

Night fell and Li was walking with a group of Triad members, he didn't understand his encounter with that lady but he knew she was bad news.

She walked right to the Triad HQ and didn't show fear even though he could have violated her without any repercussions.

He noticed that the moon was brighter than usual, this would otherwise signify that it would be a peaceful night but Li couldn't be more wrong.

They saw someone standing right beneath the flickering street light, they didn't know who it was or what but they were ready to eliminate the individual.

"Oi fuckface! Move it!" A man barked but Li stopped in his tracks, he didn't say a word but his body told him to run.

He watched this person approach the figure with the other two men trailing behind.

Li knew he wouldn't need to raise a hand because it didn't matter how strong someone was, a bullet was all it took to take them down.