
Chapter 62 Taking point for killer evolver

The morning of the day after the briefing, we all dock out and connect to the network of the army's battleship. We can communicate with all of the starship that are in this mission. We can also see people who chose to activate their camera inside their cockpit.

We chose to don't turn it on because the princess will be with us.

The general do is before war speach.

"You are all here. I speak with the youngster yesterday and we chose to fully use their starship. You surely don't know that they have a battleship. It's name is Legendary ghost and apparently they can pass unnotice in the radar. So I chose to let them approach before attacking. "

" Pffff you will let the pirates know that we are here. Nobody can pass unnotice in a radar. You listen to a group of baby that are better in the leg of their mother. "

I chose to activate my self concealment. We don't arrive in the regrouping area. And Julia ask when we arrive next to this area.

" Are you sur you will see us in your radar if we are next to you? "

" Don't take me for a fool. My men are the best for information you are nowhere for our 3 kilometer."

Nemo nod and I turn of my selfconcealmen.

We appear and Julia say

"Your men are really the best of the best. Yesterday my kaptain say that you have problem with your eyes. I think you will have to take a visit with the doctor really quickly."

We can ear the other starship ask how we appear next to them without be seen in their radar. But after they see that we are the Legendary Ghost they speak a little more loud.

"We are all here, hey Legendary ghost can you skout for us and go to the pirate base just before us. We will be behind you. Just let us know when you see something or have problem. We will add a bonus for that."

"My kaptain say no problem. We will go now. If we see a thing in our radar we will let you know."

Kenny start full power of our engine and after the last starship is at our 300 meter I activate my Ghost mode. We continue like that without any problem until we arrive at the pirate hideout. Then all starship group chose a position to shoot at them. I chose to go where I can see a lot of battleship and where no one of our allies will shoot.

"Legendary ghost can we know where you are because we don't see you."

"Yes we are just behind this asteroid. A little to your right. We will shoot an opening in the asteroid."

"Really good job to find it. Did you see another opening?"

"Yes just where you are a little on the upper parts of the asteroid we have see a opening. If you can shoot there you can probably destroy it more easily."

"Very good work guys."

Like always the gang of punching ball mercenary talk to don't say anything.

"See that the baby do a good job just because of their starship."

Another mercenary come to our help.

"Stop it you don't even know that this starship is special. It chose is owner and his crew. And before that this students are good. They chose to look at opening before starting our attack. They do a better job than the army scout before positioning themself at a good place to gain a lot of money. It's a professional experience and a great opportunity for them in this case. They use all of their starship utility without letting the other block them. "

" Thx veteran mercenary fo your prize. Our crew are more than happy to ear that. "

" Your welcome. General are you in position. "

"Yes we just arrive. Prepare for battle guys we will start in 2 minutes."