
My student makes my heart pounder

teacher fell in love with his student

Ash_rajpoot786 · Fantasía
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31 Chs

Czn show his feelings to Mia


Mia and Czn sit across from each other at a cozy table, surrounded by soft candlelight and the pleasant ambiance of the restaurant. They both wear warm smiles as they enjoy each other's company.



Thank you for bringing me here, Czn. It's really sweet of you.



You took care of me when I was sick, so it's the least I could do. Plus, I wanted to spend some quality time with you.

Mia's heart flutters at his words. She feels a warm connection with Czn and is eager to know more about his memories of their childhood.



Tell me, Czn, do you remember when we used to play together as kids?



Of course, I do. We used to have so much fun, didn't we? We would play hide-and-seek in the park, and you were always so good at finding the best hiding spots.

Mia laughs, reminiscing about their innocent childhood games.



And do you remember that time we made a secret fort in your backyard? We pretended it was our secret hideout.



Oh, how could I forget? We had our own little world in that fort, and we would spend hours just talking and dreaming.



Those were some of the best times. It's incredible how you still remember all those little details.



You've always been important to me, Mia. Our memories together are precious, and I cherish each one of them.

Mia feels her heart swell with emotion, touched by Czn's sincerity.


(looking into his eyes)

And you're important to me too, Czn. You've always been there for me, and I appreciate your friendship.

Czn reaches across the table and gently takes Mia's hand in his.



Mia, our friendship means the world to me, but I have to be honest. I've always felt something more for you, something deeper.

Mia feels her cheeks flush, realizing that she's not the only one with feelings that go beyond friendship.



Czn, I... I have feelings for you too.

Their eyes lock, and in that moment, they both know that their connection runs deeper than mere friendship. They share a warm and intimate smile, knowing that they have finally found something special in each other.



I'm glad we finally talked about this. I don't want to hide my feelings anymore.


(leaning closer)

Let's see where this journey takes us, together.

Czn squeezes her hand gently, and they continue their dinner, reveling in the joy and excitement of the newfound understanding between them.


The atmosphere is filled with warmth and anticipation as Mia and Czn continue their conversation.



Czn, there's something important I need to tell you. I'm dating someone, and I want to be honest with you about it.


(listening attentively)

Go ahead, Mia. You can tell me anything.

Mia takes a deep breath, gathering her thoughts.



I'm dating one of my students, Cris. It's a complicated situation, but I didn't want to hide it from you.

Czn looks surprised for a moment, but he quickly composes himself, understanding the complexity of the situation.



I appreciate your honesty, Mia. I understand that it must be difficult for you to navigate this. And I want you to know that I value our friendship regardless.



Thank you, Czn. It means a lot to me that you're understanding.



Of course. Our friendship has always been special to me, and I don't want anything to change that. Besides, I've always believed that honesty and communication are essential in any relationship.



You're right. And I want you to know that I care about you deeply, Czn. You've been such a good friend to me, and I don't want to lose that.



I feel the same way, Mia. You're important to me, and I cherish our friendship too.

They share a warm smile, reaffirming the strength of their bond.



I hope this doesn't change things between us.



It won't, Mia. We'll figure this out together, just like we always have.

Mia feels a sense of relief, knowing that she can be honest with Czn without jeopardizing their friendship. She realizes that the bond they share is strong enough to weather any storm.

As the evening continues, Mia and Czn enjoy their time together, strengthened by their open communication and understanding. They look forward to many more memories to come, knowing that their friendship will remain steadfast and true.


Mia and Czn are in the middle of their workout routine, focusing on their exercises. Cris notices them from afar and approaches with a friendly smile.



Hey, Miss Mia, and her new boyfriend, Czn! You guys look great together.

Mia and Czn exchange amused glances, not taking Cris's teasing too seriously.



Cris, there's nothing like that. Czn and I are just friends, hitting the gym together this morning.



Yeah, Mia was feeling a bit hungover from last night, so we thought exercising would help her sober up.



Well, it's good to see you both here. And I must admit, it's great to have you in the same gym as me, Miss Mia.

Mia playfully rolls her eyes at Cris's remark.



Oh, please, Cris. You know I'm just here to stay fit and healthy.



Of course, Miss Mia. It's always important to take care of ourselves.



Exactly. I plan to come to the gym regularly from now on.

Czn joins in the conversation, feeling comfortable in their camaraderie.



That's the spirit, Mia. Exercising regularly will not only help you stay sober but also improve your overall well-being.

Mia smiles gratefully at Czn's support.



Thanks, Czn. Having you here as a workout buddy makes this more enjoyable.



Enjoyable, huh? Well, you two have fun. I'll see you around.

As Cris walks away, Mia and Czn share a knowing smile.



He's just teasing, right?



Absolutely. Cris has a playful side, and he enjoys poking fun at me.



Well, I'm glad we're clear about us being just friends. I value our friendship, Mia.



Me too, Czn. Friends first, always.

With newfound understanding and friendship, Mia and Czn continue their workout, feeling grateful for each other's presence in their lives.


Mia, Czn, and Cris sit together at a table, enjoying their breakfast.



So, Cris, how did you and Miss Mia get close? Did you ask her on a date first?



Well, it's a bit of a long story, but I'll give you the short version. We started getting close when I asked her for help with my studies. She's an amazing teacher, you know?



Definitely, she's brilliant at what she does.



As we spent more time together, I started to realize that I had feelings for her, but I was confused. So, one day, I blurted out that I liked someone else just to see her reaction.


(raising an eyebrow)

And how did she react?



Let's just say, she wasn't too happy about it. I think I hurt her with my words, and that's when I realized that I didn't want to play with her feelings.



So, what happened next?



I went to her and apologized for what I said. I told her the truth about my feelings, that I actually liked her. We talked, and things slowly started to fall into place.



I'm glad you were honest with her. It takes courage to admit your feelings.



Yeah, it was scary, but it was worth it. We started dating, and now we're in a good place. We're taking things one step at a time.



That's great to hear. I'm happy for you both.

Mia smiles appreciatively at Cris's words, glad that he's being open with Czn about their relationship.


(leaning in)

And to answer your other question, Czn, Cris asked me out on our first date. He was really sweet about it.



Yeah, I had to make sure she knew I was serious about her.



And you did a great job, Cris. I'm lucky to have you.

The three of them share a warm moment, enjoying each other's company and the newfound understanding between them.



Well, it's clear that you two care about each other a lot. I'm glad to see you happy together.



Thanks, Czn. And thank you for being a good friend to Mia. It means a lot to both of us.



Of course. Friends are there for each other, after all.

As they continue their breakfast, Mia, Czn, and Cris feel a sense of camaraderie and trust, knowing that they have each other's backs in both friendship and love.

Mia, Czn, and Cris are still sitting together, sipping on their drinks.



So, does anyone else in school know about your relationship?



Not really, except for our close friends, like Emily, Zyan, and Kevin. We decided to keep it low-key for now to avoid any awkward situations.



Yeah, it's better this way. We want to keep things private until we're both comfortable sharing with everyone.



I understand. It's important to take things at your own pace and in your own time.



Thank you for understanding, Czn. We value our friendship, and it's nice to have your support.



Of course, Mia. I'm happy for you both, and I'm here for you whenever you need a friend to talk to.



Thanks, man. It means a lot to us.

As they continue their conversation, the three friends feel a sense of trust and solidarity. They know they can rely on each other, both in their friendship and in their romantic relationships.


(looking at her watch)

Oh, we should probably head to class. We don't want to be late.



You're right. Let's go.

They gather their belongings and bid each other goodbye, knowing that their bond has grown stronger through honesty and open communication.