
My Strength Comes From A System

" sigh ....... I regret my previous life ......... Now that I have another chance I will not make the previous mistakes ......... I will live a happy life and protect my beloved ones ....... I definitely will become the strongest ......... no one will bother me and stay alive " This is the story of Alex who get a chance to live again in a world where the power is everything with the assistance of the system he will become the strongest , and discover his true identity . Follow him in his journey . did you like the story ? comment below :)

AHM · Fantasía
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39 Chs

Ch . 31

The fight between Alex and the goblin's leader began .

Alex wanted to use close combat and defeat his enemy but he couldn't . The goblin started attacking , he used fire balls spell . Alex dodged the fire balls by jumping , he then was going to land but he noticed that there is a hole under him .

The goblin must have used the earth element and created this hole .

Alex used the ice element and closed the hole and he landed on the ice .

The goblin's leader face changed , he set his mind and decided to finish the fight as soon as possible .

Earth spikes appeard under Alex's feet . He jumped to the back , but more spikes appeard .

Alex landed on a tree branch . A bow appeared in his hand , he pulled an arrow and shoot . Alex shoot four arrows at the goblin , but he missed his target , the arrows landed beside him .

The goblin didn't care about the arrows , he placed his magical wand infront of him and began chanting his spell , two rocks appeard infront of him , the two rocks began to ignite with fire .

" I will kill y ..... " Before he continued his words , the arrows beside him exploded leading to the vanishing of his spell .

" Hahaha , that spell must have consumed a lot of his energy , I wil finish him now . "

Alex landed on the ground and dashed toward the goblin , he held his sword and slashed the goblin .

The goblin's body disappeared before Alex touch it .

" Where is he ? Where did he go ? " Alex noticed blood on the ground , it is the goblin's blood , the explosive arrows have hit him . Alex then began to search for the goblin , he used his sensor skill , heat detector and night vision . Alex scanned the nearby area but he didn't find a trace for that goblin .

" Wait a minute , maybe he is hiding under ground !!! " Alex came to this conclusion , he focused his sensor skill on the ground , and began to search .

" I finally found you ..... " Alex found the goblin's leader he was escaping back to his army .

Alex used his energy lock on the goblin .

" ..... What is going on , I can't move ." The goblin was using the earth element to move underground , but he suddenly was paralyzed in his spot .

Alex moved and stood above the goblin , he created a hole in the ground from where he standing up to the goblin's place .

The goblin saw light above him , then he realised that it is night , so where are this light coming from .

Alex used his skill flying swords and filled the hole . Countless flying swords dashed downward and landed on the goblin's leader head .

The swords disappeared and so the goblin's head , Alex stored his body and went to the mountain's peak .

Ding ~ Ding

" You have leveled up , you have received a new skill . "

Tracking : when you hit someone a special symbol will stuck on his body that allows you to track him and know his whereabouts .

Name : Alex Wayen

Age : 10 years old

level : 14/ 25 intermediate level

Class : mage , swordman , archer , assassin .

Energy : mana , warrior energy ( ki ) Elements : fire , water , earth , wind , ice Skills : sensor , mana recharge , ki recharge , map , stealth moves , night vision , heat detector , black dragon outfit , poison touch , bolossom sword style , appraising , five elements sword , change face appearence , inventory , body strengthenning , shadow moves , body recovery , change race , flying swords , poison resistance , fire resistance , arrow's rain , eagle eye , five elements arrows , books inventory , wind resistance , earth resistance , water resistance , ice resistance , explosion arrows , spherical shield , magic traps , energy prison , damage amplifier , tracking arrows , energy seal , spells reflection , black hand , tracking .

Summonned creatures : spider king , lighting king , elve's queen .

" It is been a long time since I leveled up . If I had this new skill before , I wouldn't have suffered with the goblin . "

Alex informed Lio to tell the lizards to attack with their full strength .

Along his way to the lizards village Alex killed all the goblins , he started killing from below and the lizards from above .

After some minutes , not a single goblin exists , every goblin was killed , Alex collected their cores and stored their bodies , he will later sell them at the adventurer's guide .

" Today we lost ten of our brothers , they sacrificed their lives to defend the village , they are heroes , and we will remember them ..... " Alex remained with the lizards for some time , he helped them cleaning the blood and building the destroyed walls .

When the sun shines , Alex went home .

Along his way back , he was thinking of a way to makethe lizards stronger , because danger is everywhere .