

The night passed without any further drama, but the underworld was in a state of chaos. They couldn't believe the immense damage that one man had inflicted. Kenzo had single-handedly taken down the four notorious killers from one of the top five organizations. 

His message struck fear into the hearts of assassins, making them question if it was worth risking their lives to take his head.

The four Dons convened a meeting to discuss the threat that this lone man posed. 

They found it hard to believe that someone could possess such strength and cause this level of chaos. After all, he was just a man, or so they thought.

What made the situation even more astonishing was the fact that the organization had a rule prohibiting foreigners from taking jobs on their turf. 

This rule was put in place to prevent foreign countries from gaining influence over their territory. However, the meeting was called to debate whether this restriction should be temporarily lifted for Kenzo alone. 

It was an unprecedented decision, as they had never encountered anyone they couldn't eliminate.

Kenzo was pleased when morning arrived and he saw the ladies bustling around, getting ready for their lectures. 

They could have chosen to stay in the dorms, which would have been more convenient for them. However, for some reason, they opted for this alternative arrangement. 

Perhaps they weren't yet financially stable, but staying in this apartment gave them more freedom.

Kenzo was unsure of what to do, as he wasn't certain if they would be comfortable leaving a stranger alone in their home. 

Mizumi left first, followed by Yuki. Hitomi lingered for a while, as her classes started later than the others, giving her more time. She sat across from Kenzo, focused on her phone. He knew he needed to find out more about these ladies because they might not be ordinary students.

Hitomi looked up from her phone, briefly glancing at Kenzo who was lying on his back, staring at the ceiling. 

"You should probably go shower, you stink," she blurted out before returning her attention to her phone.

Kenzo didn't have the necessary supplies for a proper shower. Sensing his predicament, Hitomi spoke up. 

"There's a new sponge hanging on the wall, it's blue, and there's soap for you to use," she said, predicting what he would otherwise need.

With Hitomi's suggestion, Kenzo had no excuse not to shower, but he wanted her to leave first. 

It was easy for him to blend into social situations by either mirroring people's behavior or conforming to the image they had of him in their minds. From being a killer, he now found himself cohabiting with three college girls. It would be a dream scenario for any man, but Kenzo's wounds were a reminder that he ended up here due to those injuries. 

They served a purpose in bringing him to this unexpected situation.

He didn't have to wait for long before it was time for Hitomi to leave. 

However, just before she departed, she kindly informed Kenzo that there was some food available for him. 

It was a gesture that he genuinely appreciated, considering the fact that they had emptied his wallet. 

The amount they had taken far exceeded what the hospital would have charged for their services. 

Nevertheless, Kenzo was fine with this turn of events, as it allowed him to maintain a low profile.

As soon as the door closed behind Hitomi, Kenzo rose to his feet and made his way to the kitchen. 

Upon entering, he was taken aback by the mess that greeted him. It was hard for him to believe that human beings actually lived in such conditions.

Being in a rush was no excuse, as he had never left his own home in such disarray, despite his job being much more time-sensitive.

Kenzo approached the only pot on the stove, but something inside him told him that the food wouldn't taste pleasant, no matter how well it was garnished. However, an uncomfortable feeling nagged at him. He knew he would continue to be bothered if he left the kitchen in such a state. 

This was the sole reason why he took it upon himself to wash the dirty dishes scattered about. Perhaps one could say that Kenzo suffered from OCD, or maybe he simply disliked being in untidy environments. 

Either way, he completed the task within minutes and felt much more at ease.

With the dishes taken care of, Kenzo proceeded to make his way to the shower. However, his attention was caught by the sight of a gigantic bra hanging right at the entrance. 

He let out a sigh before continuing on to take a shower and brush his teeth. Hitomi had thoughtfully left a brand new toothbrush by the kitchen sink for him to use. In less than thirty minutes, he emerged from the bathroom feeling refreshed.

Kenzo realized that he didn't have any spare clothes to change into, nor could he simply sit around indefinitely. However, for the time being, he was content with just resting and taking a moment to relax.


The Death Squad was truly impressed by Kenzo's daring and skill. The fact that he managed to take down four of the top assassins from a renowned organization simultaneously only served to enhance their reputation. However, their boss wasn't too pleased with the consequences this might have brought about.

As usual, the boss sat in his office, frustration evident in his shining green eyes. The room was enveloped in darkness, with the curtains drawn closed to block out any unwelcome light. He found solace in the comfort of darkness, claiming that his eyes were extra sensitive to light. Only the bare minimum of illumination was allowed, or at least that's what he told others.

A knock on the door interrupted his train of thought.

"I'm in no mood for company," The boss said but the door slowly creaked open. 

"Then don't have children, father," In walked a young woman in her early twenties, causing the man to let out a sigh. 

This was one of his most troublesome children, named Rean. 

One might wonder why he would involve his children in such dangerous dealings, but they were all well aware of their father's line of work.

Rean approached the curtains and pulled them open, allowing her father's face to become visible. He was a man in his late forties, yet he appeared much younger, not a day over thirty. 

He possessed a handsome appearance, complemented by a neatly trimmed goatee, but there was an air of maturity about him.

"Tell me, father, do the dons know?" Rean inquired, leaving her father puzzled as to what she was referring to. 

"Do the dons know that you are the one that tipped the Oni about his impending execution?"