
My Supermodel Wife (For Sale!)

My dream will come true! Soon I will be arriving in Italy and appearing at the Milan Fashion Show! My photos will be published in all fashion magazines around the world! In the end, all my sacrifices and hard work will not be in vain! But why my dream become a nightmare!? Daddy suddenly invited me to meet a young CEO who was really arrogant. He said, for the sake of my family's business, I will become his future wife of the young CEO! I don't want to marry him! I don't even know, and don’t love him, but now I have to sacrifice my dream to become his housewife!? What about my dream? Are my efforts and sacrifices in vain? What does the world's most arrogant CEO want? Does he think money can buy love?

Renata99 · Ciudad
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1252 Chs

Cold War

Sasha was silent for a moment then rose to her feet casually. Drinking several glasses of wine before might've made her emotions volatile and her mind could not think properly.

At this time, Alex was sitting beside Tom when he saw Sasha get up and put on her coat. He immediately patted Tom's thigh and said, "Sasha is leaving!"

Tom opened his eyes lazily and said, "Who's leaving?"

Alex could only shake his head at this friend.

He had warned Tom not to get too drunk tonight, but the man was so overjoyed that he emptied a whole bottle of champagne and red wine like drinking water.

The drunken Tom tried to stare at Alex's finger that was pointing at Sasha.

Tom stared at him blankly, after a moment of confusion, he shook his head. "Where is my wife going!?"