
My Third Reich

When the whole of Europe shuddered under the wings of Messerschmitt, When the wolves below sea level had torn the queen’s throat, When the tiger tank roared and smashed the walls of Moscow, Akado stood in front of many reporters and smiled: “No one can stop the expansion of the Third Reich except God.”

Purple_Sea · Militar
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34 Chs

Who died and who was born again

In the middle of the night, at the home of President Ebert, a dull cracking broke the tranquility, and two IDF soldiers in leather boots slammed the door of Ebert's house.

Later, dozens of IDF soldiers rushed into Ebert's house with guns and surrounded Ebert with a shocked face and his family in the center.

"Hello, former President Mr. Albert, You have been arrested!" Akado said as he slapped his trousers on his left leg and walked into Albert's living room.

"Asshole! Do you know what you're talking about? Are you planning a coup? You are attacking the German president! "You are doing treason!" Ebert said angrily with a pale face, staring at Akkad in a huff.

"What a coincidence!" Akado laughed: "Ebert, you committed the crime of treason!" "Do you still feel guilty about using this crime to plant me?"

"I had been betrayed. "How could I have been betrayed?"Ebert denied with a sneer, "You are framed!" "Shameful excuses for a coup!"

"Then you and Secretary Simman called the Coalition Arms Control Committee in the middle of the night to report the news." Can you explain it to me? Mr. Ebert." Akado chose a sofa and sat down. asked, raising his legs.

"Reporting? Oh, yes, it's my report! But I didn't betray Germany! "It's you who betrayed Germany! It's you, vile defense forces!"Ebert said fiercely, "It's you who made the whole of Germany so barren!" "You are a group of self-serving vampires!"

He took an angry step forward, shook his wife's hand, and yelled angrily, "The German mark has depreciated to this!" You continue to increase your military spending; you spend your money, buy vehicles that waste gasoline, and secretly fund new weapons development! I have already acquired you! So I reported it to the National Defense Force for the future of Germany!

He held his head upright and looked at Akado without fear, saying, "Especially you!" You are expanding the National Defense Force for the ulterior purpose of breaching the "Versailles Peace Treaty," and you are sentenced to death for the German economy! I'm sick of your "Pluto" and "The Plan!" I wish I could hang you on a telephone pole!

His eloquent speech: "As long as the Allied Arms Control Commission has grasped the handle of the National Defense Forces, it can implement stricter supervision, and the National Defense Forces will be forced to abandon those exaggerated plans to expand their armaments! As a result, the government will have more funds to "Build our country!"

"Oh, but the coalition arms control committee failed, resulting in your unexpected ruin in the Ruhr industrial zone and unprecedented losses to Germany!" sneered Akado."You have become the country's sinner!"

"I don't plead guilty! These crimes are all yours! It was you, Akado, who committed! "If you don't secretly expand the National Defense Force, you won't have so many problems!" Albert hysterically yelled.

"You are wrong! All this will happen because Germany's fragile military power is not enough to defend our country, so we are suffering today's shame! But I am planning to retaliate! Please rest assured of this. Akado Station Get up and say,

"You! You bastard! I want to see Seeckt! He won't let you go! Ebert exclaimed loudly.

Akado walked to Ebert, leaned into Ebert's ear, and whispered: "I embezzled part of the public funds and bought more than a dozen companies with a monthly profit of nearly one million to support a more secret defense force expansion plan. Even Seeckt doesn't know that one day Germany will become stronger and become the world's number one power.

Ebert froze for a moment, then looked at Akado with an incredible expression: "Tell me, are you doing all this for Germany?"

Akado nodded: "You are going to die; I don't need to lie to a dead person." "Everything is in preparation for the birth of a superpower."

After speaking, Akado took a few steps back, waved his hand, and at the same time gave the order, "Fire."

"Akkado! You devil! "You devil who annihilates Germany!" "One day you will be hanged by the German people!" Ebert watched in horror as the surrounding soldiers lifted their rifles, pulled the bolts, and aimed at him.

No one speaks; this second is quiet and scary. "Boo!" was the first shot, followed by the second shot, then the third, fourth, and finally the dense gunshots.

In the middle of the night on November 7, 1923, German President Friedrich Ebert was secretly executed at home by the Wehrmacht. He and his wife killed 25 people on the sofa in the living room.

Akado walked to Ebert's body and reached out to help him close his eyes. "I'm sorry, no one can stop the revival of Germany." "Rest in peace." "Don't be enemies with me next life."

Walking out of Ebert's house, Akado got into Ger's car and said, "Go to Marshal Hindenburg and drive!"

Late at night, the German army marshal Paul von Hindenburg, who was resting on the bed, was called by his guards, thinking that a colonel named Akado Rudolf came to visit and claimed that the situation must be met with Hindeng in an emergency. Fort.

The guard was supposed to send the little army colonel away, but when the guard saw an Akkado car followed by a truck and at least 20 heavily armed soldiers jumping from the car, he dismissed it sensibly. Drive away Akado's thoughts.

"Akkado, I remember you! You promoted the colonel, or I nominated him. It seems that no one has taught you the rules recently! "Don't you know that it is very impolite to interrupt an old marshal at midnight?" Xingdeng Fort hummed.

To be honest, as far as Akado knows, Hindenburg's most glorious moments have passed, and the years of working together with Ludendorff in a tacit understanding of the First World War's victory and defeat are gone. Come back. Hindenburg is now more of a symbol of Germany's new era of old and new.

"Marshal! because President Ebert betrayed the National Defense Forces and betrayed his motherland! So I came to disturb you all night! I'm so sorry! Akado was depressed in front of Hindenburg.

"What? Did you call me up in the middle of the night just to tell me a joke? Ebert betrayed the National Defense Force? betrayed my motherland? "Do you know that talking nonsense is to lose your head?" Hindenburg froze, wrinkled his brow, frowned, and exclaimed, "Boy! It's not the way you want to be promoted and get rich! Get out!"

"Marshal! President Ebert has betrayed the National Defense Forces and obstructed the implementation of the Pluto Project! The evidence is solid! General Seeckt approved my arrest of Ebert. Just now, I was ordered to go, but he and his family refused to be arrested! Now he says, "My wife has been killed." Akado bowed his head, his forehead oozed with sweat, and his life's most important gambling victory depended on Marshal Hindenburg's answer.

Probably because of the large amount of information, Hindenburg sat there for a few seconds and then slowly stood up and stared at Akado. He frowned, his eyes motionless as if to see through Akado's real thoughts. After a while, he asked, "You ordered the death of the president of the country?"

"No! Your Excellency, Marshal, I have ordered the execution of German traitors!" Akado solemnly said.

"So what do you want to say now?" Hindenburg looked at Akado and asked again, "Let me give you credit for this action?" "Promoted to your office because you killed the president?"

"My Excellency Marshal, I know that you have been preparing for the next presidential election. The National Defense Force will fully support you. "You will control the entire city of Berlin tomorrow morning, and Germany will welcome their new President Marshal Hindenburg!" Duolizheng stood up and saluted.

This time, the silence lasted for more than ten minutes. Hindenburg sat back on the sofa, thinking with his chin in earnest. Ebert was dead, and now the empty presidential throne was at his disposal, and he handled the upper face in front of him. There is no benefit to proofreading himself, and it seems to be more cost-effective to attract this hardworking young man.

"Can I trust you, Colonel Akado?" Hindenburg finally asked when Akado felt he would be pulled out and shot.

Akado didn't speak. He walked to the phone next to Hindenburg, grabbed the phone, and said aloud: "Get me the 15th Division, Leo!" I am Akado! Command the army to control Berlin! Hindeng Marshal Fort is already the new president of Germany!

Hindenburg sorted out his military uniforms and smiled as he watched Akado: "Ebert's death is to be kept secret! I will intercede with you on Seeckt; you will have nothing to do! Starting today, you are directly responsible for me.

Akado laughed, and he knew he was betting right. Hindenburg became President two years ahead of schedule as a result of his actions. The price was that Seeckt no longer valued him; the gain was that he gained more independence in the development space.

The National Defense Force and several government officials issued a message early on November 8, 1923, stating that German President Ebert had been attacked by Germany on the night of November 7 and that both he and his wife had been killed.

Subsequently, the German government announced an emergency plan, appointing the highly respected former German army marshal Paul von Hindenburg as the German president, effective immediately.

Seeckt received news of the death of President Ebert in his office, dropped his favorite coffee cup, and scolded Akado for half an hour. However, when Hindenburg's secretary arrived and informed Hindenburg of his support for Akado, Seeckt had to issue an order for Akado to take charge of the formation of the new 22nd Division of the National Defense Force near Berlin.

Just as Akado dragged his tired body to his apartment with satisfaction, an unexpected guest knocked on Akado's door.

"Who?" Akado asked as he motioned for Geer to open the door.

"I come to surrender to you! Colonel Akado? Rudolph!" said the man standing just outside the door, smiling.