
Chapter 5

Then, Chen Lian and Wang Lei also came to the backstage to congratulate us , then we four went out for dinner. we went for hotpot and started eating and chatting.

In the middle of sometimes, I'm stealing a glance at feng.He is so handsome that any girl can never get enough of him. Then Lian called me and i didn't heard her then she called me again and when i turned to her, she is looking at me with a naughty look.

Then after dinner we bid goodbye to Lei and Feng and I went back with Lian. On the way back to the dorm, Lian stopped me and asked "do u like Feng??" and i hesitated feeling shy and Lian knew it from my look.

Then she said "good,at last u found ur love, he is a good guy , don't let it go away, good luck to u" and then I said "good luck to u too" and we both smiled and went back to the dorm and took a shower and slept soundly.

The next morning when I was waiting for Lian to go to college, a message dinged and as I looked at it, "Hii , where r u?" - it was from Feng. I was like in surprise and so happy,he actually texted me. He took my number the night before when eating hotpot and he sent a message the next morning.I felt like I'm in a dream.

Then i texted him "on the way to clg". Then he replied, "I have a problem here, can you come to the canteen?". I replied "sure, coming". Then I told Lian that I have other important things to do and went first. After I arrived at the canteen, Feng came to me and hesitating to tell something, Then I said, "it's ok , don't hesitate, say it".

Then he said " I forgot my meal card, can u lend it to me?" feeling a little embarrassed. Then I said we are friends right ? and friends should help each other, there is nothing embarassing in that" and gave him my meal card.

Then he lined up and brought breakfast for both of us and we sat facing each other and started eating, some of the girls in the canteen started talking about us by looking at us. I can tell from their looks that they are jealous of me.

And at that thought I smiled to myself happily and feng saw that and asked, " why are u smiling? " and I said that it's nothing , then he said, " you look beautiful when you smile ". I am shocked for his complement and looked at him then he said, " so smile more often".

I was in a daze for a few seconds then slapped back to reality, literally I was so happy but I didn't show it on my face and just said " thank you". Then we happily chatted and completed our breakfast and went to class.

When I went to class, Lian was looking at me with an angry look. I saw her and knew that she was angry for leaving her, then went and sat beside her and said ," I'm sorry for leaving you". Then she said , " I'm not angry at you , I'm just kidding ". Then I was relieved. Then she asked where did I go and I said ," I went to eat breakfast with feng" in a low voice.

And then she suddenly shouted "what??" startling everyone in the class and then she turned around saying sorry for everyone and asked me again about feng in a low voice. I said what happened and she giggled and said, "wow, u r getting along well" and I smiled, then the class started.

Then a few months passed by so quickly and meanwhile I and Feng are making a slow but good progress.We sometimes eat lunch together and talk in calls and often text each other, we are like close friends now.

And so soon, the finals are coming up and everyone is so stressed out and everyone started preparing for exams and Lian decided to stay in the dorm to study as I decided to study in the library.

These days , I didn't see much of Lei and Feng as we are not going to class as classes are over and all are immersed in books. I first stayed in dorm to study but the atmosphere is not comfortable to study so then I decided to go to library and went early in the next morning.