

A writer named Emily, dreams of being Katelyn, the wife of a man named Sean. Meanwhile, she was traumatized by her previous lover's betrayal and never had contact with a man after that. Sean slowly heals these old wounds in the dream, making him feel like he is falling in love again and then building a happy family with Sean.

QueenMama · Fantasía
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54 Chs

The Beginning

" Click..click..Creak...BAMMM...I opened my apartment door, passed through it, closed it, and locked it.

"Chink..Chink..Clank..." I dropped my keychain on a nearby small table. I walked inside and into my kitchen. I grabbed a packet of Chamomile tea bag from my kitchen drawer, took my favorite cup from the kitchen shelf, set it on the table, removed the tea bag packet, and inserted the tea bag into the cup.

I filled my electrical jar with tab water and then pressed the cook button. I took a package of frozen waffles from the fridge and heated them in the microwave. I lifted my electrical jar once it was finished and filled my cup with boiling water. After removing the waffles from the microwave, garnish with chocolate drizzles and mixed berries.

After finishing up, I left the kitchen and went into my bedroom to clean myself. When I finish, I put on my most comfortable favorite mini dress nightgown. It had been a long day for me, so I needed to rest. I enjoyed my tea and waffles, which helped me relax.

In the middle of my relaxing time, I remembered I had something to do that night, so I ended it and began preparing for work.

I have no idea what I will write on this piece of paper in front of me. My mind goes to the past as I consider the story idea for my new writing project now.

A recollection returned to fill my mind and elicit sentiments that made my chest tighten. I instantly felt like I was in a deep and dark hole, wrestling with my lonely soul. Isn't someone helping me, dragging me out of this quagmire? In my impotence, a force burst through my soul, revolting against all that was crushing me... a split second later, my body felt light. What happened, I wondered. I blink open my eyes.

A dazzling light assaulted my eyes, causing my left hand to rise to shield my face. Meanwhile, my right hand is immobile. When I turned around, my right hand was being held by a warm and powerful hand. My attention wandered from the hand to the shoulder and finally to the owner of the hand's face. A set of blue-gray eyes met mine. He gave me a friendly smile. Who is He ? I have never met him before. I blinked, perplexed. What happened? What am I doing here? What is his name? Why is he clutching my hand? All of these questions were circling in my head, making me dizzy.

I held my head "HHZZHHH" a hiss came out of my mouth. "What's wrong? Are you not feeling well ? " He asked. As soon as I heard his voice he carried me cautiously towards a house. The unexpected movement prompted me to wrap my arms around his neck. We passed several people who gave us anxious looks. They promptly cleared the path for us. When he arrived in front of a large and high door, he pushed it open with his foot. You may observe a nice, clean room with dominant white and gold colors. He gently placed me on a bed in that room. Then he sat down next to me and stared at me. He touched my face and traced it with his finger with a worried face. "You are okay? What do you feel ?"

I simply remained silent because I was unsure how to respond to him. When he realized I hadn't responded, he reached into his trouser pocket and pulled out a black cell phone. He was fiddling with his phone and putting it on the small table next to the bed I was on. He then stood up, grabbed a glass, and poured water from a thermos next to it. Bringing the glass back to me and assisting me in slowly drinking it. He replaced the glass next to the thermos after I finished drinking. "I've already called Elena here," he said. Please wait a moment. "She'll examine you."

I just nodded and closed my eyes, digesting what had happened. But instead of finding an answer to what was going on, I became even more perplexed. I didn't want to think any longer because my head was spinning again.

The sound of the door opening caught my attention. A woman's voice spoke to the man who was carrying me. "What did you call me here for?" the woman inquired. He responded: "Katelyn...She was holding her head as if she was in pain." Footsteps approached me, but I remained silent, not opening my eyes. I acted in this manner so that they would not talk to me. A gentle hand rested on my wrist. She apparently checked my pulse and my forehead. I waited nervously for what would happen next, remaining silent while listening to what she had to say.

"You don't need to worry," the woman said. "She's just exhausted." Allow her to rest."

The man breathed a sigh of relief as he heard the woman's words. He went on to say "No need for treatment or anything?"

"No need," said the woman.

"Okay... Thank you," the man said, exhaling relief. Not long after that, I heard footsteps walking away from me, followed by the sound of the door being opened and then closed again.

 I didn't dare to open my eyes because I could still feel someone in the room. "A hot sensation spread throughout my body as someone kissed my cheek and forehead. I resisted the urge to move with all my might. "Don't worry," the man said as he grab my hand. "I'll be waiting for you here." The bed shifted for he laid down next to me. 

A hand pressed against my waist. He wrapped his arms around my waist. My heart is racing as I feel his embrace. I remained silent while attempting to calm my heartbeat. Feeling his embrace soon brought on a sense of comfort. My lips lifted slightly without my being aware of it. What exactly is this sensation? "No...no," I reasoned. I ignored the sensation. I finally fell asleep because I closed my eyes for too long and pretended to be quiet. Meanwhile, the man finally dozed off next to me.