
My Teacher Is An SSS Legend

I never imagined I'd die at 17. Twenty-five seemed young, at thirty I might have had kids, and fifty at least meant half a century of life. But 17? I hadn't even reached adulthood. Yet here I was, in a barren battlefield beside a gravely injured woman with fiery red hair. Little did I know, she was an enigmatic SSS legend. Now, it's my turn to carve out my own legend. This is the story of how I was reborn into a world of desolation and danger, and how I learned to survive and thrive under the guidance of an SSS legend!

RayVer · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Wastelands (3)

Aria nodded approvingly. "Let's keep moving. We need to find supplies and a safe place to rest before we attract any unwanted attention."

The landscape stretched endlessly before us, a sea of shifting sands and remnants of a forgotten kingdom. We had been walking for what felt like eons under the relentless sun, the Mask of 1000 Thieves clinging to my face with its eerie magic.

As we walked, my curiosity about the wastelands and their tragic history grew. The remnants of battles long past, the skeletons and broken swords scattered like discarded memories, spoke of a time when this land was vibrant and alive.

"Aria," I began cautiously, matching her stride as we navigated the treacherous terrain. "Can you tell me more about the history of this place? How did it become a desert filled with skeletons, monsters, and ruins?"

Aria glanced at me, her eyes reflecting a mix of sadness and resolve. "This land was once known as Veridia," she started, her voice steady despite the weight of her memories. "Veridia was a kingdom blessed with fertile lands and prosperity. It was ruled by noble monarchs who sought to protect their people and uphold justice."

I listened intently, imagining a kingdom thriving with life and hope. "What happened to Veridia?" I asked softly, already fearing the answer.

Aria's gaze turned distant, lost in the echoes of a past she could not forget. "It all began with the discovery of an ancient artifact known as the Heart of the Sands," she began, her voice measured yet carrying the weight of history. "The artifact was said to possess immense power, capable of granting unimaginable abilities to its wielder."

I nodded, sensing the familiar tale of power and its inevitable corruption. "And what happened when they found it?"

"At first, the artifact brought prosperity to Veridia," Aria continued, her tone tinged with regret. "But its power was too great, too alluring. Greed and ambition blinded those who sought to control it. The kingdom descended into chaos as factions fought over the artifact."

I shuddered, imagining the devastation that must have followed. "Did the artifact cause all of this?" I asked, gesturing to the barren landscape around us.

Aria's eyes flickered with a mix of sorrow and resignation. "The Heart of the Sands was a corrupting influence," she explained, her voice carrying the weight of a history stained with tragedy. "It was not merely an object of power but a conduit of the Fateless God's malevolence.

Those who wielded it became consumed by its promises, their desires twisted into madness. The cataclysmic storm that followed was both a manifestation of their ambitions and a punishment for their hubris."

Aria nodded solemnly, her gaze distant yet piercing as if reliving the tumultuous events of centuries past. "The final battle for the Heart of the Sands unleashed a cataclysmic storm of sand and magic," she said quietly, her voice carrying the weight of history. "The kingdom was torn apart, its lands transformed into the wastelands you see now. Veridia fell, its people scattered or perished."

We walked in silence, the ruins of what might have once been a grand city looming around us, now reduced to crumbling remnants battered by time and nature's relentless onslaught.

"And what about the monsters?" I asked, my gaze drawn to yesterdays distant silhouette of a creature with jagged horns and an unsettling gait. "Are they a result of the artifact's power too?"

Aria's expression remained impassive, her eyes following my gaze with a detached curiosity. "The cataclysm unleashed by the Heart of the Sands awakened ancient creatures and twisted beasts, they won't come out till the evening so we should be fine" she explained, her voice tinged with a hint of resignation.

"Some were once myths and legends, brought to life by the artifact's residual magic. Others were ordinary citizens of Veridia, transformed into monstrous beings by its corrupting influence."

"Foolish humans," she added in a quiet tone, almost as if speaking to herself. The words were barely audible to me over the wind rustling through the ruins and the distant cries of scavenger birds circling above.

I furrowed my brow, catching her words faintly. "What was that?" I asked, curious about her murmured comment.

Aria glanced at me briefly, her expression unreadable. "Nothing," she replied curtly, her gaze returning to the path ahead. "Come, we should keep moving."

Aria smiled faintly, a mix of pride and resignation in her expression. "Survival in the wastelands demands resilience, resourcefulness, and sometimes, sheer luck," she replied. "Communities have formed in the ruins, trading cautiously and scavenging what they can to survive."

We passed through the remnants of what might have been a marketplace, now reduced to crumbling stalls and faded murals. "Is Haven one of these communities?" I asked, eager to learn more about our destination.

Aria nodded, her gaze fixed on the distant walls of Haven rising against the horizon. "Yes, Haven is one of the larger settlements that managed to establish order amidst the chaos," she explained. "It's a refuge for those seeking safety from the wastelands' dangers, but it's also a place where alliances and secrets can shift like the sands."

As we approached the outskirts of Haven, I felt a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. The Mask of 1000 Thieves concealed our identities, but I knew entering this settlement would test our skills and our wits.

"What's our plan once we reach Haven?" I asked, already trying to anticipate the challenges ahead.

Aria's gaze turned towards Haven's imposing gates. "First, we secure supplies and find a safe place to rest," she said firmly. "Then, we'll assess the situation and decide our next move. But remember, in Haven, trust no one until proven otherwise."

I nodded, steeling myself for the trials ahead. The wastelands had already taught me that survival required more than just strength—it demanded cunning, adaptability, and the ability to navigate the murky waters of history and fate.

As we approached Haven, I couldn't shake the feeling that our journey had only just begun—that amidst the ruins and monsters, I would discover not only the secrets of the wastelands but also my own place in this unforgiving world.

With each step towards Haven's gates, I embraced the unknown, ready to carve my own path amidst the shifting sands of time.

I'm diving back into writing after a hiatus. I hope you enjoy my story! Your support through powerstones and collections would mean a lot. - Rayver

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