
Chapter 2 Nice To Meet You

Then he looked around the class to sit, but almost all of the seats are filled up, then Wang Lei offered him the empty seat next to him. Zhang Feng came and sat beside Wang Lei and Zhang Feng thanked him ,then they both introduced themselves.

Then the class started, but I am not listening to the class at all. My eyes are always on Zhang Feng. It was like there is nobody in the class except me and him. His posture from side is so charming that can make any girl's heart flutter.

The whole day, Zhang Feng became the hot topic of our CSE department . It is said that he is excellent in playing basketball and no one can beat him in arts and sports school . But he is always interested in CSE department. He also likes game designing like me.

After the college, Wang lei and Zhang Feng went together and I went back to dorm with Chen Lian . Then we four chatted and shared the snacks that we each brought from our homes and took a bath and went to bed.

That night I was so excited to sleep and kept thinking of Zhang Feng. I wondered why I didn't see him in the university until now. And then I fell asleep. The next morning, I woke up fast and went to College early. I was so eager to see him.

Infront of our classroom, in the corridor, Wang Lei and Zhang Feng were speaking to each other.Then Wang Lei saw us and said, "Hey little yang, come here." Then we went to them.

Then Wang Lei introduced us to Zhang Feng saying, "Hey Feng, this is Chen Lian ,my close friend and this is Xiao Yang, my close friend and also my sis." and then he pinched my cheek hard and I slapped his hand away and he laughed.

I said "Hi, I'm Xiao Yang, nice to meet you." and then he said "Hii, I'm Zhang Feng,nice to meet you" smiling at me and we both shaked hands,it felt soo good to touch him. Then he greeted Chen Lian and we four went inside.

I am so happy now, today my crush spoke with me and touched my hand and smiled at me for the first time. it was like 3 favours at once. I was overwhelmed with happiness. It was like, I am dreaming.

After the class we four went to the canteen together. we three brought beef noodles with egg and hamburgers while Zhang Feng ordered braised pork ribs, eggplants and some green vegetables. He used to maintain his diet when he was in sports department, so he doesn't eat junk food like hamburgers.

As we three are eating our hamburgers Zhang Feng was looking at us . Then Wang Lei asked him to taste it .Zhang Feng tasted it and exclaimed that it was super good and ate all of it. Zhang Feng is so handsome when he is eating a hamburger ,Then Wang Lei brought another one for himself, then we all started eating and chatting.

Then Wang Lei asked Zhang Feng what he wants to do in the future, and then Zhang Feng said "I want to be a game designer" . Then Wang Lei gave him a thumbs up and said "Good, our little yang also wants to be a game designer". Then Zhang Feng said "Yang, I hope we can work together in the future" and he smiled at me and I smiled at him.

Then Wang Lei said "Great, you two are designers and we two are programmers. In the future, let us all work together." Then Zhang Feng said "yes, from now on, let's be a team." And then we all cheered "yes".

Later, we happily chatted while eating . Then Zhang Feng and Wang Lei went first to a movie with other guys. we stayed for a while and later Chen Lian and I left too. We both roamed around the college for a while and we finally reached dorms.

When we went back, Li Bo and Huang Lee are watching a movie and asked us to join, but Chen Lian and I were so tired, so we just took a bath and kept the face mask on and took a foot bath with hot water.

Then Li Bo and Huang Lee also joined with us and we chatted about how we spent the summer at home. It has been a while since we four last gathered together. So we just enjoyed the night and relaxed freely and peacefully.