new world. And soon he changed his fate and became the first immortal of this world. Becoming the first immortal was both blessing and a curse for him. He wasn't afraid of death anymore but as decades past he witness the approaching death of the planet. Arthur decided to save this planet to protect the people who are like his old self. And he built his own tower of creation.

Shadow_Smoke · Fantasía
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16 Chs

First Companion

Sixty years later I arrived on the East Continent. In this world, there are seven continents. Four for each direction, one for the middle, the one where demons lived and the one usually dragons lived in the past.

East Continent is where most of the demi-humans lived. They lived in harmony with the humans until humans eventually invaded the Demon Continent. After their successful invasion, they become greedy and attack demi-humans too. Just after a war, they started another one. They lost this one. The demi-humans defend their home and drove away all the humans who resided on the East Continent. Why? Because unlike the war against the demons this one wasn't about acquiring natural resources. It was to enslave the demi-humans.

To protect their freedom they fought with everything they had. Both sides lost a lot of things. The demi-humans lost half of their population and humans lost two-thirds of their population. Because of these huge losses, both sides end the war and didn't dare to continue. The population of the demi-humans was already less than humans so several tribes had already gone extinct because of the war.

When I arrived on the continent it was already more than thirty years has passed since the war. There weren't any new wars but some small legions and slave traders were often invading the continent to catch demi-humans. It was hard to resist humans because of their ever-growing population. Humans were the race that can populate easiest. So in just a few decades, they were going to gain another advantage in numbers and start another war.

The demi-humans may not be able to win the next war. Not just because of their slowly increasing numbers. But also because of the extinction of the spirits, some of the tribes and species were slowly losing their powers. For example, elves. They had the blessings of the wind spirits. But since most of the spirits already died their blessings are slowly fading away as well. Because of this demi-humans' war potential is rapidly dropping.

"This place used to look more... peaceful."

I have arrived at an old village I once visited a long time ago. It was just a few years later I have become immortal. At that time this place was filled with both humans and demi-humans who were living in harmony. Children were playing with each other and their laughter could be heard everywhere around the village. There was no discrimination or any fight between anyone.

But now there were only ruins left from the village. The once peaceful village was gone and now what was left behind is only a handful of ruins. It hurts a little bit seeing that past I know is slowly fading away. It's a sad sight to see. Everything I knew is also going to fade away like this and only leave behind ruins. I... don't know what to do. I guess being immortal slowly wears down my heart. Humans aren't meant to live forever after all.

I was slowly walking in the ruins when I heard some strange noises. My senses are strongly enchanted after years of cultivating and devouring countless magic cores of the beasts I have slain. From the noises, I heard I could make out that there was a group of humans inside the village. There shouldn't be any humans near. This village is in the central part of the continent. Humans shouldn't dare to come this far.

"Hehehe! This is a great catch! We got ourselves fox girl and it's even a rare species!"

"She going to fetch us a lot of money! We are going to be rich!"

"Hahaha! We risked everything to get this far but it paid off!"

They are slave traders. It's obvious that they are here to catch some demi-humans and sell them as slaves. This is becoming a common sight. I made myself invisible and get closer to them to see what they are talking about. They were holding a fox girl that was laying there powerlessly. She already had a slave collar on her neck. That nasty thing makes people powerless and unable to refuse anything the chosen master orders.

The fox girl was a pretty girl with beautiful red hair and three red tails. She looked to be around 20 years old. A fox girl with more than one tail is indeed a rare species. They are the descendants of the kitsunes, nine-tailed foxes. They also have the potential the evolve and increase the number of their tails. Evolution is the greatest advantage of the demi-humans but it's incredibly rare and hard to achieve.

It's a sad sight but it happens everywhere. It happened with demons and now it's happening with demi-humans. Maybe in the near future humans will eventually enslave the other races that are hiding in the other corners of this world. Even though it's a sad scene I can't help everyone. I'm just an immortal, not a god that can make happen anything he or she wished.

Just as I was about to walk away I happen to meet the gaze of the fox girl. She gave me a pleading look. S-she can see me even though I'm invisible? And also that look she gave me... haah... I think I'm going to intervene this time.

"Hehehe, should we taste-"

With just one move I behead three thugs. Their lifeless bodies fell to the ground. There were a total of ten thugs and now just seven left. After the three of them fell others were surprised. Before anyone could make any move I point my hand to them and released a heavy shockwave from my hand and destroy all of their internal organs in just one move. I can select what my shockwave can affect.

"Not even worth a fight but they still dare to kidnap people from their homes and sell them as slaves. Worthless pieces of garbage."

I admit I might have said those things to be seen as cool... I didn't interact much with women since I have become immortal. In the first years, I greatly enjoyed everything life offers but it's been about 140 years since then. It's a little embarrassing after this long time of not caring about anything I want to act cool in front of someone I just met. Anyway, I have to gather my shit together.

I grabbed the slave collar and easily crushed it. The slave collars have enchantments on them to make to be unbreakable but they can't match my power. After releasing her from the collar I looked around to see if there is any other slaves. I didn't have to because I knew there wasn't any but it was to make herself a bit more comfortable. I don't think she would like to if I just stood there even if I was the one who released her that doesn't change the fact that I am a human just like the ones who captured her in the first place.

"T-thank y-you..."

I heard her voice just as I was about to walk away. Her voice was like a melody. I don't know if I heard a voice like this before. It felt calming and serene. She also stuttered while talking. She seems to be fine. enough around me to thank me. I turn towards her and smiled at her.

"You don't have to worry. Are you okay? Did they hurt you?"

"N-no. You killed them before they could do anything to me."

"That's good then. You should go to your family. It's becoming more troublesome to deal with the slave traders. If possible go to the Fahren. The capital would be safer."

Fahren was the capital city of the Heithen kingdom. The kingdom of the demi-humans. It was located east side of the continent. The previous capital was at the center of the continent but since their powers and numbers are rapidly declining they move it to somewhere safer. Fahren is located in a region full of mountains. Strategically it was a lot easier to defend.

"My family is already gone. Only I'm left. The village I used to stay at attack me and banished me. They said that slave traders were constantly attacking them to catch me... As soon as I was out of the village I was ambushed by the humans. Somehow I was able to escape until I get here. But they catch me just a few seconds before you came. So thank you."

"That people of the village may have made a deal with the slave traders. As soon as you get out of the village and you are attacked. It's too much of a coincidence."


This is also another common sight these days. Since the new capital has only limited space they don't let everyone in. And those who left outside are suffering from the slave traders and some of them eventually make a deal with them.

"Your clothes are tattered. Here, let me help you."

I waved my hand and repaired her clothes. It was a basic spell that can restore and repair simple stuff. She seemed to be happy after I repaired her clothes. Well, she seems so excited after I cast that spell.

"Is this the first time you see magic?"

"Yes. It's amazing! you just waved your hand and my clothes are like super new! It's amazing!"

"Hahaha. That's just a simple spell. You don't have to be so amazed seeing it."

"But my clothes became super nice! It's awesome!"

She... seems like a good child. When was the last time I saw someone this excited? Probably when Darius was still a child. They were good days. Unfortunately, the world is going to end and there won't be kids this excited. All of these nice days are going to end soon and never will come again. I released a heavy breath.

"Where are you going to go from here on?"

"... I have nowhere to go... Can I go with you, mister?"

"...What do you mean?"

"I have no one else and nowhere to go. Can I go with you, mister? I can help you with anything you want!"

"...I'm human, you know. The same race as the slave traders who captured you just a few minutes ago. I could be tricking you into slavery-like them, you know."

"But you break the slave collar. You would leave it there if you wanted to trick me."

She is sharp. But bringing someone to my meaningless journey across the world... And just at the time when the world is dying... I don't know. This leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

"Why do you want to come with me?"

"... I feel like I can be safe with you. Something tells me that I can trust you. And you already helped me. At least let me pay you back your help."

"...haah... Fine. my name is Arthur. What's yours?"

"My name is Ellie. Nice to meet you, Mister Arthur!"

"Just Arthur is fine. Nice to meet you too, Ellie."

And this is how I acquired my first companion. Later on, this became one of the most important memories we made together.