
My stubborn Archenemy of mia vita

Jennie is... How do I call it. She is very beautiful No stunning even But here's a thing. She's pain in the ass the most infuriating woman I know Her stubbornness is out of this world. And she's weird as fuck Not to mention she's a fucking tomboy. Like who does that? A lady so devastatingly beautiful wait no- I mean she's pretty but not beautiful. ugh okay don't roll your eyes on me people! Okay she is beautiful now that I said it happy? (Rolled eyes) Well like what I was saying a lady so devastatingly beautiful like her should be polite, graceful,knows the proper etiquette and very soft, feminine. But no she's a fucking man who's trapped on a 23years old woman who look like she run the world by her fucking fingers just by the smug look she gives me when she win the stupid argument she was always asking from me. Her name doesn't suet her well  because for real that woman is crazy. Do you know what she'd done to me when we first have a conversation? No you can't believe it. And it's embarrassing.. She karate me!! Me the highest rank of the manoban association. I was being feared by my men, the people who knows me practically worship me . And yet this girl just practically karate me until I bleed to death. She was crazy! Childish! A psychopath! I hate her . How can someone who is petite a 5'2 woman who weight like nothing if I decided to punish her and fuck that pretty annoying  mouth of hers till she's dripping with my semen But I was not the kind of guy who hurt women. I'm better than that. Mother thought me better than that. But she really drive me crazy sometimes that I just I wanted to shut her pretty mouth up with my mouth. She's loud , nosy , and very blunt. She has no break when she started opening her mouth She's infuriating and so damn unlikable. But why I'm so drawn to her somehow? Why it makes me crave to hear her rants about useless things And why it makes me warm and woozy fuzzy when she give me those rare genuine smile and innocent look on her eyes. I'm a tough guy! I basically run my family business for God sake!urgh. Who the hell is this girl? She just popped out in my life one day and boom. She confused the hell out of me at the same time she brings the best and the worst in me. Everything is dark, the world is crumbling around me and I can't even bring myself to care because I'm too busy mourning my young late wife who got murdered by the enemy. And then out of nowhere she just happened to be in my wedding , my arranged marriage to be exact   ruining it by saying she's pregnant with my child. When in fact I don't even remember that Annoying pretty face of the woman. Like who the fuck is this girl? But that doesn't end it there She makes me go insane just by existing. I never loose my cool until her. I kill people without second thought, without batting my eyes. Blood basically is like a water on my field of business, I first kill when I was 7 when my grandpop order me to kill the man who dare to steal my favorite watch that grandpop gift me. I run the biggest smuggling here in Korea and mexico I buy and cell guns and drugs one Asia and Europe and yet just by the charming smile she's giving me is enough for me to stumble into my knees and worship her . I'm fucking whipped and obsessed with her . Again Who the hell is this girl? _____ Me? Who I am? I'm your nightmare sugar pop.

Jilskie27 · Famosos
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5 Chs

Chapter 4_ Masquerade party

"Okay, "

"What do you mean okay?" She has a hopeful eyes with a grin about to break free.

I rolled my eyes, I padded my way into the kitchen counter to prepare my coffee she didn't move a single limbs still standing looking at me expectantly, I take a sip on my coffee I avoided her gaze as I give it time to think and maybe back out, I still have time to think about this if I really wanted my life to be messier given the fact that one's I give my final answer to rosè there's no turning back.

"Okay, I'll do it."

"Oh my god!!"

A deffeinning squeal echoed the kitchenette as I rolled my eyes again.

"Thank you hubby I owe you big time!"she hugged me as I pat her arms around me.

"Yeah you owe me big time and I'm only doing this for my documentary project so prepare yourself for the journalist Jennie Kim" I smirk.

"Uh-oh I think I'm gonna regret this."

"No turning back"

"Yeah I know" this time it's her turn to rolled her eyes.

"So how do we do this?"

She smirks.

"There's a masquerade party  next week you need to attend." I look at her confused

"Theme of the party is Greek mythologies, you need to wear the grandest gown we could find." I still don't know what she means.

"You're going with me Jennie, it's a grand official announcement of Lisa's engagement party." She sigh I gape to her, realization downed on me .

I'm screwed.

So that night we make a plan.


"Cheer up preya  this is your day! There's more to come!"

"You don't have better things to do, So you came here to annoy me chu?" I massage my temple , my long day is yet to start and I'm already having a head ache.

"C'mon , i'm here to cheer you up , we didn't want the soon to be groom to look like a sulky toddler infront of her soon to be wife tonight would we?"

"Shut up I'm trying to have my peace in here for a moment."

Suddenly her expression turned serious, sympathy overtaking on her orbs.

I sigh , I hate that look.

"Ok, imma head out now, you look good. Don't keep the bride waiting" I gave her a look before she leave.

I wasn't stupid, I know I'm digging my own grave for agreeing this stupid idea of my grandfather but I don't have a choice either I back out and lose everything I built or agree to this wedding, produce one heir and I'm free to do whatever I want.

I just wish it's a different circumstances

I just wish my wife is here to soothe my worry , I'll trade anything just to feel her presence beside me right now.


Seriously? I don't know what in doing here really.

I feel left out and this kind of parties is not my thing .

So here's the plan

According to rosie need to look  sophisticated and presentable in case Lisa's and I's path Cross, I'll have a pleasant impression to her sister, Well I don't give a damn about first impression or whatever I just want to know why I'm here and what's the purpose of my presence here.


Plan number A.

I should make Lisa manoban fall inlove with me and make her decide to cancel her own engagement party .

I'm gonna lure her into my sexy ass and make her obsessed with me.

I mean how crazy is that?

Ridiculous right?

I can already myself regretting this .

And if it doesn't work we're going to proceed to plan B.

Which is ruining the wedding I need to go crazy Infront of thousands of people and mind you big names in the industry of business.

That. Is ten times crazier.

I can't believe I'm doing this.

Gosh I can already feel the panic rising as I walk around the big spacious place with gold chandelier and elegant sophisticated people around me talking and laughing elegantly on one another while holding champagne and wine.

And here I am alone wearing my Athena the goddess of beauty costume it's a beautiful silver nude gown complementing my glass our figure and white cream skin, partnered by a sparkling heavy silver earring and necklace. It's Rosie's , well according to her I look dazzling tonight but I don't feel like it honestly. My hair was styled like a princess curly hair clipped by the back my silver  mask hide my simple make up,  well it suits me doesn't it? I feel like a victim and a villainess at the same time, given the fact that even though I'm a  innocent looking I'm gonna ruin a wedding soon.

I feel so left out and really uncomfortable, I get grab the champagne offered by the waitresses

I gulp it in one go cursing Rosie.

Where the hell is she ? I thought she's only going to leave me here for a little bit.

Little bit my ass.

It's been 10 minutes and I'm alone and uncomfortable here  for God sake!

Curse you Rosie for leaving me here alone.

A waitress is passing carrying a tray with four glasses of champagne so grab two again and drink the first in one go , the waitress gives me an odd look  surprised by my manners.

Fuck you're latin etiquette.

I put the glass again on the tray he is holding before i walk away.

I decided to find that chipmunk in every corner of this place.

I feel myself getting tipsy, I always have a low tolerance in alcohol.

I sway and almost trip myself flatt on the flour embarrassingly when a strong big hands gripped my elbow to regain my balance.

The champagne I'm holding spilled a little on my suffocating corset.

"Careful there lady, we wouldn't want  to embarrass yourself Infront of these people."

A husky demanding voice is heard behind me.

As I look at the owner of the voice and scan the person from head to toe,

He wore a white perfectly cut tux that hugged her lean body, with tousled black hair perfectly comb into place, her tantalizing  physique is slim yet muscled , broad strong shoulder is a definite charisma and intimidating height is a confidence perfection.

But the only that made me drawn into her is her marble deep brown eyes that almost black behind her mask, unlike mine hers almost cover all her face only the plumpness of her lips is visible so I can't really quite recognize her face if we ever met before.

looking at her

She was very interesting.

She look me up and down.

"I believe we've never met before,I'm not good at remembering faces but yours surely is made to be remembered."

I arch my brows to her.

Of course I know he's flirting with me and I'm not in the mood to flirt with people who has a ego bigger than their jun-jun.

I know people like her, dangerous, cunning , and dominant a person who like to control everything they will strip your dignity and self worth by their manipulation and hunger for control until there's no left for you to keep.

"Hmm, you're not wrong on that, I'm not much a fan of being seen, I'd like to keep my shadow mysterious. You know for the excite that comes with it." I said as if I'm bored just by trying to converse with her

" You're interesting.. allow me to--" her words is cut off  By the person on the stage holding a mic.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, we gathered here tonight to celebrate our beloved CEO of manoban corporation Lalisa's official engagement with her fiance Jeon Somi." The crowd applaud some cheered.

And that's my cue to leave and snuck out to find Rosie.

I texted her cursing her for bailing me here alone.

'where the fuck are you?!'

' helloo?? I swear to god Rosie if you're not gonna be here in 5 mns I'm gonna do something stupid and you're not gonna like it."

She still doesn't answer , the event is starting or maybe it's done but I couldn't careless.

"I didn't get to introduce myself..so allow me to introduce myself now, the name is Lisa. And you are?" I look at the handsome guy who I was talking to before the event has started.

It shock me to the point my eyes goes big as owl surely my eyeballs about to fall off my sockets.

"Oh uh.." I numbly mumbled, holy shit I can't believe it. I've talk with the lalisa manoban already and I didn't even know it! How dumb I can be!


"Oh there you are! Jen! I've been looking for you my phone is dead and I can't find you- " Rosie cut her words as her eyes double on it size also as she look at me and back to Lisa there's a hint of smile to break free on the corner of her mouth.

"Lisa my big bad sister! Where is Somi?" Rosie ask as she gave her sister a kiss on the cheeks .

"Why little sis, how do I owe you to attend the party when you're the one who insist that this is pointless." Said Lisa with a sarcastic voice it only fuel Rosie's smile to break free and it does with a snort of course.

"Well.. of course I couldn't pass to attend my big sis big night, do I?" She smirk.