
My Supreme Magus System

When a ordinary teenager Alex is unexpectedly transported to the magical realm of Eldoria, he begins as a powerless outsider. However, his fate takes a remarkable turn when he gains access to a cheat-like System, granting him extraordinary abilities. As he learns to wield magic and sword, forms unlikely alliances, and faces both allies and adversaries. Lets follow the journey of Alex's as it unfolds—a tale of growth, building relations, and the pursuit of survival and dominance in a world brimming with magic and danger. _______________________________________________________________________ Discord: https://discord.gg/sTxPZdmnk3 Wiki: https://my-supreme-magus-system.fandom.com [A/N: The image is not mine, all credit goes to the original creator. Please message me or comment if you want me to take down the image.]

PP_Qwarts · Fantasía
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77 Chs

The Three Zones

"I'm all set to go now."

"Okay, take care, and be safe out there. Even if you may not need it, always remember to be careful when using that thing, and don't injure yourself in the process."

"I know. I'll only use it in case of an emergency and when I'm sure it's necessary. Don't worry; I'll return safely as soon as possible."

'I can't wait to try that out!! Maybe I can one-shot an E-rank monster this time?' Despite his words, Alex had completely different thoughts.

Although Sherry almost caught on to his magic usage this week, Alex hadn't used it. However, Aurora did teach him some new things.

"You don't need to return for the night and can take your time, but don't leave me alone for long. I'll be waiting. Bye, Alex." Aurora said in a low voice as she turned around and went back to the academy while Alex headed for the wilderness.

"Bye, Aurora." Alex bid farewell as he left the academy, opting for a taxi to the adventurer's guild this time instead of boarding a bus.

It wasn't exactly a farewell, as Alex was only leaving for two days and one night.

Although it had been just less than a month since Alex came to this world and met Aurora, spending all this time together had started to create a codependent normalcy for both of them.

Alex, who had never had a friend and was always alone, either trapped at home or in a hospital room, and Aurora, who had spent more than a millennia without being able to talk to someone, found solace in each other, leading to their codependency.

"Once he returns, I'll talk to him a lot to compensate for the time I missed."

Aurora, although saddened by the fact that she wouldn't be able to interact with Alex for a while, knew she shouldn't hold him back.

Alex also felt strange when he could no longer feel Aurora's presence beside him, but the excitement of leaving and venturing into the outside world, along with being able to use magic, cheered him up.

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The main challenge Alex faced in completing the current main quest was locating E-rank monsters.

He understood that the farther he ventured from the city, the stronger monsters he would encounter.

The issue was his lack of knowledge about how far he should go without getting lost or straying into areas with more dangerous and ferocious monsters.

The monster guidebook he purchased earlier wasn't specific on this detail; it provided a general overview of different monster types, their habitats, patterns, and other information.

To gain the necessary knowledge, Alex decided to consult the receptionist at the guild. This way, he could get precise information on where to find E-rank monsters.

"Hello, sir. How may I help you today?" The receptionist at the Adventures Guild greeted Alex.

"Um, could you please tell me where I can find E-rank monsters and how far it is from the city walls?" Alex posed his question to the receptionist.

"Sir, are you looking for a specific monster for a mission?"

"No, I was just hoping to hunt some E-rank monsters in general."

"If you go into the red zone, you'll easily come across one. Although I doubt you'll find many, as there was a recent cleanup." the receptionist replied without hesitation.

Puzzled, Alex asked, "Red Zone? What is that?"

The receptionist looked at him incredulously, surprised by the seemingly basic question. Despite that, she dutifully explained, "Sir, don't you know about the three zones outside the city walls?"

'Is it something I should be aware of?'

"Uh, no, not exactly. I'm kind of new here." Alex replied, trying to conceal his lack of basic knowledge, even though there was no mention of these zones in the memories of the previous Alex.

"Well, it's common knowledge among the people of the city. The 15-kilometer radius outside the city walls is divided into three distinct safe zones. The first 5 kilometers is the green zone, where no monsters can be seen or found as it is regularly cleaned up. The next 5 kilometers is the orange zone, where there are some monsters, mostly F-rank ones. Lastly, the most dangerous of the three is the red zone, where mostly E-rank and sometimes D-rank monsters roam. Beyond that is the wilderness, where there are no checks on monsters."

The city, with the help of adventurers, guards, and mercenaries, has established a perimeter and watchtowers between zones to prevent monsters from approaching the city walls, reducing the risk of invasion.

While these buffer zones might seem excessive given the durability and height of the city walls (nearly 1000 meters) and the massive barrier erected to deter aerial monsters, there remains a potential risk of monster infestation and nest-building near human settlements.

Regular monitoring and controlling of monsters and other threats to humanity is a significant challenge, necessitating the establishment of these safe zones.

'So, that's why I had to travel so far before encountering a single monster. I must have stepped into the orange zone in the end to be attacked by that E-rank monster.'

Alex was amazed by this information as it gave him insights into many things.

"The area beyond the 15 km radius from the city is called the wilderness then?" Alex blurted, seemingly lost in his thoughts.

"The term 'wilderness' is just a generic term used for the world outside the city walls. Other places have their own specific characteristic names." The receptionist corrected his misconception.

Alex nodded upon hearing this and asked, "Is there a map for the outside world, and if so, where can I find it and buy one?"

"Sir, you don't need to search anywhere else. Various maps are available at the guild. You can buy whichever map you like from us. If you're someone new, which I presume to be true, and are just looking for the map for the first time, I suggest you buy this one." The receptionist then presented Alex with a simple-looking card made of glass.

"???" Alex tilted his head in puzzlement.

The receptionist, anticipating such confusion, kindly explained, "This is the latest version of GoNav, a smart map that has gained fame in the past few years since its launch."

The receptionist pressed on it, and the transparent-looking glass soon displayed a 2D map with a pointer indicating its current location. The display resembled that of a mobile phone.

'This might look like a fantasy magical world at first, but it is starting to appear no less than a modern world.' Alex was instantly stupefied as he saw the futuristic-looking tech.


Seeing Alex not responding, the receptionist continued explaining its features in great detail, "This map not only acts like a regular map but also has a built-in GPS that actively displays the user's current location. The user can mark or circle a certain location and label them accordingly. They can easily upload a map of any place and update it back at the guild."

The receptionist then glanced at Alex, who was hooked onto buying this, as he hyped it more, "It is not all, as it can also be linked to the user's adventurer's license, helping us easily locate them in case of emergencies. It is one of the leading products in the market, even used by almost all the adventurers."

Alex was now in awe, looking at the GoNav map with shining eyes, listening to all its features. The receptionist was also a great salesman and knew how to advertise his product nicely.

"It must be very expensive, right?...How much would it be?" Alex asked, hesitant to hear an answer as he was currently tight on budget, and the map looked too good to be cheap.

The receptionist displayed a characteristic fishy smile, "It's not too expensive. The GoNav will only cost 50,000 relis."