
Chapter 563: Recruiting Allies.

Chapter 563: Recruiting Allies.


"…I officially hate this whole job," Violet muttered tiredly as her head rested on the office table. Next to her were her mother and Hilda, who were also helping her.

Hilda and Agnes didn't say anything, as they just continued organizing, maintaining, and screening the beings arriving in the new city.

The entire Snow Clan was in a mess, with Vampires running to and fro, reports coming in, and new people in the territory.

This work was vital because they could not allow spies from the Demons or other Factions in the new city. So they were shamelessly using their Vampiric Charm to do the triage.

Everyone was required to participate, even those families who had supported the Snow Clan for decades.

And the work, despite being tiring, was not in vain.

"… The amount of spies is ridiculous," Agnes muttered in irritation.

"121 counting the last one we caught," Hilda replied and then added: