
Chapter 1041: Angels Not So Angelic.

Chapter 1041: Angels Not So Angelic.

"Aren't we going to do anything in this situation?" She asked.

"Hmm..." The old man stroked his white beard as he pondered. A few seconds later, he asked:

"Before answering that question, tell me, my General. What do you think of our position in the world scene?"

Ariel remained silent for a few seconds while she thought about the words of the Heavenly Father. The old man continued sipping his tea, patiently waiting for his daughter's response.

"Our position is as neutral as possible in the world scene. We have no problems with the other Factions. Our greatest enemy, the Demons, are no longer a problem due to the new Demon King... Neutral and with plenty of time to develop, that's how I would describe our current situation."