
My System is to Kill

In a virtual reality game called "Tranquility Online," a young boy named Niles finds himself in a mysterious and unsettling situation. He's chosen as a Player Killer, a newly introduced class in the game. Armed with a medieval-looking knife, he embarks on a journey to understand his role and the reasons behind it. As Niles explores the game's eerie and blood-soaked cemetery setting, he grapples with questions about his own motivations and the ethics of killing other players. The game's creators promise monetary rewards for player kills, which both tempt and trouble Niles. Niles encounters Nova, a ruthless and experienced Player Killer, and becomes involved in a deadly confrontation with other players. In a desperate bid to survive, Niles taps into unexpected powers but ultimately falls victim to Nova's ruthlessness. The story explores the blurred lines between reality and virtual reality, as Niles wrestles with the moral implications of his actions in the game. With each kill, he earns rewards and climbs the leaderboard but also risks losing his humanity. As Niles contemplates his choices, he must decide whether to continue down a dark path or seek a different way to navigate the virtual world of "Tranquility Online."

SayofChains88 · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Group Effort


A bustling district map in the game had its many colors, which matched the mood of the players. Many of the players were enjoying the colorful streets of this area. Some children NPC were running about, playing tag, and the adult NPC enjoyed the quiet stroll along cobblestone roads and small parks filled with vibrant greenery.

Many of the players of the game were forming groups to explore different areas and find quests. This was a common occurrence for the game as it encouraged players to work together and share experiences, thus increasing the chances of completing quests faster. Of course, it didn't stop people from trying to avoid getting hit, but that was normal for online games.

"You tsundere disaster. you better be keptanywaykept quiet," Nova threatened. 

She turned her head angrily while watching Niles stood there anyway there awkwardly, not sure whether to agree or not. Finally, he nodded silently, a slight grin appearing on his face. He decided that he might as well join the group because he could use the extra money, anyway.

"What's wrong?" Nova asked softly.

Niles watched as healer based characters were handing out fliers for the church opening. One particular flier caught his attention as he grabbed it quickly. He scanned the page quickly, scanning every detail he could before he handed it to Nova.

"We'll be meeting Ouija later so this is nothing," He laughed. 

"Just tell me how to do this!" Niles shouted. 

Nova said nothing as they walked silently through the busy streets. The crowd parted slowly before giving Niles and Nova space. The streets grew quieter and quieter as they passed, more street vendors and stores closing early. Eventually, they reached an alleyway where a lone house appeared.

He gawked at the players talking and as Nova gestured him to go inside. 'What the hell happened to this place?' He thought. Inside the dark alley, the lights only illuminated one side of the room, while another corner had a bed against one of the walls. The closure had a large black bag hanging underneath it. Niles smashed his head against it as he tried to tiptoe. 

"Oh, my god!" Nova snickered. 

Noticing the two were unbothered by Niles being clumsy, he silently equipped [ShadowBane] with his small pocket knife as he moved closer. Once he noticed the bag, he inched closer to not spook the people. 

'Who the fuck leaves a weapon in such obvious view?' He thought. 

"How the hell did I even get into this game? Eveaf, show me my skills," Niles whispered. 

[Shadowed Lung, Swift Strike, Blade Flurry, Piercing Thrust, Venomous Coating, Parry and Riposte, Smoke Screen Slash, Dual Strike Stance, Blink Strike, Crimson Cascade and Elemental Harmony,] 

Gawking through his HUD, he decided to read over each one quickly before taking a long breath and charging towards the two. As he was about to strike a fist as he brought out his knife when the sound of footsteps approached him, causing him to freeze. A tall, dark figure emerged from behind the door, blocking his path, the silhouette towering over him as if standing directly over him.

The tall man blocked his way dressed in plague doctor robes, wearing a large black mask covering his face. His right hand held the cane that rested by his left arm and the left sleeve of the white shirt was rolled up revealing his muscular right biceps with his hand holding a dagger.

'Plague class is generally support…' Niles thought. 


"Did you really think the other player killers would have really wanted to help you?" He laughed. 

Niled looked back to find Nova laughing, realizing he was tricked. Niles grinned sheepishly.

'Of course, he would have played that card. Just look at those eyes.' Niles mused. 

GentlePplague smashed his cane into the ground angrily before swiping at Niles, who was only level ten now. Niles jumped back quickly as he dodged his attack, swinging the dagger in his hand. His aim was impeccable. Niles parried all the attacks sent his way with ease.

 "So you're a doctor, huh?" He smirked.

Galena screamed as he turned his head. Nova held Galena's arms tightly behind her back. She struggled violently to free herself. Her anger grew, her rage boiling and threatening to overflow from her body.

"Fuck! Finish him already!" Nova shouted. 

"Identify the level! Selective Softening! "Niles yelled. 

Nova and GentlePplague were caught off guard as he seemed to disappear from their sight. For a brief moment, Niles disappeared completely before reappearing once again, slashing gently at GentlePplague's abdomen. GentlePplague cried out in pain as his HP dropped. The dark-haired man fell to his knees, coughing violently as he attempted to catch his breath.

"Shadowed Lunge," Niles whispered. 


[MP Remaining: 970/1000.]

[GentlePplague: Level 20.] 

[HP -300]

"Fucking brat!" He howled. 

Noticing that all the sudden Niles looked much more confident than usual, he growled loudly before attempting to punch Niles, however, his attack was easily dodged. With one swift motion, he slashed GentlePplague across the chest before stabbing him. The sound of his sword piercing flesh echoed throughout the alleyway.

[HP -100.]

[HP -100.] 

[HP -100.] 

[GentlePplague - 9300/10000.]

"Evasive Dance! Is That all you got?" Niles said with a smile. 

[MP -50.]

[MP 950/1000.]

"I am coming!" Nova spouted. 

He made a dash for Niles as he watched the plague doctor fail to catch the player killer. The player murderer charged in front of him, blocking his path once again. He continued to slash and slash at the enemy, only to receive the same response each time.

"You know, it's kinda cute you think that you can beat us," Niles laughed.

"That girl…he is acting weird," Nova pondered. 

"Nova! I got this man! Ravaging Epidemic," GentlePplague chuckled. 

Releasing a disease that affects the players, enemies with higher resistance to diseases may have reduced effects (e.g., 50% reduction for enemies with strong immunity) and lower damage. In return, enemies with less resistance will experience fewer symptoms and less damage.

Galena stood there like a puppet in place as Niles became fully concentrated despite personality change. It didn't surprise Galena, though, as the effect of the ability lasted for longer periods of time and she knew Niles could last for hours with her energy. However, her partner had no intention of stopping it.

"Niles, be careful. The air is dangerous," she cackled. 

"Understood. We gotta hurry up then because I have no supplies," Niles noted. 

"Crescent Moon Cleave!" Nova cried. 

Coming from above, Nova swung his large scissors at Niles only for the blade to be dodged just barely. He tried to stab him again, but Niles avoided it this time. Nova landed on the ground as he ran towards Niles, preparing to attack him again. But his attack never came as the NPC threw himself forward, knocking Niles onto the ground, landing on top of him.

[HP -5 Niles] 

"Fuck…the poison…" Niles muttered. 

"Nova! Stop this now!" Server yelled. 

"What the fuck, Server!" Nova bellowed. 

An owl floated above the small group before landing, quickly morphing into a human figure with white wings as the Server looked relieved. He let out a sigh of relief, knowing that Niles was safe.

"If you want someone to fight, then I am your man!" Owl announced. 

"Niles is trapped and I can change the weight of the NPC if you really want him that bad!" Server laughed. 

"Fine! I have better things to do anyway!" Nova spouted. 

GentlePplague followed behind as Owl gawked at Niles happily. He turned away from Owl but stopped when he noticed Galena staring at them.

"Uh…is she okay?" Owl asked, concerned.

"She'll live…" Niles sighed. 

"Tsundere powers OP for real!" Server giggled. 

"Release!" Niles whispered. 

Galena fell out of the enchantment as though really under a spell and stumbled back, falling down weakly against the wall as she gasped for breath. Her entire body trembled as she desperately tried to control her shaking hands. Her whole body felt extremely weak; even more so than she had ever felt before. Niles helped her sit upright as soon as the paralysis wore off.

"Are you okay?" Niles whispered softly as he stroked her hair reassuringly. She managed a smile as she nodded.

"I need to ask, are you feeling okay mentally?" Owl asked. 

Niles was confused by the question. The others glanced at one another worriedly.

. "Are you really alright though, Niles? You don't seem too well." Owl pressed.

"I told you! I am fine…" Niles sighed.

"Niles," she murmured weakly.

"Hmmm…for now just be careful," He coughed. 

Galena and Niles looked at each other, even more confused than the others, as they stared at each other with an unreadable expression.

"Okay, I'm done here. I am leaving now. You guys are welcome to follow me or not," Owl announced.

"We're checking on the other users," Server noted. 

"Did something happen?" Niles questioned. 

"Not yet…" Owl whispered.