
My Stash of fanfics ,webnovels and lightnovels

A collection of novels that I enjoyed. I am posting this due to lack of good mcs on this site. I will mostly post stories where mc is calm or rational for the most part. I will be posting the first chapters of all novels in it, you can just go to their respective sites for more and support the authors. Inspired by 'My Self-Insert Stash '. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the stories mentioned here.

Ms_Magician · Cómic
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89 Chs

69: Through the Dimensionhole and into Gamingland! By: AspiringWriterInWayOverHisHead(Hp x Gamer)

Fic type: OC/Si

Another gamer fic.*sigh*

This one is after canon which is different and new also, Hermione is single. I really hated that ship anyway.

Aside from Hermione being a bit desperate and thirsty, this is an alright fic with room to grow.

Hopefully it gets better with more chapters.


Through the Dimensionhole and into Gamingland!

By: AspiringWriterInWayOverHisHead

Join Haiiro as he, too, joins the fold of the Gamers as an R.O.B. yoinks him away from certain oblivion. He will walk in the footsteps of his seniors (maybe) and accomplish things they never did! Let us just hope the fates haven't yet again chosen a Gamer with a twisted mind or a skewed sense of morality! First stop, Magicland! Dark!Grey!MC !Lemons (maybe), !slow start

Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Supernatural - Chapters: 2 - Words: 12,283 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 127 - Follows: 148 - Updated: Mar 13 - Published: Mar 12 - id: 13520648

Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13520648/1/Through-the-Dimensionhole-and-into-Gamingland


Chapter 1: You're a lizard H- What do you mean NO ?


CHAPTER 1: You're a lizard H- What do you mean NO ?!

The Multiverse.

From a single dot at the very first point in time and space. In that single instance where it was brought into existence, but before anything else happed, it was a … singularity.

THEN came the first event and the dot grew. It expanded. Probabilities on top of probabilities of things happening … or not happening. And so it started branching out. And on those strands it branched out again, and again … and again. Always expanding, more and more, faster and faster.

And then came sentience and with sentience came decisions. And with decisions came more branching, infinitely more.

And then came sapience and with sapience came imagination, and dreams. And the multiverse blossomed.

If a mortal were to look upon the vastness that is the possibilities of infinite other possibilities they would wish they had a better word because infinite would suddenly start to feel so SMALL. Insignificant almost.

The web of multiverses, an infinite lattice of different worlds, dimensions that each have infinite possible iterations and paths. Truly a work that could break the mind of lesser beings.

But through it all are the CONSTANTS like Electromagnetism, Radiation, Gravity. But also Life, Death and emotions like Love, Anger, Hatred, Jealousy and so on and so forth.

But even before those there was the constant of GROWTH and it is through Growth tha-

"Oh for FUCKS sake! Are you telling me that I just listened to the most boring intro to the Multiverse JUST so you could Segway it into an introduction to the Gaming System?"

User I was not finished with with my explanation-

"Oh stuff it, who even needs such a long explanation just to say you're the concept of growth poured into a handy User Interface or something."

But I am not!

"Gods you suck, can I get a refund on this?"

I came free of charge and without my involvement you would still be dead and would in fact have been reduced to nothingness.

"Welcome aboard ?"

Now as I was saying-

"Oh come on, I don't need you to tell me what the Multiverse is, if it even matters in the grand scheme of things. Is this necessary knowledge to get through whatever world you'll put me in? Besides, Multiverse is a fluid concept, I can google all that stuff and look it up on fanfiction websites or something."

Not where we are going!

"Wait wh-" !

If you thought dying and getting pulled through the Soul Bridge was a wacky and trippy experience! Let me tell you, you have not yet experienced forced Dimension hopping done by a Gaming System that doesn't care for your mental wellbeing.

Have you ever said something along the lines of: "I can't really explain it"? If you have then it's most likely you're just lazy or not very eloquent in your native tongue. Because if you really put in a little bit of effort you can explain and describe anything. I admit, even I am guilty of this truly lazy saying.

But to finally experience the unexplainable. It's alike to feeling like you finally understand the WHY. Like having someone show you all the answers to all the questions of life, making you feel all profound like one of those Chinese fantasy masters. All Confucius like, do or do not there is no try.

No wait that was Yoda.

Eh, close enough.

Thank you for taking Gaming System Dimensionlines,

We hope you had a non-lethal journey

And wish you happy trails.

"… You ASS! That was horrible!"

It's a work in progress

We used to black out people before engaging the dimensional hop but …

"But what?"

Well, some of them ended up as psychopaths and what have you

Especially the first one, he was reported to be a bit of an assh*^$ùµ==}le

What in the blazes …

Erhem, pardon.

Well it's a 50/50 probability between it having caused the psychosis or him just being born that way.

According to what my predecessors say it's most likely the latter.

"Fine, whatever. So what world did we end up in?"

Well that's up to you!

"What?! Why didn't you ask me BEFORE yanking me across the Multiverse?!"

Oh, that phase is just meant to weed out the people that don't want to indulge us,

like most people of a religion that promises an afterlife in paradise.

Also the people that we decide are too broken or too whole.

"So do they? Get their paradise or meet their loved ones?"

How should I know, I'm only an aspect of the concept of Growth,

whether there is something afterwards for those people is up to their Gods.

"Wait, Gods are r-"


Here are some of your options

The Lord of the Rings

Harry potter




Elder Scrolls


Mass Effect

Dragon Ball Z

Game of Thrones


Highschool DxD

Desolate Era

Many more

Choices are adaptable and System is open to suggestions or mergers

"I need a scroll function …"

Don't be a baby.

"How is this list even ordered? It seems so random."

It's based on your personal enjoyment when you encountered said fictions. The thing you enjoyed the most when you read/watched it will be at the top.

"… I enjoyed Pokémon more than most of the other things I experienced?" Memories of years and years of staying up late under my blankets to play Pokémon flash through my mind. "Ok yea that's fair."

"So I can even suggest Alternative Universes for those options? Like turning everyone relevant female or playing with OPness?

Yes and no.

Within reason we can change some things.

Changing the sex or orientation of people is easily done since there actually are alternate universes where this is a thing. After all, it's a 50/50 chance once fertilization happens, sort of.

What we can't really change is the strength or intelligence of the relevant people, and what we can change would be insignificant.

You can choose to be put BEFORE the start of cannon timeline but not TOO far afterwards because that would turn the iteration of that universe too unstable.

"Ah shit really? I kind of wanted my first world to be Harry Potter but like 10-12 years after the end of cannon to give myself a world to get used to the System and power up somewhat."

I might be able to arrange something, hang on.

I really hope I get to have a quasi free run. So many of those other options have fucking OP assholes that wouldn't mind putting a hole in my face just for the heck of it. Desolate Era? No thanks! The power-scaling in that place is even wackier than DB Super!

I keep thinking about what else I could have chosen. Elder Scrolls and Pokémon are close seconds but I need more information or power before I head there. It hasn't escaped me that the worlds will probably be a lot more expansive than their fictional showings and with Pokémon there's a lot of things that could be detrimental to a powerless plebeian. Tamriel could also be a bad place to start depending on what game I get put in. So I chose the world that has the highest survival rate for a fence sitter such as me.

Waiting for the System to get back to me is disconcerting. The talking distracts from the fact that I'm basically just floating around in a void and no matter how I orient myself it's always the same.

I wonder what I look like from someone else's perspective …

Right, we can accommodate you, somewhat …

Uh oh. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

"What do you mean, somewhat."

It's clear that you wanted a free run to get strong, away from the overly strong and dangerous villains and enthusiastic Heroes.

"*cough* Whaaaaaat?! No wayyyy … "


So anyway, we can put you 11-12 years after the end of canon because this means we just have to insert your birth at the very end of canon or just after it ended and then let the AU go forward with the most likely scenarios.

"Oh, that's not so bad!"


it will not be safe.

We have found that our chosen grow much faster, exponentially so, when put through strife or faced with adversity.

We lose some this way, true, but the loss is negligible.


"So what does this mean for me, exactly?"

There will be dangerous events and villainous groups targeting the magical community or the younger generation even if we just let the Universe run through its most likely events in those 12 years.

You will not be facing them right away but they will be there after a few years.

You will also be facing some … minor … disputes at Hogwarts.

"Oh that's fine. I suspect going through at least 5 years of Hogwarts without suspense would be dull otherwise. Can you ensure that Hermoine and Daphne Greengrass never married?"

Evidently. The most logical event right after the end of canon is the separation of the pairing of Ronald and Ms. Granger.

Ms. Greengrass was never paired up so we can even put her in Hogwarts as a teacher if you want since there will be a position to teach the muggleborn about magical culture.

"Thank God! Er, wait, who do I even praise anymore? The divines? Maybe?" Anyway it never made sense to pair up The Idiot with Hermoine. I bet the Author regretted it after the fact as well.

"How will it work logistically? Since you'll put me in 11-12 years AFTER I was born where did I come from, on paper? Will I have parents somewhere in that Universe, what about money?"

You're an emancipated orphan from a side branch of an old Bloodline and you will get a certain monthly stipend from the main vault until you're 15 years of age. At which point you will get limited access to the main vault.

It's a sizeable stipend and you will have your own apartment in Diagon Alley with a house elf for the holidays.

That's something at least. I doubt I'd be able to fake being a good son if I hadn't actually lived with them for a decade.

"That's fine. Is there anything else?"

You will be put in your place of residence right before the person that will guide you through the Alley for your Hogwarts purchases knocks on your door.

That should be all, everything else will be explained as you have the relevant encounters.

"Like what?"

You'll see.

"Motherf- fine! Send me away!" Cheapskates always trying to be mysterious and shit, typical R.O.B. behaviour.

You'll black out and enter a sleep state as we integrate your consciousness with your new body.

Have no fear, you have been provided with the optimal body alongside the specifications that most previous male Gamers left behind.

The Growing of said body will be up to you.

Night night!



"Ffffffffuck what a trip … "

I fling out my left arm to brush alongside the top of the radio to turn it to snooze-mode but all I feel is my arm being encased in softness.

Not the softness of a body of the fairer sex but that of a heavenly bed. Better than anything I ever slept in that's for sure.

I fling out my right arm and end up with most of the same thing. Big bed.


Where is this shit even coming from?! It's like it's coming from my head!

That is because it IS coming from your head!


"EEEK!" I yell in a truly manly voice as I jerk awake from the voice I just heard inside my head only to slowly remember everything that happened last night.

Was it actually last night?

Well once you start dealing in Multiverses and Alternative Accelerated Timelines, time kind of starts to lose its meaning.

But yes, from your perspective it was technically just last night that we last spoke.

"Okayyy … So will you always be around to chat with or … ?"

I should always be available, yes.

My own personal voyeur, fantastic.

I can hear that.

CRAP! "Crap!"

"So what is your personality based on anyway? You seem kind of familiar but I kind of want to punch you in the face."

The personality of every Gaming Interface is decided by that of its wielder. This ensures optimal efficiency in interactions between them.

So the reason you want to punch me in the face … is because I'm a lot like you. Meaning you're someone you would want to punch in the face.

"That … makes more sense that I wish it did … " Wow, I'm more of an ass than I thought I was.

By going through a moment of profound insight you gain: Wisdom +1!

"What the! You cheeky fucker!"

Don't worry about it, the early days are the easiest to grind attributes through random (un)intended actions.

You, however, have no time to look at your status at the moment as the person responsible for escorting you is almost here.

"Right! Thanks for reminding me! Having to make people wait on you is awkward as hell."

I get up from the huge bed I'm in, a canopied bed at that, and look around the room. Big room.

It's not QUITE posh, but it's almost there.

The furniture looks borderline antique, most cloth surfaces look like velvet and a lot of it is adorned with gold linings. Either my 'Ancient Family' is well rich or this is a gift from the Game.

The Grimm family really is that rich and this is one of their local properties, the smallest one actually, that you have access to.

Grimm? Like from Brothers Grimm? OK that's pretty cool.

I look around to find a huge closet with a tall mirror in the door and finally have a look at my new appearance that is supposedly close to a 'perfect form'.

Ok yea that's pretty close to perfect.

My hair is a very weird pitch black that still manages to look silky smooth but it also has a weird sheen to it that almost looks grey when I look at it from the corner of my eye. They went full cliché with the eyes and gave me some of the most startling azure blue eyes I've ever seen outside a magazine. All I need now is a white dragon form. Heh.

There's a slight exotic tilt to the edge of my eyes that doesn't entirely look western. If I had to guess I have some Asian roots.

But even though I have Asian roots I'm quite tall. I'm only supposed to be 12 years old or so but I'm around 1,65m which is not the tallest I've ever seen for that age but it's pretty darn close.

This body has also clearly been made with the intention of having practiced a pretty intense sport and I'm clearly seeing the starting of a six-pack and some other well defined muscles. I feel really limber as well and I could probably touch my toes if I tried.

… and I'm wearing 'The Gamer' shorts … Hilarious.

I look around and find what I assume is my outfit in a neatly folded pile. Grey shirt with black faded jeans, a leather jacket and boots. And sunglasses … Do wizards even have sunglasses?

I quickly get dressed since apparently I'm out of time and look in the mirror one final time before I head out.

God I look like one of those cliché bad boys. Almost like John Travolta in Grease.

Except you can't sing.


Hustle bad boy, she's here.

"Wow, that did not sound ominous. At. All."

I slide the sunglasses, Reban apparently, in the front pocket of my jacket and leave the room after unlocking the door. Why locked? I walk out into a hallway that has a few other doors with actual plaques on them to identify them. Bathroom, guestroom, guestroom, library.

I have my own library? Sweet!

It's rather bare at the moment, you'll have to fill it up.

"Yeah yeah, I'm visiting that bookstore later, aren't I? Might even hop into the Muggle part of London and stock up on some normal books as well. No need to ignore the sciences and I doubt the wizarding community is as progressed in the Fantasy and SF scene as the muggle world."

Those heathens!

I exit the hallway to walk into a big open space that is divided into parts, Sitting room with comfy looking seats, a coffee table and a marble fireplace on the right side, a dining table in the middle and an open kitchen on the left with one of those breakfast bars you always see on the TV.

Hold up, that's obviously the biggest refrigerator I've ever seen, how do wizards even have that?

It's enchanted. The Grimm family has never been as isolated from the muggle world as most people would expect.

"Cool, modern amenities!"

I'm about to head to the, frankly MASSIVE, refrigerator to pour myself one glass of whatever the fuck is available but I'm interrupted.

*knock, knock*

"Who's there?"

WOOPS, I answered that way too fast. Too many knock, knock jokes?

Whoever is outside did not hear me, apparently. Silence Wards? Amazing sound proofing? The walls or door don't LOOK very sound absorbing so it must be a ward or enchantment.

I head to the door and open it to the very last person I expected to see but one I fervently wished to meet as soon as possible.

As I'm somewhat dazed and staring at them they take the initiative in introducing themselves.

"Good morning! I am Professor Hermoine Granger and I'm responsible for guiding you through your purchases in Diagon Alley! It's nice to meet you Young mister Grimm!"


AUTHOR NOTES: This is my first dive into the world of published stories and I suspect it won't be that smooth a ride. I'm not a native English speaker and even if I have a lot of experience using English orally I don't particularly have the belief that everything I write will be top notch. So if you see glaring mistakes or little booboos in the story, give us a ring!

I'm also going to be experimenting, throughout this fic and others I'm writing on the side, with perspective and past or present tense. This one will be written in a rather Deep POV to try and give it a more ... movie/anime/action type feel. I personally prefer the stories where you can lose yourself in the perspective of the main character and follow along his footsteps so that is how I'll be writing this one, I think.

The MC isn't an SI but I'll be trying to put myself into the shoes of my character to give him some quirks that are similar to mine just to try and make the character feel a bit more realistic.

Keep in mind, this will be a rather Anti-Hero type MC.