
My Space-Time System

Blake, a pro gamer and the winner of the Zetron gaming competition for the MMORPG Lord of Legends meets his doom together with few other participants or so he thought. Together with others, Blake gets summoned over to a world of fantasy and magic filled with danger and mysteries. However, to go back, they have to fulfill the job of wiping away a foreign civilization that threatens the existence of both the infinite realm and earth

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You have to prove it.

"I am apologizing because I really do like you and I want us to be lovers." Camilla said after she mustered confidence.

"…" For a moment Blake was stunned by Camilla's sudden confession because he had in no way expected that.

Looking at Camilla, Blake saw that her head was lowered to avoid eye contact. Her smooth face had turned beet-red and her fingers didn't stop moving around.

'Seems like her seductive acts are how she masks her true nature. Right now she reminds me of a less shy version of Tessie.' Blake thought.

"Your first reason is horse shit." Blake said causing Camilla to look up. "The problem with you nobles is that you all think that all that matters is power and wealth. So all those lacking any or both of them are not considered humans."

"If it was another commoner that saved your lives, will you thank him or feel disgusted?" Blake said. I don't care much about what is going on between the nobles and commoners, but think of it.